Thursday, March 26, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

You know, my love, that the virtue of faith can not be forced nor can our LORD be deceived. Therefore, is there really such a thing as a "religious war"?

Indeed, there are many things from the past that cause much grief to hearts who are zealous for honorable religion.

And so this is also the time to acquire the will and the wherewithal to make the choice to truly let those past things go. In the paradigm of the peace, there is no such thing as a "religious war". It is what it is, an oxymoron, nothing more, nothing less.

I have great dreams about the one Republic of the Philippines: A vision that involves all Filipinos. Now, a Filipino, we must understand, is not defined by externals.

It is not how we look like or sound like or even how our earthly names are perceived by others that we shall as human beings in the new age be defined in particular by honorable citizenship. For although externals are also important, in the context of the new, it is who we really and truly are in our heart of hearts that will allow us prevail together in God and Country.

We are a nation awakening from the terrible wake of time into the reality of new things, better things - it is time to open the eyes that from within shall allow us to see all things in this world that are worth seeing in ourselves as well as in others apart from us.

Let us, as a Filipino nation, appreciate the efforts of those individuals who work to prosper the peace here in our own Country by desiring that same good for their own nations so that peace may soon reign in one family of the nations of Mankind. And let us mean it by placing it in the timeless universe that is alive within each our souls. Lest we forget, lest we forget.

We must look into our AFP post elections 2010: AFP modernization must begin with boots and rifles, and a design for a Philippine-type BDU urban camouflage pattern and soldier kit that is fit for use particularly in that setting. The relevance of all of this will become apparent when we look into the effects of globalization on the evolution of conflict.

After economy, territory, and ideology, the particular scope of War's deception will specifically focus on our humanity itself; it will directly or indirectly, whether by overt or covert means, target all of our population centers in exile time by rise and significance.

The Abrahamic Home Guard being by its nature a stability force must train to become especially proficient in countering and deterring threats against our shared humanity, specifically in the urban context; our population centers. Here in my native Philippines, I personally envision this specific core capability of the Philippine chapter of the one Guard to be our particular national contribution to the collective defense of our nations of the one family of the nations of Mankind.

Also, let us never fail to consider, those of us who have already made the shift in our souls, that all our understanding may only be completely and pertinently applied in the context of the one peace.

I have to go for now, my love.

I love you.

Always to always,


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