Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

The particular experience of social evil manifest as each our common experience as peoples of the one family of humanity have not only continually defined the distinct history of each of our nations, born and bred in battle against war from without and the evil ambition of war from within, but have also consistently drawn and re-drawn for our world, the geo-political evolutions that now represent the current limits of each of our own particular endeavors of Country, and should serve, by the empirical breadth and significant width of its girt, as a planetary indication to our shared humanity of the things that now upon this inhabited earth ought to be at this present time in contrast to the things that were hitherto.

And where the paradigm of the peace is concerned, we should understand, it is not the present evolution of the geo-political map itself that ought to be redefined as if there were not tragedy enough already in the wake of two thousand years of war but the actual limits themselves.

These status quo limits animated by the paradigm of war presents tensions that are exclusively military in nature and as such rip apart our nations already simmering in a climate of war for millennia.

But like we said before, hope is also a tension and it is this and only this kind of tension that is needed to transform the status quo limits of Country from limits that imprison the nations of our world in war and deception to those that unite them in limitless peace and partnership.

We do not need to reinvent our world in order for our world to better itself but we do need to recreate in our hearts the universe we should like to see brought out from the love that lives within each of our selves.

The ASEAN evolution that the leaders of my regional community have placed at 2015 should stand to gain much by the understanding that it is not each of our nations by themselves that we need to scrutinize in order to foster the vision of ASEAN but the relationships that define us as a region. Indeed, there are many things that needs to change but that change is something that needs to happen by each nation's willingness to look into itself in the context of its neighbors and the world of the one family of the nations of Mankind that it ultimately absolutely belongs to and to work in partnership with other endeavors of Country to be the necessary change that shall ensure its viable existence in a globalized planet.

Moral relevance and economics possess a ratio that is quite substantial yet difficult to measure because this economy as a whole belongs not to the material economy that our accounting can balance by capital and cents. This moral relevance shall dominate the geo-political climate of the new age so that war as a whole shall be allowed to devour those nations who possess not in its own being the necessary sword of truth and shield of peace that is able to fend off the relentless assaults of this rabid beast.

Interdependence and the purpose of life for which our nations were founded must achieve their necessary and enabling fruition in our one family of nations in general and in each our endeavors of Country in particular.

Effective and responsible conflict resolution and the attaining of the sustainable peace across the scale of the wholes also present for our nations substantial rewards that are directly measurable in economic gains which is why I have chosen to focus on breaking the siege of war first and foremost by setting the ground of the peace upon which our responsible nations may set their will against the charge of the Dragon and his hosts.

These material rewards are better suited to lifting and uplifting the quality of life of the peoples of our world and as such I should like to see enjoyed in an expansive atmosphere of peace as opposed to this closed entropy of conflict that seem to maliciously and forcibly deny from the life and the labor of every passing generation any material progress that is gained or yet to be gained by the passing of the same, across the darkness of time and across rivers of tears, in God and in Country.

Only with great patience and courageous understanding of the complex relationships that work to undo the clutter of the myriad questions that millennia of conflict have left in its sobering wake can our nations understand together as one family the hope that must endure for our own sense of peace and shared humanity to prevail against these inescapable challenges unraveling in time along with the defining fabric of this present age that shall continually test the strength and unity of our inhabited earth.

We shall, as one family of Mankind, by reason of faith and virtue of unity, as nations belonging to each other in peace, stand to gain real rewards by strength of our good will, one with another, or remain mired in the very evils that gave rise to this promise of the present good. That we shall through history's painful wake by our needful retrospect have to learn this once again, after the moment has passed into oblivion, like it was to never have made the attempt should be a thing quite great in its regret.

So let the attempt be such an attempt so that even failure may escape this judgement, that life may press on if not so much better off then none the worse, trusting now with a trust that where life shall endure so does this, our hope and from hope to hope, where this, our hope for life shall endure, life shall always, always prevail and the eternal cause for which our nations were founded shall never break; that in the end, at the Last Day, we shall be left standing together in God and Country against the inevitable calamity that shall finally consume the beast of war, the last of our tears shed at the beginning of all things new.

I love you, my loveliest love.

Always to always,


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