Sunday, March 22, 2009


Dear darlingest Miyang Marie,

Ok, let me settle my thoughts down, my love. I've got about three or four different things trying to rise into my awareness right now and that just wouldn't do. I feel kind of excited because I've been to a place in Manila yesterday that was brimming with activity and rich with the cultural history of my people. It is a place behind Quiapo church around the Carriedo light rail station. Amidst these thoughts and observations are other things that come from much deeper and it is to these things that I know I must yield so that when they rise into my awareness, I am here.

Elections 2010:

Now, should you ask me, my Miyang, "do you have any political ambition, my love?" I would answer you, "No, I don't, my darlingest dear."

"Then why are you so personally interested in the Elections of 2010 in our beloved Philippines or in responsible government, the noble military, international relations and the sustainable peace, my love?"

"Because, they are our Lord's interests delivered through me, my darlingest dear. What I want as I am and in my own name is our friendships together, most especially yours, for your are my one and only Miyang Marie. And it is through this path of hope, set before me by God, that I am to gain all of these so that without this path my own hopes perish."

"What part does this peculiar hope of yours and mine invested in our uncommon friendship have upon this path of greater human hopes, my love?"

"My darlingest Annelies Marie Frank, as the numberless stars of our Father Abraham that together was intended by our LORD to guide the hopes of our nations eastward towards the dawning of the new, we are in our friendship a unit of one upon a firmament where every single point of starlight must be as such, a unit born from the power of two."

"My ambition is our timeless friendships together, my darlingest dear, and the only path to gain this hope is the path of our LORD's peace."

"For our LORD through the holy partiarch Noah made a Covenant with the nations, that we shall be as one family under the eternal vigilance of the one Almighty preserved by the remembrance of this peace and a promise to our Father Abraham, that we shall, as the numberless stars, bless the communities of Mankind; We shall All become at a time, times and half-a-time as our LORD has intended us to be, form always to always, as keepers and friends both as individual human beings and as individual human nations to each other."

"Therefore, we must help our beloved Philippines through to her elections in 2010 and beyond as we are likewise intended to help each and every one of our nations, exhausted from the long march of history, so badly broken and deeply wounded in its terrible wake, advance safely under this great midnight darkness of war and verily, there is no safe way forward towards that yonder eastward twilight and the dawning of the new without the togetherness of hope that can only come about by our attaining to the one peace; that the one will of heaven may be brought down upon this, our inhabited earth, divided by so much strife."

"And so we must be faithful to this promise here and forever: A peer to all of sacred life, a friend to all of our friends in our one LORD and a companion to all of our companions in our one Savior, Jesus Christ. In that way, all things shall be renewed."

Here's another version in my own words: I don't want to become president or attain to any government post. I shall walk the path of the one Solidarity all the days of my life, my love. But if I were ever asked to share my gifts with our responsible government, I would, of course, be willing to render this service for the one Almighty and for my own Filipino people - for God and Country - in the capacity of an adviser and in the context of the one peace.

An Abrahamic Quarter in a city or as a city by itself, a "Nuevo Cordova" or "New Cordova", is something that we may as a nation here in the Philippines work together to realize, as an example to the world of the great potential of peace over war. It shall have a monument dedicated to the common people of all walks, stations and distinctions of human life - a visualization of our own nation ascended as the eternal Philippines.

As I and a friend of mine went over to Quezon city to celebrate my mom's birthday over at my step dad's relative's place, we had to travel to get there. My friend and I went over to a part of Manila which I like to call "old Manila town". This part of Manila was so thick with our history that I could almost visualize the events in my heart. The market activity was so intense that I had to smile in utter admiration of the industry of my people. I saw both Muslims in their garb and Christians as well and felt so much potential for good together in all of them. I was aglow with a mild sense of elation as I worked out the possibilities presented to me in my soul.

I looked at the state of our common market and saw how much further we need to go to improve the material state of our national good as a people among the peoples of the world. And saw a way out of our economic slump but not without peace shall we make this hope or any hope that belong to this one paradigm available to any reality we can safely bring into ourselves in common as human beings cognizant of our own shared humanity.

I already have an outline of our economic recovery here in our Planet Annelies and we shall flesh out that outline in time but at the same time, I should also work to exhort all our Filipino hearts towards the peace which shall be the foundation of all our building together, both as individual human beings and as individual human nations, a better, brighter and kinder world for all the generations of life.

From Quezon city back to our place in Metro Manila, what would have taken only over an hour took around five hours. I would normally been upset about it but it was delight that I felt because the delay was due to an event organized by our national government, a rally of our kids against the scourge of demon drugs - the BIDA or Batang Iwas Droga. The bus that I and my friend took home had really good air conditioning so I was also able to get some needed sleep along the way as well. I appreciated also the patience of those around me who had had to put up with my snoring as it can't be helped.

I did some alms-giving yesterday as well and I was struck by the dignity of our Lord's poor, they who know how to beg know to trust enough in Divine Providence not to be fooled by anything false. I realized through my interaction with our Lord's poor that I had to often times say in the silence of my heart to my Lord, Jesus Christ, through His poor, "O please, my most glorious Lord and Master, I beg of you, take this unworthy love and receive these shabby gifts, that I may know how to always live in thanks, praise and utter admiration of Thee, in sweet exaltation of Thy Love for me as I am to Thee."

I saw many Filipino Muslim women wearing the hijab and have also meditated some more on its relationship with the virtue of chastity. I will write more on that next time, my love.

Today is going to be a beautiful day. Oh, by the way - Ireland won the Six Nations Rugby Union grand slam title - what a beauty of a game! Go the Irish!

I love you.

Always to always,


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