Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Dear darlingest Annemiyang Marie,

Here in my native Philippines, my love, this month of March is Women's Month. We should work on an entry about Women within the month and polish up what we already have here in Planet Annelies and include something about the hijab or the Muslim headscarf with a view to quell common stereotypes and broaden the understanding of people about this as an issue for Women.

Now, I am no expert on Islam, my love, but I do know about chastity, having been constantly fighting to maintain it in my soul. The battle for chastity, its course and its objective, is the same in both sexes, yet this is a warfare that is oftentimes more intensely fought within the souls of men more than in women. Further this with an understanding of the complementary functions of the gender opposites, free will and the link between the hijab and the virtue of chastity can now be established.

I care about the Filipino in particular, my love, as I care about all human beings in general. And should I have been destined by Almighty God not to marry and not to have children, then I know in my heart that I also have my nation as my own, greater family of friends, (of cats, big and small) - in the universe that lives within my soul with you, my loveliest love - as a nation distinct from other nations and dwelling in Covenant grace with all the kindred nations of Mankind. And that means caring for and understanding our Filipino Muslims most especially, them being our most visible minority. Of course, that is not to say that the less visible shall be less wanted or cared for - the "one" in the "one Republic" does not stand for lies, half-truths or fractions but for the unity of the one whole nation of the Filipino people under the eternal vigilance of Almighty God. Because if we as a nation in time and dimensional space are unable to care for the least of our brethren who are in the language of the one Solidarity: our Lord's poor, there will be no eternal Philippines. And if we can not establish in our hearts the timeless destiny of the Filipino nation, we will never gain sight of our vision in God as one Country.

Mind you, it is not mere consolation for me to be granted by our LORD with the enabling grace to remain single and chaste for the rest of my life here in this world, my love, but it is what I personally prefer to be - because, if our LORD shall permit it, I simply want to be laid to my rest, one day after my purpose is done, in Bergen Belsen with you, my darlingest dear.

One last thing for the day, my love. Our military as a whole must be apolitical, that is true. But the soldier is also a citizen of the Republic and therefore must be able to exercise their right to vote. But in secret ballot and as individuals not as a political bloc. Within the AFP, they can not discuss politics with their peers but within their families, they must be able to express their own democratic views within the framework of the trust that exists between families as a one whole within greater wholes that form our one Republic. It would not serve the Filipino nation in the mid to long term not to have our own Republic defenders have their own stake in the electoral process that form the civilian government under whose command structures they shall with courage, honor and fidelity submit nothing less than the entirety of each of their lives together.

We have much to learn as we mature as a nation and we must be glad to learn them for by doing so, we not only help our fellow compatriots, past, present and future, advance the cause of our own particular endeavor of Country but we also help build a better place for all the generations of life to come by gaining for the one family of the nations of Mankind, the fruits purposed by Almighty God from eternity to become fulfilled by the good of our nation as a mature nation and most especially as a nation ascended and perfected in God in eternity.

And so it is the same with all the nations of Mankind, some are young, some are searching for themselves, some are near the realization of their promise as a mature whole, and some are even yet to be born.

For nothing in this world really stays still, a stone becomes a hearth, a tree becomes a home, water and earth cycles from life to life, from stars to worlds, creature to creature, all the giving through grace of our LORD God is everywhere poured forth to gain for all of sacred life, the higher purposes for which all of this creation is established which is the glory of God and the realization of all living hope for the gifts of lasting and everlasting things. Only the heart must stay still in the stillness that awaits the dawning from within and the advent of peace. And everywhere around us, everything is stirring towards remembrance of the things that must remain, the things that ought to endure with the prevailing of all things, as the terrible darkness of the past slowly fades away into nothingness.

It's been a swell day, uhm, night at work, my darlingest dear. This afternoon - novena, rosary and Holy Mass then a little dinner out with my Yang-yang Marie. Yay! I'm so glad to have you as my friend, my love.

I love you.

Always to always,


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