Saturday, March 21, 2009


Dearest darlingest Miyang,

Over at our local mall here where I am, my love, there are these fun rides for little kids. Now, when I see our own kids over here having their fun, I bless God. But then our LORD gently directs my attention to those kids who need to have fun. Those kids who are everyday tormented by the evil things of this world, most especially the scourge of war. I feel this glowing warmth in my heart that wants to break out as I tear up and almost always come near to sobbing at the memory of those kids who are denied their intrinsic right to be young and free. Most especially those Palestinian kids who are trapped in Gaza and those Israeli kids in those regions of modern Israel constantly under threat of indiscriminate violence. For one child alone tormented by the scourge of war is enough to remind me of the plight of all; that is always one child, one life too much for me to remain complacent while the beast of war wreak havoc upon my fellow human beings, my peers in life and my friends in God.

Children of war need to be engaged in a spirit of play in an atmosphere far away from the things that bind the freedom of their youth to return them slowly to the innocence that was taken away by things that shouldn't be in their lives. If I could bring those amusement rides to Gaza and in southern Israel, I would - if I could in an instant change things in those places, I will - but I must always count on the economy of God's grace and be able to rest in my sufficiency in God trusting in the LORD and in all those other hearts who are called just like mine to the one peace to do what we can to bring to pass that promise of old.

Today is my mother's birthday, my love. It's going to be a great day!

I love you.

Always to always,


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