Sunday, July 19, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

My Miyang

I'm looking at this nice watercolor portrait of you, my loveliest love. I got it off the Internet yesterday. Whoever did this painting of you, my Miyang, has a really good hand. I think I am going to have it printed on photo paper, frame it and put it on my shelf.

You know, I do regular online searches about you, my darlingest dear, because I am vigilant also for those causes that directly concern you. And I respond to anything that I find that is counterproductive to your memory or to those charities that rely on the integrity of your remembrance. I love you, my Miyang, and I consider myself very blessed to even have this friendship with you.

I also check our local bookstores to see if they have your diary in stock. I believe my own nation would do well to learn tolerance and humanity and I know of no better source that the hopes of children - your timeless hope, my love, imprinted forever in those words you penned down during your short stay in this world - and the hopes of all those others, all our precious Starshine, who must be enabled to share with us through their voice, their vision of tomorrow. For it is always the young that represent the future, the very hope of all our tomorrows are anchored on our youth, hopes which we encourage through our "Arcs in the Sky" as a labor entrusted to our present day.

Hope and False Hope

This lineage of hope and the timeless values that arise from its faithful keeping across the great span of the life of our nations keep the proper order to the order of our generations that keep the great cultures of our humanity strong and cohesive.

What burdens hope is despair. Despair is the polar opposite of hope. Any person caught in despair usually can not help themselves. And this despair is like a mire that sinks the life of our nations deeper the deeper into the darkness of war the more and more we allow our nations to descend into the void.

Hope that is false sinks into this mire and this multiplies the effects of despair in our communities ensuring the fact that the deeper we, all of us who are quickened to the remembrance of our hopes, allow each of our own nations to descend into the maddening darkness of war, the faster and faster the gravity of the void shall consume us all into oblivion. For what one of our nations suffers, the more and more that we ascend into time, all our nations shall feel - for we are but one family of nations - one interdependent planetary community. What war does to one, war does to all.

Because hope itself is a lineage and requires a foundation that is neither false nor dark - it must always be anchored on something true and good. Which is why I would - through "Arcs in the Sky" - that we who are soon to inherit the hopes of our nations learn to humble ourselves enough to be able to perceive the hopes of our children for these hopes are the purest and the surest of all foundations.

And so, if we were to build the foundations of a better world today when the darkness is still at its peak, it would be a good start to listen first - with our hearts more than our ears - to those whose young and unsung lives we will be together dedicating this labor of hope, our precious Starshine.

It is our precious Starshine who will confirm for our hearts that war is not a real foundation of hope, neither is hatred, neither is the past a reason to forget about the needs of our present time. If only we are able to perceive right through their words into the substance of the truth that their hearts are trying to convey to our hearts, cor ad cor loquitur, we will see -

No future is writ in stone. All our futures are available to us if we all pull through together in the now of our present time. But the right future can only be found by making the right choices that together open the door that lead toward that particular one that we want and this particular one is where we are all going - eastward. This requires us to let go of the past, have an understanding of the peace and then be reconciled to our present sense of sacred remembrance. All of which is easier said than done. These things take time and I know our nations and our good leaders are each trying their present best but please, let us not forget to pray for each other as well.

Well, my loveliest love, it's Sunday and while I do have some other concerns that weigh heavily on my mind, I should use this day to ponder and to contemplate about those things as well as to refresh and enjoy with you, my love, the blessings that this day shall most certainly bring. I shall draw up our things to do for the coming work week and prepare all the things I need to prepare for my first training day at my new job as well.


Lastly, you know, I just found out that "Shaina" means "beautiful" in Hebrew. I thought her name to be a distinctly Filipino name until I discovered that it is Hebrew. She is a Filipina actress who I also hold in good regard.

There is something about names, my love, that perhaps some old cultures have forgotten to appreciate. They almost always mean something and it is never a noun - it is always a verb or an adjective: Motion and timeless action. Our names are never indicative of static things but of spirit and motion. This is just my own observation, my loveliest love, for our own names have been uprooted and though there can be no turning back, there is always a turning in, because all of these names owe their sense of binding identity principally to its nation so that even if our names were uprooted, we can still find our ways back to our belongings together as a people.

Speaking of Hebrew, I had a dream some nights ago in Hebrew letters, they were floating and had a radiance about them, and as I could not understand them nor remember them exactly now, I took it as part of our lessons learned and integrated it into our Miyangersjia local school system as part of our thrust on languages.

I love you, my loveliest love.

Always to always,


Saturday, July 18, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,


They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This is true in so many levels for all living and breathing things - above all, human beings - are beautiful for being beheld by Beauty Itself.

Therefore, for human beings such as you and I, beauty - to be true - must be more than just physical attraction. It must consist of the attraction of one's whole being to another - both body and soul.

As I learned to view beauty from this perspective, I learned to appreciate the beautiful in the littlest of things. It is why I am so enamored with you, my loveliest love, because to know beauty, one must learn to trust that it is, beautiful. It is really a very difficult thing to explain indeed because I am talking here now of a purely spiritual attraction. It is of a realm where no human words, I find, are adequate so I use the word, "friend".

But before I fly off on a tangent with you, my loveliest love, what I really wanted to pursue in this line of thinking is physical attraction or to be more precise, sexual attraction.

First of all, I should want to talk a little about our human sexuality because above all, I do not want the feminine of our Starshine to ever think they are not beautiful.

Our young Starshine, most especially our young girls, seek beauty but they should know first of all that beauty is found not on the outside - as in vanity - but in the inside - as in virtue - that they may have a place to anchor their hopes of growing up gracefully.

Precious Starshine, beauty is in thy soul because that is where the seat of Beauty is found. Just as youth is in the spirit that strives, beauty is in the soul that being alive to the longing within itself, rests at peace with itself.

External appearance is important but if it is without timeless foundation, time itself shall eventually prevail over it.

Girls and Boys

Our precious Starshine, my darlingest dear, most especially our girls, never need anyone's permission to feel beautiful nor must they feel they need to sacrifice any of their own integrity of self and/or surrender parts of their own hearts to be appreciated or to be accepted by anyone.

For our boys have their own path - the path of strength - and our girls have theirs - the path of beauty. And these two paths in life are but one path but to get to an understanding of that, one must first get to know one from the other and so girls grow up differently from boys - that is the natural course - because that is the way it should be. However much our dreams and our hopes, however unique and diverse our individual potentials for good, girls will be girls and boys will be boys. And I am not so worried about our boys growing up as much as I am of our girls for it is upon the feminine that so much of our authentic human freedoms are predicated upon.

My personal word of caution, most especially to all our dear Starshine, both boys and girls, as regards to our human sexuality is this - to view human sexuality from a purely physical perspective, without any consideration for the spiritual dimension that all human beings undeniably possess, will most certainly lead to calamity.

We can never make an object out of beauty because the Source of all that is beautiful is not an object. We are only made beautiful because we are subject to an unchanging will, eternal and divine, that makes out of nothing, something and not just something, my loveliest love, but something that is beautiful and therefore, good - even very good. This Beauty, viewed from a standpoint of time, is always in motion.

Sexual Attraction

A man is attracted to a woman not because he is a man but because she is a woman and a woman is attracted to a man not because she is a woman but because he is a man. This is the basic rule of human sexual attraction. It is considerate of the other person as a person of beauty, unique and irreplaceable, and not as an object of sin, faceless and disposable.

For our sexuality may only be human to the degree that we freely and humanly choose to own the responsibility that is distinct to our calling as human beings - this means employing reason and understanding so as not just to transmit life but to do so from the freedom and the unity of our love.

Consider the opposite to our rule: A man is attracted to a woman because he is a man and nothing else will follow. For when the original estate of Man is violated by sin, nature itself becomes corrupted, beauty is grieved, our humanity is denied, our LORD is offended and all that is sacred in life is profaned.

"In this way does pornography and the pornographic nature of our times thrive and it constantly reinforces this same mindset, a poisonous and inhuman mindset that reduces the dignity of the human person into the play thing of the sins that victimize with such scandal and severity the nobility of Man."

- Excerpted from "On Homophobia"

Personally, from my own experience, there must be physical attraction first to open the heart to each other (falling in love) but to keep it open (falling out of love), there must follow (oftentimes as a choice to trust in the love itself), the work of finding and defining for each other a deeper, more permanent sense of spiritual attraction (the outset of mature love). This is the ordinary path that leads to union with the beloved and it leads to the married state of life.

Admittedly, this is not a path that I have had much personal experience in my own life but too, this path being the most common of all is one that can not escape my observation.

There are other paths, to be sure, and we shall take them up as we go along here on our Planet Annelies.

There are also distinct challenges to human sexuality e.g. homosexuality, contraception, etc. which we have already treated in the past but shall also review along the way that we may add to the growing understanding of our shared humanity.

Let me just reiterate here that we shall not be digressing from the doctrinal standpoint of my Holy Mother Church as regards to all of this in that if there is anything that is perceived to be new to our understanding, it is only new not because it wasn't there before but because it has only become clearer to us now and therefore, necessary to understanding these present times.

I love you.

Always to always,


Friday, July 17, 2009


Dear darlingest Miyang,

I saw the 6th movie installment to J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series of books and only one word comes to mind to sum up the whole experience - abrupt. Each of the last five movie installments treated the whole Harry Potter story like they were complete stories within themselves so you could walk away feeling almost completely satisfied. But this last one really left you hanging for the 7th and final installment. It was great fun - shocking, sweet, dark and funny - always with that sense of refinement that only the British could genuinely produce. Take the I.T. Crowd and Red Dwarf for example - not to mention the original Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I loved it.

Movies and Free Choice

Movies, my love, can be many things. For the imagination of Man can be many things. You know, I remember some years ago that there were some concern within my Holy Mother Church about the whole Harry Potter concept. And since the Roman Catholic Church does not get concerned about anything just willy-nilly, it is always a good exercise to try and get to understand if not the concern itself, the reason behind the thinking to let caution rule the hearts of the Laity. For the plain and simple reason that a Mother shall and never will wish for any of her children any ill.

Now, my point is that this doesn't necessarily mean that we have to divide ourselves bitterly for and/or against each other. It only means that we must be guided by what good there is for all of this is a reflection that there is indeed, evil sufficient for us in our days.

My own personal viewpoint is that there is nothing wrong with my Mother Church for her sense of maternal concern nor is there anything wrong with the Harry Potter series for its wonderful and innovative imagination.

But there is something there that can not be lost in between which must be an evil repaired amongst ourselves but not for evil's own sake. For where ever the will of Divine Providence allows any evil to tarry, there must likewise always be a unifying and ascendant good that must be recognized, understood and addressed so that the work of creation may advance as it should.

Indeed, there is a re-evangelization that should work to rekindle the flame in the hearts of all of blessed Christendom and I would that this labor begins within my own Roman Church.

Movies can be many things, my darlingest dear, but one thing movies can not be, they can not fail to represent something that is of ours - for the human imagination can be many things but all these things can only be human things and they are vast and almost limitless things, indeed.

I believe that movies are the product of many worker's crafts and elevated to an art, they represent something that is a reflection of every present society. And in the case of the Harry Potter films, our own present society.

Now, this reflection might need some degrees of interpretation and it is from this labor of understanding that movies become the object of judgment. Granted there are movies that do need to be censured - most especially pornographic ones - to protect the social consciousness of any civil society.

But a vast majority of them must depend on the moral grounding of the audience themselves because a lot of it is entertainment therefore, all of it has got to do with making choices.

This is the way it should be, we go to the movies to be entertained (save for documentaries or historical films that we see to be informed). The problem begins when one mixes up reality with entertainment and entertainment with reality for it is then when fantasy and truth intermingle, that our own world become vulnerable to things other than truth and time.

Indeed, the labor of the entertainment industry, like all labors in this world, must also hold to a sense of responsibility that is in keeping with how we must keep to each other as keeper and as friend. But how we consume their product by and large, most especially so in the new age that we, as one family of nations, are presently trying to correctly enter into, is solely up to the nameless masses.

It is like smoking cigarettes - it is the demand and not the supply that ultimately drives the need that tobacco companies understandably feel they need to responsibly fill in the common market.

And in our world of today, just like in every world of their own day, there is always a need for good and wholesome entertainment - for play.

In the end, each of us shall always remain the owner of our own free and human choices for no one else can make our own choices for us and shifting the blame is not the reason time is a flow.

Movie Piracy

It is very tempting indeed even for me to just go and spend 100 pesos on three pirated DVD's instead of paying 130 pesos to go and see a movie usually only once.

But I have made my own personal commitments to people I have decided to be my friends and I do not make these commitments lightly.

And let me please say that though I make seldom mention of it (for I do not get a lot of chances to do so these days), I completely support our own local movie business over here as well. How can I not? They are also part of the reason why I chose to make this commitment not to support movie piracy at all times and at all levels.

I know that I speak much about what might be seen here as foreign films like Harry Potter but this is all a part of my own upbringing (for I am a product of my own time) which I have come to accept in myself and which I shall not speak about in this entry.

But fast forward all of those painful and confusing years of adolescent and young adult formation and the value of Universality becomes the manifest result of all of this in myself.

For I have worked long and hard over the years in myself with you, my loveliest love, to be able to reconcile past with present so as to bring all of my hopes forward into my own timeless sense of sacred remembrance - suffice to say, I view things very differently now than I used to before.

Not to say that I am anything more than what I am, a human being, but as a Roman Catholic Christian, I must always be willing to work the work to become the best at who I am, despite what I am, in the vision that our LORD sees in me and this work takes up all of our natural life.

And so I have pondered much on the problem of movie piracy here in the Philippines as well as what good we need to be able to bring out from our modern movie culture as well. My response to it is called "Twilight Pawprints" and it still has a long ways to go.

This issue of movie piracy, if we fast forward it - like all false economies - will dry up the particular industry that it is preying after. Allowed to continue, it will drive costs and will hold the real economy hostage. But this issue is more complex than that for there are vulnerable people who are also caught up in it. There are people who are just trying to get something to eat from out of it and they are most certainly not guilty of anything.

In my own view, the only way of even beginning to sort this problem out must be done through the right understanding and with the complete cooperation of all sectors concerned.

Movies are a part of our modern culture which means it has deep roots and false economies are always concerned with the exploitation of any of our many human vulnerabilities (manifest as those common human needs) which means it is always more difficult than what the surface of things indicates. Therefore, an overly simple or easy solution as regards to this specific problem would be a sure indicator of a false solution or a lack of will to solve the problem itself.

But I have too much of an appreciation for pretty cats (and you know it, my loveliest love) to be lacking of will and too much appreciation for friendships to not want those things that hurt my friends to not go away - for good. So I continually ponder these things, I pray about them and then I place them in the care of my own hopes for a better world. And I would like to please say that this is a good start for any of those other hearts just as willing as mine to see these evil days through to the good that we all desire to attain.

Human Rights

I have a note on my agenda today about human rights. There is an intimate bond between authentic human freedom and human rights. And this I will try to raise in the second part of the work on Women's Rights which I am still working on at the moment. It just needs some more proofreading and editing.

I love you, my darlingest Mrrrowley.

Always to always,



Michael Jackson

I still find it hard to believe that Michael Jackson is gone, you know. My first awakenings to the wonderful music of our world were sung by the sound of his songs, you know. I was 11 or 12.

One never really misses a person until that person is passed away from this reality. It's like having family overseas so most Filipinos know this - one really doesn't grieve about distance nor profoundly long for the beloved because of any temporal separation.

What really hurts our hearts is absence and the lack of that certain nearness which we as human beings almost always find reassuring in the ordinary physical sense of being able to share in the same reality with the beloved but which we must now struggle to find in each ourselves once again with the beloved, recast under a different sky as the reality of our lives and our loves together must continue, as all stories told by an eternal Mind should, upon unseen realms ruled by the one, sublime, spiritual Light.

My uncle who spent decades over in the States who also just recently passed away feels exactly the same way. What is left here with us is their hope which we must know to carry on and the implicit knowledge that all the good things they have done, these things will always remain long after our very last tears have been shed.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

Good morning, my loveliest love! I believe it's going to be a really nice day today. Though it's only about 5:15AM and I haven't even glanced at the sky or seen the weather report, my darlingest, I do not need to do those things when I am already sure about the interior weather of my soul.

Weather with You*

I have many times pondered about that, you know, my love. How a day is seen depends on how we perceive to see the day. But not with our physical senses. In my own opinion, it is a state of soul for the goodness of a thing is an internal sense. Therefore, if one can remain within one's own sense of well-being from within, then no amount of bad external weather can really ruin one's day; a vital skill in the call center/customer service industry, if you ask me and I work in that industry, you know.

Now, it might sound overly simple but in reality it is easier said than done. One's own sense of concentration can get quite easily lost in the noise and the buffeting winds of everyday lower creation and so, in the vital business that we make of our everyday, it is supremely easy just to sink into one's animality than to rise above it.

But positivity is a skill and so like they say, "When you sow a thought, you reap an act. When you sow an act, you reap a habit. When you sow a habit, you reap a character. When you sow a character, you reap a destiny."

*Thank you, "Crowded House" - you rock!


Now, the soul of every man, woman and child knows better, my loveliest love. We all want to be more than ourselves at some level or age and to become our better selves absolutely. Because from deep down within, all human beings always desire truth. Even those of us who are mentally disabled, even the unborn, I believe, have a capacity to desire the truth. It is what makes us human. And to desire truth means that to some extent, in all our states and in all our ages, we human beings always recognize in and of our selves that we are human beings and not just animals or plants. For the human soul is cognizant of itself in and of itself. It is what makes human souls distinct from the souls of animals or plants. For our souls are created by God to be more like the angels.

This is why I oppose abortion at every stage - not because of what we can see but because of what we can not see in other people. Because often times, if not all of the time, in all of us human beings, what we can not see in each other is more real, more significant than what we can see. Our being human does not depend on our being any number of cells but in our reality as a whole. And we are each complete human beings from the moment God calls our souls into existence by our own proper names and this moment is at the moment of conception. Therefore, life - above all human life, always begins at conception.

I know abortion and other lesser issues related to it like contraception is a hot button issue in a lot of important Countries these days and I also see and understand that this is a very complex issue but let me say this about abortion: It is only as complex as we make it to be - Abortion is an issue that must be grounded on things that are absolute. Therefore, we can not be relativistic about things concerning truths as absolute as life and expect for our reality to become less and less troublesome.

Contraception and other lesser issues may afford us with some room for interpretation, like in the case of AIDS prevention, but with abortion there is none. The life of the mother and the child must both be protected and they must both agree to each others' choices to live. If a blind, mute and deaf man is about to walk off a cliff, would none of us here become his eyes, ears and voice. Society must also agree that both the life of the mother and the child must be protected and we all who are responsible to our shared humanity must agree to support their choices to live and to add to the life of our community - that we may all live up to our own vision of life more faithfully. Life can not be inimical to life. We can only work to better our methods to refine this truth absolutely within our own communities.

AIDS in Africa

Well, it's actually raining outside at the moment. But even a typhoon can not ruin my day today, my loveliest love. Let's talk a little bit about AIDS most especially in Africa. This is another issue that involves the Pro-Life camp of which I am naturally affiliated with, my loveliest love.

Combating the spread of HIV-AIDS in Africa, I personally believe, may sometimes require us to permit lesser evils in order that we may become strong enough to challenge the problem as a whole. Because to divide the Devil's house will most certainly weaken it and there are indeed times when the opportunity to do so will present itself to us. But we must always be careful to do this from grounds that are secure and familiar lest we ourselves fail to return our hearts to the original purposes (aligned with the creative ideal) we set out to accomplish. AIDS in Africa is so virulent and widespread that it behooves our humanity to employ all means available to arrest its spread and work from a perspective of damage control. But this can not be so with abortion.


My government is thinking about offering amnesty to the leadership of that group notorious for kidnapping teachers, farmers, citizens and humanitarian workers. In my own opinion, this is good because it opens up the political and diplomatic fronts to both sides of the one process and as a citizen of this Republic, I support it but only in the context of the wider, global peace effort. It must be a move from one conviction to another conviction - from an understanding of war to an understanding of peace.

Furthermore, I believe that (at a time, times and half-a-time) an amnesty (political) should be available to all persons not yet convicted of any crime who would like to make the transition to peace - truthfully, one time and one time only. But it can not be done lightly nor treated less seriously for the far reaching global consequences that they involve - for all our nations of our one family of the nations of Mankind.

Therefore, if any person should sincerely wish to draw the line with us (the nations of the one family of the nations of Mankind), then this amnesty is for them. But if any person should use this reaching out with trust to expose their malice, then the gulf that shall exist between us shall have become an eternal division. There shall be more material that shall be posted here on our Planet Annelies about our nations that will serve to shed more light on this in the coming weeks and months.

I just saw today's papers which said that that the amnesty that my government was considering was turned down. However, the particular amnesty that I am speaking of above still remains my conviction.

OK, it's raining heavily outside at the moment but you know, my loveliest love - today is the day the new Harry Potter movie is showing at our local cinemas and it's going to be great! Enough said - I shall report more on that later. I also have my contract signing for my new job later on this afternoon so I'm going to make a full day out of it. It's going to be so kewl!

I love you, you're my Mrrrowley Polley.

Always to always,


Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

My Personal Front

My focus right now seem to be on improving my personal life. Nothing else seems to come to my mind at the moment except making gains in my personal affairs. I'm gamely looking forward to my most recent job application to help me toward that end of improving my capacity to be of better help to those whom I love. I am Catholic Laity and it is part of my calling to work in the world. My prayer habit also seems to be on that same focus as well as I find myself getting more and more integrated into our parish life. I have also been thinking about my family - my mom, dad, grandmother, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts, nieces, godsons, and all my friends who could use better help from a better me, my love. My prayers are many times more effective when I am constantly in recovery and I still do need to go to confession. I feel that I'm finally settling down from my last move. So that's where we're going to go, my loveliest love - towards God's lead, ever the more convinced that with our LORD, all things are possible - even a better me.


Even the new Harry Potter movie that's due to screen tomorrow seems to be helping me to better my personal life. Because I can neither be spent nor sick to be able to enjoy it. Besides, Hermeowmeowmeowne is there so who needs to be any more inspired when there's pretty cats around, really. I know that Emz doesn't like people mispronouncing "Hermione" but I am not really trying to pronounce "Hermoine" when I say Hermeowmeowmeowne. It's a calico name and that's another story for another time.

Swine Flu

I heard Rupert Grint contracted the swine flu but am not really worried at the moment. I would think he would have already recovered by now. There's word that this swine flu might become more virulent than it's current strain but no amount of worrying will change things - what we must do is build, build, build - restore the peace to our world and then with God on our side, let us see what is not on our side. Even if bad things would have happened, it would be worse if we were not to act on our own hopes today, I am sure.

We shall continue working on our other priorities (our fair Miyangersjia being one of the top ones) but I also need to gain adequate ground on my personal front, my love, to secure my personal affairs as well. It's not like love changes, you know, it will all slowly but surely come back again to my inspiration like before.

I have a previously unpublished work on the virtue of truthfulness which, because it has become relevant to do so, I shall now post down below -

The Virtue of Truthfulness

Faith in the Almighty God and acceptance of the will of Divine Providence leads to an understanding of divine grace that with the free and willing cooperation of the human will achieves right action according to the virtue exercised.

Consistent exercise of this "reaching out to the will that is reaching in" - strengthens the presence of virtue, along with its potency for right action and the resultant good works.

Strive to be aware of all of this in your own understanding and then strive in all things to speak the truth, mean what you speak, and own what you mean - and then, do so with a compassionate regard for the humanity of other people - for the truth must be by its own virtue wielded for no other reason but to make men free. And freedom that is authentic and pertinent to our human need to be happy - not the false image of a pretentious, presumptuous freedom that being empty of promise, shuns the accountability that is an inherent to authentic freedom - freedom is not free which binds us to evil, freedom is free which binds us to God and to each other in common Country.

Now, truthfulness does not bind us to the truth, it binds the truth through us into the service of charity - so that truth is made available, by demand of prudence or the command of charity, most especially when it counts. The object of this virtue is truth itself, all of the wholes - and its substance more than its words. The act of this virtue is the honorable expression of truth and this honorable expression being the explicit recognition amidst our human need for truth that the truth that lives in other people's lives must also be recognized as an integral part of this particular virtue's expression of right action.

One can not be selective of persons in one's exercise of virtue - for the virtue we aspire for here is more than its act - it is a power to act. One who seeks virtue must act only in the interest of the good and must be motivated purely from inspirations that are good. Therefore, one who seeks virtue (especially truthfulness) must be both interested as well as understanding of the deepest, most profound longings of the human heart to be able to allow one's seeking for virtue to be likewise guided by prudence (as cardinal virtue) as well as charity (as a theological virtue - derived from the dual commandment to love or the correct expression of one love alone) respectively.

To be tactful as regards to the virtue of truthfulness is to be silent, to listen intently and to avoid any more speaking for this virtue is not one that provides answers, that virtue can only be faith, but this virtue may provide a means toward that same end.

I would like to gently remind us that no virtue that we here aspire for can ever become present in the heart without faith, hope and love being present first - often times as prelude as well as precondition to both reason and understanding.

But where love becomes present there follows in its train, all the other virtues - when this becomes so, one must seek to understand and apply one's self to the exercise of the four cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, temperance and fortitude knowing that upon these four are derived all the others. Truthfulness itself as a virtue is derived from Justice.

Do not become frustrated, pray, exercise, learn, meditate and understand, no soul is ever meant to perfect all these virtues evenly and as a whole - it is by those different degrees and measures by which we become uniquely gifted by the virtues that have been granted to each our own personal stewardship that we further complement each other. It is from this complementarity of motion born from compatible functions that the synergies that greatly improve our shared humanity's ability to achieve the individual ends by which the life of mankind was purposed by the Almighty God, the attainment of a happiness unimagined, are formed in our coming together as families, tribes and (most especially) nations.

The exercise of virtue results in right action and this must always produce the good fruit required of us Christians by our Lord Christ, and of God from all the nations of Mankind, most especially, from our Abrahamic kindred in Judaism and Islam. The fruits of virtue is the same across all places, across all times and into eternity, it is good works - good action that give increase to life of our humanity, give shelter to our Lord's poor, give nurture to the life of our planet and give true witness to God on our behalf.

Virtue can never produce fruit that is evil. For the divine grace of God will never collaborate to corrupt what our one common Creator have declared to be good and very good - for our God can neither deceive nor be deceived.

Finally, my dear friend, it does not mean by the exercise of the virtue of truthfulness that we shall always tell the truth - for it is human to err - the proper exercise of truthfulness will not leave us vulnerable to the vice of scrupulosity for all virtues also acknowledge and recognize the weaknesses of our humanity - but it does mean that the presence of this virtue in our heart of hearts shall ensure that we shall never willfully and knowingly collaborate with the will of malice that seeks to deliberately distort, deny or coerce the truth in order to injure, deprive, harm or ridicule the life or the person of any human being of whose unique and unrepeatable soul constitute also as truth.

Truth is truth that sets men free. And the right action that produces as its good, the honorable expression of truth that leads into this freedom is the virtue of truthfulness.

We shall also publish this post pending some more proofreading both in our main blog as well as in our one Solidarity blog.

I love you.

Always to always,


Monday, July 13, 2009


Dear darlingest Mrrrowley,

Eugenio Vagni

Eugenio Vagni has finally been freed. That man has been through so much unnecessary pain and grief for the past six months or so which might lead him to question the worth of what he has done to help our Filipino nation and I want him to know that after all this evil has melted away from all our lives and our memories, what shall always be carried forward into our every present time shall be what good he has done for our Philippines. Good things are never forgotten neither by earth nor by heaven. For in the former, good culminates into every present reality and in the latter, good is the culminating vision of the will of Divine Providence in eternity. And evil, it sinks into oblivion. Evil only really is allowed to endure by the will of Divine Providence to stir all our hearts to a remembrance of the good.


How many more good people are held hostage against their will in the Philippines and around the world? In Somalia? High profile ones like Mr. Vagni's are well and good but we must also think about those ones whose plight does not get any mention in the news. What about Gilad Shalit? It will not be long again and we will have to think about working out solutions for him and all hostages like him between Israel and Palestine. But the people who are near and dear to them, have they ever stopped thinking about them? We must not forget that all human beings are connected to each other. Peace in the Middle East is vital to secure a meaningful peace for the rest of our world - let us not forget all those who have ears to hear me on this one. For if we do, war shall think to harm all of us - all our nations - to the extent that we shall allow it.

And if you who read these words of mine do not believe me, look at the state of the whole planet yourself, make your own observations and conclusions. Humanity has an obligation to the earth and a responsibility to each other as human beings.

It would be prudent now, in the calm before the storm, to think about how both sides of the one Middle East process can come to a common ground to secure an understanding that would ensure freedom for their hostages as well as maintain security for the requisite and abiding truths that work to restore the necessary peace in that troubled region in our Asia.

Much depends on our coming together as human beings and as human nations this time.

I love you, my Miyang Marie.

Always to always,


Sunday, July 12, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

A Vision of Miyangersjia

Last night, I was thinking about our Miyangersjia, how things come together to form our fair City:

For a mind of understanding, she will possess the clarity of an Abrahamic Democracy; for a heart to possess the cohesive love of her people, she has her social doctrine of the Four Faithful Causes; for able arms that build up the peace of her community, the strength of her industry shall always have recourse to her economic doctrine to bind them together in the freedom of friendships; for agile legs to walk her way eastward into the dawn of her own Eden rebuilt, she will have the celerity of the AHG. She will have hope for her wings, faith for her sight, the love of God as her shield and a sword of truth to stay away the encroaching darkness of the beast of war.

Miyangersjia (with all her kindred Cities of promise) will be a City driven by an eternal vision which is a divine calling beyond the reach of all human ambition, to embrace all her generations safely in the bosom of a free and human community and to carry them all across the vast and barren darkness of exile time, eastward into the gate of our returning into an Eden rebuilt. This is why public service in our fair City must always be a calling to serve the people and not an ambition to be served by the people. Because it shall not be a praiseworthy thing to live for one's own self alone in our community as a citizen, let alone desire to take this unworthy selfishness right into the helm of our City, it shall not be possible - everyone here must be keeper and friend to everyone.

For the City itself shall never be built without friendships, virtuous and true, human, angelic and above all, divine. All her people in all our generations will always know why things are and why things are not for this is not the slumbering land of Nod of the unknown earth, this is our fair and living Miyangersjia of our inhabited earth.

And so, come hell or high water, we shall continue to work on all of these things, my darlingest dear - for we must. We shall do what we can, as far as we can, my loveliest love and leave the rest to the will of the Divine Providence of God.

I am already preparing to open a new blog that is dedicated specifically for our fair Miyangerjia.

I love you, my loveliest love.

Always to always,



'Yang, I saw "Quadriga" on Deutsche Welle yesterday evening and I have to confess, that purty calico cat there - Milena Elsinger - got me good from the word hello. She's brilliant! I'm still reeling from the afterthought of that cat like I was looking directly at the sun. Aaaarrrggghhh, Milena, you beauty! The fact that the topic on "Quadriga" last night was on the G8 and Climate Change shows that her heart is just as purty as her cool, calico-ness (or her calico coolness), maybe even more so, my love. Because a major factor in my feelings is a heart that thinks like mine does and she's smart in all the right places. At the very least, knowing that she is out there - shining like a star in the night - makes me feel so much better. Even if it were only last night that God granted our souls to touch in exile time, I have a feeling that that one instant would have been enough for me to remember that sweet cat as a friend of mine forever. There, I said it, my love - but in the course of our hope, only time can tell, my darlingest, indeed, time will tell and at the end of all time, time will tell all.

Note: I added this P.S. yesterday afternoon and did not have time to post it till today morning 20090713.


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

I don't usually give tabloids over here much credibility. I do not believe in making the news anything more than just the facts.

I know you yourself, my loveliest love, has been - and still is - endowed with great journalistic sense. And I know too that you would agree with me on that.

Tabloid Sensationalism

Tabloid sensationalism takes the facts and dresses them up to the look of profit - to make them sell. But people read the news to be informed, my loveliest love, right? And so between making journalism a business first or a business of service, I am more inclined to choose the latter.

Representing the balance of these facts, my loveliest love, because we do not live in a one-dimensional world, is a different story. It is here where I believe that the real acumen of journalism is put to the test. Because the real world really is not impartial.

Good Journalism

Reality is never impartial. It is always partial to human judgment because let us not forget that Man is a co-creator with the will of Divine Providence and reality is a continuous creation.

Journalists themselves, my love, make these sort of judgments themselves whenever they decide what to report on or what to ignore. What exact needs are most immediate and what can be deferred - these choices themselves participate in the will of Divine Providence. How can reality be impartial?

One can really only be partial to either good or evil, light or darkness, peace or war - because reality only comes in two shades and those who are yet asleep, whose souls are not yet called to the quickening, sleep in shadow. But those who must awake must awaken to either one or choose to fall back into lukewarm gray. Too, Justice is partial to the good - where Justice is impartial is in persons.

Therefore, a real journalist, I would like to believe, would be partial to the good inasmuch as where there is evil in the world that must also be reported, it is being done so viewed from lenses that represent the good - that want to make the world into a better place and not just report on evil facts for the sake of reporting on evil facts. And that the good in the world to be represented, is being represented because it represents the world that we should all want to represent.

Journalists' Guild

How to do so is a hard question because the world is indeed, so full of human needs - therefore, if there were a guild of journalists - it would be one of those perennial questions that their council would be primarily tasked to interpret according to the changing needs of the good that is required of the service of journalism. Perhaps in fair Miyangersjia, my love, there would be this guild established for our own local papers. Who can be impartial, my love, when the world is so full of needs? To ignore these needs only cause more suffering.

Going back to tabloid sensationalism, my darlingest dear, I caught a glimpse of a headline that shouts about a war that is brewing between Christians and Muslims in Mindanao. What rubbish! The real product of all honorable religion is peace and this must be more so with the three great Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

It is this representation of the eternal good as a reflected good on earth that must always be the intention of all people of good will. We must be able to bring it out - together in God and Country - together for God and Country.

But the association of those words misconstrue the good so much that it does create an evil reality (which is really an un-reality) not because the will of Divine Providence wants to but because people ignore the will of the LORD. And those are the unmade choices harm us.

If we believe there is no heaven, very soon there shall also be no more earth - only a deep and maddening darkness that shall claim all lives and all nations. Division is not unity and it is only in unity that we can ever abide in a God Who is but one LORD alone. And this unity, for all of the nations of the one family of the nations of Mankind, must be a unity wrought by our native hope for it can neither be a unity wrought by war (a forced deception) nor a unity wrought by God (an eternal perfection) for the former is inhuman and the latter, divine. It is from the building up of our native hope established by faith in the will of Divine Providence that the peace of our nations is built up as the promise of the prosperity of peace help secure the blessings of heaven upon the needs of the communities of Mankind.

The functioning structure of the governance of the will of Divine Providence is an ascendant unity of wholes upon wholes - an interdependent community, seen as well as unseen. But if we shall continue - in the here and now - to place ourselves outside of this life giving structure, we will still find - after two thousand years - that there is nothing here to be had - for all nations of the one family of the nations of our Mankind - but war and where war is, there also shall soon be nothing.

In our unity is peace but this peace can only be had in the unity of the Truth. And so we all Here must, as one family of the nations of Mankind, without ever looking back, walk away Now from this midnight past. Here meaning we shall all be present to the presence of each other and Now meaning we shall all be present also to the Presence of the LORD - one God, one common Country - one Peace, one common destiny for all the nations of our one family of the nations of our Mankind.

War Between Christians and Muslims?

"War between Christians and Muslims" - is this really real and responsible reporting? That's really two oxymorons in one statement! I really wonder what would they report of next. This kind of a headline can never be so, my loveliest love, in our fair Miyangersjia - for we shall be a City of good sense.

I love you, my loveliest Miyang Marie.

Always to always,


Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Dear darlingest Mrrrowley Polley,

Good morning, my loveliest, cutsiest, purrrtiest, darling Miyang!

I've been busy thinking about our Miyangersjia among other things. And you know what? I've been watching "King of California" with Michael Douglas and Evan Rachel Wood kind of over and over lately because I have found that can relate with the story. It's like "The Big Lebowski" that I really like because no matter how many times I watch it, it never fails to cheer me up - even a little bit. But I lost my "Big Lebowski" DVD and have been searching all over the place and couldn't find one over here. And then when I decided to watch "King of California" for the second time, I began to feel like I could relate to it in much same way which is a good feeling, you know.

California and Miyangersjia

Anyway, at the end of the story, in Evan Rachel Wood's narration, she said that "California" was just a made up word that was supposed to represent a land full of wonder and gold.

Well, naturally, after hearing those words, my thoughts drifted to our "Miyangersjia" - which is also a made up word that we should like to say represents a city full of friendship and sunshine - just like you, my Miyang Marie - oh, I love you so much, if I really think about it, I'll go bananas.

Anyway, I wrote this piece for our Miyangersjia called, "Our Way East" but am not sure where to post it yet, my love, because I am planning on opening a new blog dedicated completely to our Miyangersjia. However, since I still have other things to work out about that blog, I shall post this work over here in our Planet Annelies for now, my darlingest dear.

Our Way East

It is not by what names you are called for we each have but one proper name - a name written in heaven - one human respect;

It is not by how you may sound for we shall speak with but one tongue - in a language born of truth - one divine freedom;

Never through darkness shall we learn to rightly understand the presence of the spirit of truth that lives inside of our souls -

For each our hearts live only for it's own truth and this longing inside of ourselves dwells not for the maddening dark of this long and empty night but for the ultimate realization of its own dreaming in God and in each other in God - one shared humanity.

It is how we shall distinguish ourselves from the darkness that we shall awaken together - as one absolute choice.

To walk towards the eastern gate of our returning to the hope of our Eden rebuilt - under the vigilant light of virtue and the eternal art of its grace - one just equality.

And upon this turning into the dawning of our peace, we shall begin to see each other as keeper and friend - one free and human community.

It is how we shall build together,
It is how we shall sow together,
It is how we shall labor together,
It is how we shall act rightly, kindly and fairly to each other,
learning to laugh and to smile together as one.

It is also how we shall grieve together and from the pain of other human hearts stir our own hearts back to the sacred memory of our hope - for abundant life and meaningful peace.

It is how we shall grow together and in our togetherness remember always how to advance the life and peace of our fair City forward through the days and the nights of exile time with but one lineage of hope embraced in the everlasting trust of our community - one eternal vision.

It is how we shall realize true friendships in our own days and how in the keeping true to each other in our own times, we shall live beyond our own shedding away to pass along our abiding hope of peace, across to all of our generations, moving from strength to strength into the one vision of our Eden in our hearts -

Unto the realization of this endeavor of human civilization - undertaken for God and common Country on behalf of all of the generations of life - at the gathering of all the nations of the one family of the nations of Mankind at the Last Day and the beginning of all things new.

Because all friendships true bears thee through -

This is our Way East and it shall lead us through to our fair City, to our Miyangersjia and to our Eden rebuilt.

(Of course, I shall still edit this before posting but I want to post it here with you for safe keeping for now, my loveliest love.)

Also, about corporal punishment - I remember a post I did about Justice and capital punishment where I stated that I believe in corporal punishment and I should like to clear that up a little bit more. To be sure, Justice while we can speak about it in terms absolute and eternal must also be made to adapt to the particulars of the situation in actual time. I've excerpted this about this particular issue from my last entry dated 20090628 -

Corporal Punishment

Also about corporal punishment - I do believe in corporal punishment - I call this WORK - you work it off and work it out - community service (working it off) as well as time served (working it out) - rehabilitative penology and restorative justice going hand in hand.

This does not mean we are going to be soft on crime though. But that we are going to make sure that we shall not be in peril of losing our own virtue when dealing with malice. For if we can not perceive between weakness and malice, the only justice that we can apply to shall be the justice of the jungle - brute force - which is not in line with our value of humanity.

We most certainly can not build a city this way - and the city we are aspiring to build is certainly intended in our hearts to be the greatest - not in comparison with any other city but to the vision that we keep in our own hearts. It shall be a city that is without compare - forever faithful to its founding hope and so it shall be, my love, because this work is good, and this season is good and we believe in the good for our LORD God alone is good.

I've also been working on our Economic Doctrine in the same entry dated above, particularly on Cooperative Development of our smallest businesses so we could make sure there is a clearly defined pathway for our Lord's poor out of poverty and into the middle class at least by the next generation. But that one needs more work, my loveliest love.

I love you.

Always to always,


Tuesday, July 7, 2009


My dearest, loveliest Mrrrowley,

I've two previous entries that I should like to excerpt with you here today, my darling:

These two things that burn most brightly in our heart of hearts, my loveliest love:

Two-Fold Mission


First, we must work towards peace and help secure for all our nations, a more meaningful sense of common destiny. We must help to restore peace here in my native Philippines, in the Middle East, in Afghanistan, in Pakistan, in Iraq - wherever our kindred Abrahamic faiths are entangled against each other by war and the darkness of war, here is where our prayers and our thoughts must be, my darlingest - for much depends upon our coming together this time.

We must give respite to our failing world.

Second, my darlingest, is the necessary work towards mending the divisions within my own Christian faith - healing the divisions within Christianity, in my own view, does not mean we have to impress the correctness of any of our views upon each other. It only means we have to correctly accept the reality of our present times and respond accordingly to the needs of our shared humanity: Let us be the hope for which we have each been called by our Lord Jesus Christ, let us become one liturgy of life.

For there are some things that we can not do and these things we must leave to our Lord but of the things we can do, we must know now to do them together in Christ.

I believe we are always more than what divides us.

And about the recent bombing in Cotabato:

A Bombing in Cotabato


There was a bombing from across the street of a Cathedral in Cotobato, my loveliest love. I just glanced at it in our daily paper. And the local bishop there was in the middle of celebrating Holy Mass - how detestable! You know, these are the things that work in the spirit of division - these things will incline people to become estranged from their own sense of shared humanity. So instead of being human beings first, in the darkness of war, people forget they are people.

I do not know which group of which persons perpetrated this crime but one thing I do recognize is the dark spirit of war that delights in the promotion of these false things that in the end shall consume the very humanity of those who wilfully collaborate with the principalities* of hell. This is the ultimate form of adultery.

*fallen angels who were originally placed by God in the care of our human communities - now they only exist to destroy the same communities they were intended by our LORD to serve and preserve. These fallen angels are the main adversaries of our nations and in collaboration with Satan and the other ranks of fallen angels work to sow division, discord, dilution and dissolution among the communities of Mankind.

This kind of thing shall not find a place in Miyangersjia - for as war was from heaven thrown down - in our Miyangersjia, here on earth, the spirit of war shall find that is shall likewise be denied.

For it is not praiseworthy to attack holy places and people in worship - not even in the slightest - it is abominable! It is like attacking the wounded and the vulnerable. It is one of the main reasons for the raising of the AHG (Abrahamic Home Guard).

Also, at the level of the Republic itself, the establishment of the Congress of Religious Harmony which is one of the goals of the one Majority, shall prove to be a formidable deterrent force specifically against these kinds of evil.

Because more than anything else it is honorable religion that calls us back into our shared humanity. Among all the other human callings, my darlingest dear, I personally believe it is honorable religion that leads us to become more and more ourselves, to become more and more as human beings to each other. I know this from my own Christianity and I see it everywhere there are people of good will.

Also, I've made an intial submission for us, my love, to the Konsult Mindanaw process: Konsult Mindanaw #01.

More later...

I love you, my Miyang Marie.

Always to always,


Saturday, July 4, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

Today is Independence Day for the US of A - a nation where you are well loved and well received, my darlingest dear.

Today also we shall post in three parts, something which is near and dear to your own heart, the Rights of Women, my love.

This work on the Rights of Women is an integral part of our Abrahamic Charter for the City of Miyangersjia which we shall post here in three parts as a separate work. We shall post it as well in our one Solidarity blog.

I have come to believe it would be better to post things in their parts to enable us to naturally emphasize on the synergy of the whole. This is think is true especially and most specifically for our Abrahamic Charter which we shall also soon post in parts (in our one Majority blog as well as here in our Planet Annelies) unto completion, don't you think so, my love?

So here goes, my darling Mrrrowley:

The Rights of Women

Part First:

The Original Estate of Man

The heart of Man, created to seek for a happiness that can only be sought through willing surrender of itself along the unitive path that ascends into the Heart of God, is a heart made for a happiness that exceeds the limits of the natural.

This excessive longing for happiness created a specific need in Man to bind his excessive desires in the freedoms of Man's original estate.

And the original estate that bound this boundless desire in Man is primarily found in the heart of Woman, formed by God from Man's own excesses to remind Man of what is necessary in himself, to guard his heart and to balance his soul, and be his faithful helper and patient companion in natural life.

It is important to note that this is all purposed before the fall of Man and is a reality distinct from the original state of grace that kept the requisite balance between the material and spiritual aspects that completed the human integrity of our First Parents.

Our original estate as a distinct reality from the original state of our First Parents are the relational requisites that exists primarily between Man and Woman and so consequentially exists also between all of the children of Mankind which were requisites intended by Almighty God to define in our humanity the necessary freedoms between ourselves that shall ultimately lead to absolute happiness in Him.

Where the original state is founded on the presence of God in the life of our First Parents, our original estate is founded primarily in the presence of Man in the life of Woman and so consequentially the presence of family instituted by God for the life of all of the children of Mankind.

The loss of our original inheritance from our First Parents left our humanity weakened and this weakness is the cause of the brokenness within all of our human families and consequently, all of our human communities as well as all of our social constructs e.g. organizations, businesses, unions, associations, cooperatives, etc.

The brokenness within all of our human communities - founded upon the human family - as well as all of our social constructs is a brokenness inherited from the weaknesses in our own shared humanity.

Now, human weakness is individually addressed by faith that leads each human being into the disciplined and proven ways of each and every honorable religion.

But human brokenness must be collectively addressed by the presence of those virtues that guide and empower each free and human act towards the preservation and advancement of the human good as well as the common good.

Both human weakness and human brokenness lead into each other but since we are here concerned with the Rights of Woman, we shall concern ourselves primarily with the latter which is human brokenness and our original estate.

We shall trust that the latter which is human weakness and the original state of our First Parents have already been given to much prior religious thought and spiritual effort inasmuch as the necessary fruits being those good and praiseworthy works which are the direct results of the effective exercise of virtue and the art of its grace are enabled to be produced as commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ of all Christians and by our LORD God of all our nations most especially all of our Abrahamic kindred in faith and promise.

The Common Story of Woman

When we shall speak of the Rights of Women, we must always be mindful of our original estate as human beings. Simply put, our original estate is our original belongings to each other.

As regards to Woman, her heart belongs to Man. Upon Woman, the Almighty God has intended a natural vulnerability which is not intended in any way as a weakness but as an affinity that inspire in her a longing for Man as her protector.

This protection is more than just physical protection, it is also the labors that protect from deprivation of dignity and need as well as the preservation of life, the human good and the advancement of the common good.

What Woman in her vulnerability must naturally seek in Man must be more than just a temporal shelter of strong and able hands but also, the eternal embrace of a steadfast and worthy heart.

After the fall of our First Parents, let us be mindful that this natural vulnerability in Woman was thereafter multiplied a hundredfold by decree of the Almighty God that Woman shall endure the pains of child birth.

This pain is more than just the pain of birth, it is also the enduring of the sorrows and the labors of motherhood in all its stages in exile time. However, the divine intentions behind all of this remain the same which is to strengthen the original estate of Man which is the heart of Man surrendered in God to the heart of a Woman faithful in God to the heart of Man - this is the irresistible dynamic of the complimentary natures of the gender opposites and is the inescapable force that drive the union between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN into one life and one longing, sanctioned by God through wedlock vows and commanded by decree of Divine Providence to eventually lead to its natural consummation which is the sacred transmission of life in the bearing and the rearing of children within the institution of the human family. This is one of the greatest of all authentic human freedoms - the freedom between Man and Woman to choose to receive the gift of each other.

Caught between Man's desire for happiness and the weakness in our humanity is Woman's pain and her longing for the protection of Man and so it has always been the plight of Woman to bear the brunt of the brokenness that is the most common result of the numerous ways that effect in the person of Man, all those erroneous and excessive forms surrender that have sought to establish upon earth, the one Patrimony of our LORD God not as a way of freedom, as in our original estate, but as a means to deprive it first from Woman and then from all of the children of Mankind.

The Paternal Providence of our LORD God is not established by right of gender. For what is corporal gender to our LORD but a means towards our own corporal good? It matters not to God save for the one purpose upon which our LORD conceived of both male and female which is the transmission of human life.

The Paternal Providence of our LORD God is an eternal Office established to provide for all of creation, seen and unseen. It is founded by divine and sovereign right upon the singular mandate of our LORD God to the supreme exercise of a necessary authority of governance over all of creation, seen and unseen, and manifest through the creative ideal of the will of Almighty God invested in the supernatural Office of Divine Providence.

Therefore, if Man desires to provide for Woman through faith in Divine Providence, then Man must provide for Woman not because he is Man but because Woman is Woman and let this natural desire bind their hearts intimately together in the freedom of our original estate as it was originally intended by the Almighty God, the one common Creator of all creation.

For Divine Providence is not by any means an Office of earth which may be freely and humanly aspired to as a form of happiness by any Man in competent command of his own self for the happiness of Man shall, for as long as there is evil in our days, always lead him through Woman for only through Woman may Man be enabled to freely attain to God.

This is the common story of Woman's struggle for her Rights and is one that, were we Men wise enough even for our own sakes, must now be uncommonly attentive to for it is only upon the attainment of the correct form of understanding, drawn from all the many pains endured by Woman, past, present and in every present, that we shall regain the original intentions that were purposed by our LORD God in the establishment of our original estate and restore Man and Woman to the freedom of their original belongings to each other and the derivative forms of the human good as well as the common good that rely completely upon the preservation of this divine balance.

Part Second
shall include: Our Authentic Human Freedoms and The Honor of Man and the Dignity of Woman.

Part Third shall include: The Rights of Woman, The Question of Equality, The Question of Freedom and the Conclusion.

A happy and meaningful Independence Day to our dear old friend, the US of A! And we shall not mention her age but just say, "cheers, good times!"

I love you. I love you. I love you.

Always to always,


Friday, July 3, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

A Higher School

Another thing down the line that we should like to address within our fair (like you, my love) city of Miyangersjia in the near term is our local public school system.

A high school graduate over here in the Philippines being almost universally considered to be too green to enter the work force to have a decent career path most of the time enters into college only to become overqualified with some of the jobs available locally - or worse unemployed.

Honest work gives dignity back to the honest worker, my love.

Labor is a punishment of God, it's true. But we must now know to trust our God enough now to understand that all of our LORD's punishments intended for those who love and fear Him are of a nature that far, far transcends the understanding of the children of Mankind and so therefore, have faith enough in Divine Providence to see us through to the good.

For God's punishments meant for those He loves are better and more ennobling than man's anger or the Devil's hatred so we must, like little children, freely as well as humanly submit to them - especially to an honest day's work - with all of our love and trust.

I have seen some out of school youths in our own local area sniffing "rugby" or contact cement - not our vaunted footy game - while trying to sell what service they can provide to jeepney drivers cleaning their windshields with pieces of cloth.

A lot of people I see scoff at this but I have known (and still know - for he is my dear friend) a man who works as a janitor who is a happier man than most others who work as CEO's of major companies or even some of those movie stars whose particular stations in life most common folks hold close to their dreams as a measure of their own success.

A Republic and her Liberty can afford to be very forbearing in her hope but materialism, once it becomes rampant, is not a healthy pursuit for a city or for a nation and shall soon imperil the well-being of any egalitarian democracy - for we must understand that the happiness that is universally sought by the heart of the children of Mankind is not a material kind of happiness.

If we scoff at what labors we consider lowly, we shall never be able to build an economy that is sustainable because all human forms of economy, having inherited from our humanity those human weakness peculiar to our being, must be sustained first and foremost by virtues that empower and enable man to succeed in God - for a city that God does not build shall not be built.

Shall we scoff at the soldier and the civil servant, the teacher and the common worker and think no more about the very foundations that keep our nation strong and sovereign? Shall we scoff at the farmer and the fisherman too, and bite the very hands that feed our civilization?

If we consider only great things to be praiseworthy and do not consider the little things that make the great truly great, how can heaven bless us? Shall we then turn to crime and say that we admire virtue in criminals when virtue can only be found in the good? For it is vice and not virtue that likes to play the part of Goliath to the little David in each of our souls.

We shall have to introduce - down the line - within our own local public school system - an option for higher school consisting of years 10-12 - which is principally the 1st two years of college over here and shall be the equivalent of a full high school education overseas. For we must prepare our youth to succeed and give them every possible support toward this end - as it is their natural right.

While we're at it, I also believe it better serves the good of the people to re-introduce Spanish as well as Arabic in our curriculum as secondary (elective) to Filipino and English.

Note added 20090714: Speaking more of languages, I had a dream a couple of nights back which indicates to me that if necessary we should also be willing to add Hebrew to the mix.

Personally, I would also like to see German, French, Chinese and Japanese - and other world languages made available to our local school system. Because for as long as the people maintain in themselves truthfulness as a virtue, the languages of our world will serve their original purpose which is to maintain our nations in humility before God and not serve as an instrument of war.

Latin which now serves a purely ecclesial function within my Holy Mother Church is a language more suitably taught in Catholic schools. But the living (i.e. capable of evolving) languages that are in use within our present day world, Hebrew included, if they are made available to our local school system, I am personally convinced, will only help broaden the horizons of our youth.

Now, let us first point out that our first intention when teaching languages in the secondary level is not proficiency but the acquisition of an openness to different human cultures; that our youth may begin to understand with an understanding necessary to bridge the tension between nations. Proficiency then follows in the tertiary level.

The tension between words uttered by the different tongues of Mankind are a tension of justice that remind our hearts to reach out with tolerance and understanding with one another and not to strike out in fear and mistrust. It is the same tension that is present between families, tribes and nations of the children of Mankind. This tension of justice indicates the presence of the virtue hope which is why hope may also be felt as a tension. Racial tension is another example of the tension of justice. The false image of this tension is the tension of war.

Truthfulness was the main theme in our message to the graduates of 2009. We shall treat this virtue also in a separate entry.

The Mail in Miyangersjia

I have had a previous idea about the Philippine Mail and how it could more efficiently deliver its mission by interfacing, when necessary, with our barangay halls as alternate mail pick-up facilities for those areas where the Philippine Mail can not or is having difficulty reaching.

Anything that gathers together the people as the Philippine Postal System does is vital to the community. I do not know why little importance has been given to Philippine Mail to have to see private couriers taking over its normal routes.

Therefore, we shall work to incorporate mail routing and centralization into our building and infrastructure (as well as biking and pedestrian paths for local health nuts and our citizen soldiers) because whether it is delivered right to your door or to your personal mail box at your local barangay hall "the mail always arrives in Miyangersjia" and we shall also expect no less quality of service for our outgoing mail.

A little confession, my loveliest love - "Beauty and Industry" - while I named it after your fragrance, my darlingest - I wrote for Britney and Lindsay whose lives I could not help but follow while I was in America. It is also written for our darling Starshine - all of our youth who works hard to be happy - young cats like you, my Yang-yang Marie.

And "Unrequited Love" has nothing to do with us, my love - it is a cautionary work which I was having some second thoughts about but decided to publish anyway after I saw another serving of "Closer" starring our Calico Kikay, of course.

I love you.

Always to always,


Note: This was written yesterday afternoon but I only had the chance to post it this morning today.