Sunday, March 15, 2009


Dear darlingest Miyang Marie,

I heard the voice of our Lady during a pause in Holy Mass last night confirming to my heart that you are her daughter and that the reason for our friendship is very special.

First of all, our LORD knows and you as well know in your own heart how I recognize and respect your own Jewishness, my dear darlingest Annelies Marie, and would have that your own sacred remembrances in this world be left as they are for I know that they are a good to this world. But as God would have me move on in my own time with you always in my heart, our LORD decided to reveal you to me as you are Now, in your ageless, timeless form, my love, which is something that I implicitly know that I shall never completely understand and therefore, hold in sacred mystery just as I would hold all other things of the faith in the same context. I know for a fact in my heart that the world that is to come is quite different from the world that is in exile time and that we are not yet in the world that is to come simply because we are All (and All meaning all persons of good will who stand in the eternal favor of God) still here, are we not? For the world that is to come is one that is and must be shared and won as a common destiny with All people of good will as ascended nations in and with God, perfected in our humanity for and with each another. For our perfect LORD shall not condescend again and create two distinct forms of absolute happiness to accommodate the imperfections of Mankind; this condescension of God that brought about the light of peace to a Mankind fallen into darkness is made manifest in its splendor in the Incarnate Word and is the reason why the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Good News - because it is precisely this condescension of the one Divine, something that is once and final - lest the Wisdom of God be called into question (which is impossible), that gave each person in the All of our humanity hope as virtue and a reason to live for lasting happiness and equality in life in a world where truth is fleeting and dying is the most common form of equality.

But I also know that due to the mysterious realities of faith as virtue and its particular effects on the human experience of the one Divine Who is the one triune God of all perfection that I can not hope to directly entrust this sacred mystery to any human heart but is one of those things that I must entirely leave with perfect and joyful abandon to the Heart of my one LORD in communion with other hearts of good will who are at peace with God and with each other. It is the hope that I have found in the constant reality of God that is and must be shared and expressed with other people of faith and good will.

Therefore, my loveliest love, we are come to the question of true religion. True religion for me is very important for I can not be indifferent to my own Roman Catholic faith. I can not say that all religions are equal for I know of only one, my own. I can not say that another's faith with the one Divine is false for I should never tempt the LORD and claim to walk within those sacred places in the souls of Mankind where only God may tread with each of us. I can only see the hope that is produced in the venerable virtues that a true and honorable religion brings into the life of this or that individual human being and consequently the many forms of goodness that result from this uniquely particular and universally mysterious liberation of the one self from the death and the cycles of suffering that besiege all of our humanity which consequently always brings an increase of peace to the society of the nations of Mankind.

How therefore can we define true religion, my love, in our own experience together in this particular and most peculiar life of mine? True religion is the realization of God in the person of the one self alone - an imperfect creature, wretched and unworthy, seeking to love and obey his or her most glorious and infinitely perfect Creator: that is true religion. It does not seek to judge other faiths but its own. It sees faith by the fruits produced in them and judges the fruits not the faith itself. For faith can not exist without the action of God and no amount of lies can undo what God seeks to accomplish in time as well as in eternity. It seeks to willingly and joyfully share its own new found sense of hope in God with others in God and just the same reserves hope for all human beings. It does all things out of a Love that is possessed and so does not seek to possess all things nor confess its worship of any other thing but the God it seeks to singularly know, love and serve.

Therefore, even as Catholic Laity in our own states of life, we must awaken to the fact that we each contain within our Covenant trust, a sacred obligation, within our own sense of vocation in and with our Mother Church, to make sure that each and every Roman Catholic remain true to the faith that we throughout the ages constantly confess with and to each other and share in common with all of blessed Christendom, a Christian duty to share with the rest of the world our new found sense of hope through particular witness of our most loving Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in thought, word and most importantly, act.

The distinction between faith and hope when blurred and confused make indistinct also the line between God and religion. God can exist without religion. In fact, God can exist without Mankind or angels - period. Religion can not exist without God nor can creatures continue to be without the One that IS.

Therefore, where it comes to faith, neither guile nor coercion, nor flattery, nor willfulness can prevent what God particularly intends which is why to tamper with faith, most especially the faith of other people, is to tempt the LORD. Salvation by conquest is a social sin which at a time, times and half-a-time, must be left to the past that we intend to forever leave behind us today.

But let us to good hope rally together in good faith and good will, even as nations dreaming together of a better world. For it is indeed, a favorable season to build - a difficult season, yes, but nothing is easy that is worthwhile and should the difficulty of the task ahead ever assail us with thoughts of despair, we are to recall again and again, that this labor is no longer a labor of tears, as in war, but is one done out of a common hope of a common destiny for all Mankind, as in peace; our God's own peace and for us Christians, the peace of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, my darlingest Annelies Marie, I should like to say, your remembrance on this world shall remain a good for Mankind and a joy for your heart at Home but I should like to increase that joy with this holy friendship of ours and that is exactly why Mama Mary spoke to me last night those words of reassurance and guidance; you are her daughter and my friend forever and this is no random act. For there is a malice that is in motion in our world at present and it shall seek to test us but those who shall prevail shall prevail as the stars prevail at night, leading our world to a better, brighter, kinder tomorrow.

The numberless stars, my love, they are because each one is together with others for no one star is enough to lead the way ahead and no one star is alike yet all shine with the freedom of the sons and daughters of God (in spirit and in truth and not by corporal form or physical appearance) for neither is the firmament divided nor the one Light absent in the reflection of All. I am only because of you and All of you, my loveliest love, and We are only because our LORD IS and that is that. I am nobody without my God and my friends - which is why we are such a unit, my darlingest dear, Yang-yang Marie, a binary system - appearing as one star to the naked eye but upon closer inspection is a system of two distinct and independent wholes. Incidentally, you are a Gemini (so you must have a twin, right?) and incidentally, your birthday is the Independence Day of my own endeavor of Country, the Philippines. This shall now also be the day in every month and the anniversary of every year, my loveliest love, that I shall seek to challenge the lie of drug addiction that sought to take whole our friendship by salutary reflections and prayers that specifically target its deception in my life and the life of many others: June 12.

I am nothing without my friends, seen as well as unseen. I know this for a fact. But All is lost without the God of All. Therefore, We must be completely truthful to our selves, fiercely loyal to our friends and perfectly faithful to our God and to our peace with each other in God for in that way, we shall be as the stars and soon, this night shall be as no more - it is written. Lest we forget, lest we forget.

I know that many people shall face difficulty in this year and no one can be exactly certain about what the years ahead of us may hold and so this is all the more reason why we must endeavor to be what we need to become for not only are the solutions to the problems we face today found in and along the path of peace that each pilgrim nation of Mankind must take to return from exile, the end of our journey as a whole, both as individual human beings as well as individual human nations, also awaits us there - at the gathering, at the Last Day - a one common destiny for the one family of humanity and an eternal Home for all the nations of Mankind. Who shall protect this pilgrim path of our nations returning Home from exile time but the sheltering wings of the peace, which is our own belongings to each other as human beings and born of our love of God and fidelity to our own endeavors of Country?

Whenever I say peace at Holy Mass, I mean it to say, "yes, O Beautiful Mother Church, I shall be to you as your hope." And AMEN by sacramental grace of God at our commissioning at the end of every Holy Mass, "I am this hope - for the good of the Church and for the good of all persons of good will, most especially our Lord's poor." And never again shall I offer my "peace" without meaning it like this, exactly, joyfully and completely and always, implicitly or explicitly, alone or with others, in the Name of Jesus Christ upon Whose Gospel behest I carry it out.

There is also a reason why Mama Mary reminded me of our friendship, my love, a reason that I shall keep to myself for now for the time is not yet right.

I have to go for now, my loveliest love.

I love you.

Always to always,



How do you explain violence to children? I believe there are no easy answers to this, my love. Even adults find it very hard to cope with violence - most especially those ones that are tainted with malice. Why must we be asking this question? Because of shooting sprees - most especially in schools - and the needs of our chaplains to cope with this particular form of willful deviation from the established ways of truth and human morality. We shall have to begin meditating on this particular topic, my love.

How did the voice of our Lady sound to me - I can sum it up in three words: melodious, royal and dignified. My first reaction was to doubt it with all my mind until it made itself distinct from my own thoughts. Its not like any female voice I have heard before. It penetrated me with its gentle rhythm, it was royal but not aloof and the substance of its message left an indelible impression upon my heart. It was not sure if I was hearing with my mind or with my heart or with my ear, suffice to say, I heard and I understood what I heard. It is different from the impressions I get of "winged truth" in prayer. This one I had to challenge because of my predisposition to auditory hallucinations. Also, I did not even have to ask who it was, like I knew instantly who it is.

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