Monday, March 16, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

Just some thoughts for today, my love:

DESPAIR or a sense of hopelessness when it becomes prevalent in the people is a gateway for social sins.

Because a nation is possessed with a spiritual heart, its ability to safeguard the sacred trust of the people entrusted to her sense of self-identity require that both the secular form and the spiritual soul of her society draw strength from each other; so that their whole become more than their parts.

The separation of honorable religion and responsible state when interpreted in the light of the peace makes meaningless the needless hostility that exists between these disciplines both of whom must, as they are intended to be, align in and through God with and for Country to propel the good of the nation forward in its course; both the individual good that preserves the peace and the common good that fosters the people.

Again, we are come to another realization of the needless opposition which is an indication of an elusive global paradigm whose oppressive and evil structures and systems of sin, as if by wicked design of an inhuman intelligence, draw their enabling breath from a global paradigm of war; a veritable demon of hell, mature in form, quite real and completely spiritual in nature, a beast of war that seeks to poison with the malice of war the hearts of human individuals and entire human nations, miring the substance of human reality with its defeat, undoing the progress of the human spirit, tainting the waters of things intended for the triumph of life.

Shooting sprees are an act of pure desperation and are no less different from a suicide bomber convinced, whether by seen or unseen influences, of the needlessness of human life both in others as well as their own.

The questions that we ask where we are confronted with this kind of incomprehensible violence emphasizes the fact that we are come to a point in human history where we must first ask our selves, in our own hearts, why these questions are able to be asked, can be asked, must be asked.

Because war as a whole have extinguished all the answers that should have been in the place of these questions that now lay before us, their peace only lay with our being able to carry on with their hope, but war, too, seeks to extinguish their hope by making our hearts blind to each other; that is may carry on its ambition of total annihilation of all our nations.

Will no one arrive at the gathering? It is for this purpose that we must, at a time, times and half-a-time, awaken, from heart unto heart, to the quickening call of the one peace. For all these troublesome things will be shed like the darkness is shed if only we, as the one family of the nations of Mankind, are returned to the path of peace which is the one path that leads towards the daybreak of the new age. I can not emphasize enough the unthinkable consequences of being left behind in this midnight darkness after the purpose of this present time is fulfilled and the iron doors of Country shut forever against the relentless rage of the beast of war.

And we will do this by bearing our burdens one with another, both as individual human beings as well as individual human nations, born and bred in the course of our hope to obtain for Almighty God the victory of Country and a common destiny for all Mankind as a whole, or none at all.

These destructive eruptions of violence can not be explained in any other way or isolated in any other form from the greater context of the whole of which it is but a symptom among many other symptoms. These questions of a greater evil, I am entirely convinced, instead of being sought in their impossibility to be completely understood, must be left to stand in stark contrast to what good there is and thus, serve our peace by their being able to directly reinforce and make distinct what is worth keeping in our shared humanity.

Let us move along to a brief outline of an economic road map - need, initiative, opportunity, continuity. Bearing into mind now that virtue is currency, we may place our trust in the efficacy of this truth. Profit is gained not from the presence of human need but from the realization of our human responsibility to respond to these common needs. Now some people profit materially, others spiritually, ideally we must seek to be both so that both the economy of grace and the economy of the natural order of things be maintained within our nation ALWAYS in the context of the one family of the nations of Mankind. These needs are plenty and they are obvious. Initiative is the not the product of a people paralyzed by fear, inadequacies and despair. The national morale must be enabled so that the paths that lead to the right choices may be opened up and economic opportunities gained by an authentic spirit of entrepreneurial partnerships between the nation and the state. For these economic opportunities must be informed business opportunities that recognize and understand the commonweal of the nation which is the endeavor of Country. The smallest of our small businesses must be given reasonable opportunity enough to succeed in their vision while ensuring that those well-established businesses within our responsible sphere of national endeavor are given the legal confidence in our market system enough to enrich it with the proven strength of their positive enterprise. Trade with other nations must also be aligned toward the mutual benefit of both partners, not just the self-interest of one, in the greater context of the Scale of the Wholes so that the long term vision of the business undertaking may not be lost to the tides of the times and the common good of the entire enterprise economy of the free market thus preserved. Republic checks and balances that ensure the proper separation of powers, fiscal discipline and a growing sense of ownership of Country as well as stewardship of our planet shall ensure continuity of the peace without which no real economy may begin to take root; without which only crime and the descent to anarchy is ensured.

Our military forces, police, fire and emergency services are a direct reflection of the state of our Republic will. We would do well to respect what these souls do and these sons and daughters of Country will do well to preserve in God the timeless honor of their necessary professions.

I am of the conviction that the Spratley Islands issue is not an issue of sovereignty per se and this is why: A nation's sovereignty does not proceed from the land alone but is a matter of the quality of the life of nation as itself as a whole. Because even if the land itself is bountiful by itself, it is worthless if the people are absent from the land. Thus, the strength of any sovereign state comes only when the people are strong in their sense of belonging with each other. For only then can the land or the sea or the air prove to be bountiful and not before.

Now, most of these atolls are not even habitable nor is its natural geography logistically viable as a population center in the mid-term. By then, the economic potential of these atolls would have most likely dissipated into nothing or next to nothing.

Shall the noble military in remembrance of its mission sacrifice itself for things other than the life of the nation for which it is commissioned to serve and defend? Shall the responsible state waste its strength in this way? No, I believe that this is in reality an economic issue and is therefore comprehensible only in those terms. To break the deadlock, the matter must be considered for what it is and I personally put forward to you, my love, that it is not a matter of habitable territory more than it is an issue of material economy.

Why must any nation fear that its material wealth will dwindle who subscribes to the reality that virtue is currency? For this currency is both unassailable as well as infinite. Shall an honest nation, sincere in its will and lucid in its vision of the eternal, not profit from its virtue forever?

Is it better to be continually paralyzed by the nearness of conflict or to shrug off the beast of war that have for generations deceived without exception each and every one of our nations and begin to learn to humanly share our common responsibility of making the peace present in this world?

It another working week, my darlingest. I have to go for now.

I love you much, much, much.

Always to always,


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