Monday, February 23, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

I just caught an episode of the Doha Debates on BBC (or the Big Boss Cat *lol* btw, CNN is Cat Network News *rofl*) about Arab Unity, my loveliest love. It was proposed by the house that Arab Unity was "dead in the water" after the incident at Gaza.

I propose that its hope is yet to be attained.

In the paradigm of the peace, my love, these "incidents" are to be known as "breaches" for the one peace is a global paradigm that when rooted in the hearts of Mankind issues forth as a one continuum in subjective time as well as in dimensional space (physical time). Because the issues of this world emerge from the issues of the human heart, subjective time rules over physical time for human beings don't live lives according to the exact, linear measure of seconds, minutes and hours but in moments kept when time is present in the heart that is present here in the Now. These moments are the moments that add length to our years without which we would feel exactly what physical time is by itself an empty, forgetful, unfeeling vehicle that is inevitably and inescapably headed for oblivion.

Physical time is like a carrier frequency, a conveyance that after its purpose is spent and the substance of our reality - those worlds within ourselves - has been realized into our common universe without disperses into an oblivion. This is only true to those whose hearts are true to the one LORD, the Sustainer of all universes - so that those whose hearts belong not to the substance of this message shall never comprehend these words. For all things must be by our most beneficent LORD willed and so to prayer, my love, we must always enjoined our little Starshines - to those prayers that matter - the prayers of a heart that is a self cognizant of self, seeking to dwell with the one Beautiful, alone with the Alone, intimate with the Intimate - a love longing for Itself.

If Christianity ever had something to give to other honorable religions, it is this - God is Love - this is our primary gift, it is at the core of all our sacred traditions.

It is extremely important that the war within is kept, by the power of God, under control of our own heart of hearts and not the other way around - because if we allow the beast of war entry into our one human habitation which is the one seamless reality that each of us share together, it will seek to devour not just this, our inhabited earth - but all of the visible universe entire. For where war is from heaven thrown down, it must on earth be denied and where else does the timeless and the temporal intersect but in the human soul. We all dwell in the abode of our heart of hearts with the one Beautiful so must the line of the defense be drawn from this space We have together and the conduct of this defense must be fought at the walls of this City which mark the limits of our will across which is the desolation.

If one can fight this fight, then the battles from without shall always be won without war and their potential for peace attained in time so that victory may only be delayed but never captured by the enemies of truth.

War without remembrance is indeed an insufferable evil for it a blindness that thinks to itself as sight, beauty that thinks to itself beautiful, a desert that thinks to itself a garden, a desolation that thinks to itself as peace. All that is beautiful, my love, is but a reflection of the one Beautiful but pride thinks of itself as truth and therefore, truth becomes a burden to it.

Arab Unity is a sub-whole (only in the context of the Scale of the Wholes as it is also a one whole by itself alone) that can not exist in a planetary whole that is overrun and dominated by the paradigm of war - for such a unity is a unity of governance and all governance must exist within the Scale of the Wholes which is the structure of the governance of Divine Providence unto all creation, seen and unseen, of which our inhabited earth is an integral part.

If any unity is to be achieved, at this time, we must also be mindful of the evolution of the nature of war as a beast - for unity is an aspect of the peace and so may only arrive in our midst by the blessing of Almighty God above.

Yet so many hearts believe in war, so many souls are willing to lay in bed with the beast of war - it is adultery against our shared humanity, an insult against the holy angels of God who are the guardians of the altars of life and an abomination in the face of our LORD.

How can heaven bless us with peace if we ourselves are at war with it? Nay, my beloved friend and constant companion, we shall have to make our stand - here and now - in the Name of our LORD and on behalf of all the generations of life. We must draw the line at a time, times and half-a-time and build upon the hope of our shared humanity, the foundations of a better time and place - Lest we forget. Lest we forget - Beloved of God, I can not impress enough to your heart of hearts the importance of this work, it has real consequence which can bring us either a blessing or a curse, and all the generations after us shall remember us by the choice that we begin today and each day until the passing of our generation X.

We must be able to transmit also to the Y generation, the substance of this labor of hope in God and Country for it is also theirs to complete - that the necessary foundations for the one peace may be laid and the unthinkable human catastrophe of another age dominated by war deflected into oblivion.

Let us say:

I am a human being and I belong to my nation of the one family of the nations of Mankind.

We are as one in our shared humanity, a keeper and a friend from always to always, being invested in God and in each other, by kinship bonds of sacred trust and we shall labor to be useful to each our own endeavor of Country.

We claim our rightful ownership, as the numberless stars of the one eternal Firmament, to the promise made to our Father Abraham of old to fulfill the vision of peace for our world, bless all the nations of the one family of the nations of Mankind and add to the life of the generations to come in the Name of the LORD and on behalf of all the generations of life.

We shall let no division deceive us nor evil enter into the unity of our peace.

What war does to one, war does to all.

War is a political and military paradigm but globalization is a demographic phenomenon that indicates that our population centers are moving from rural to urban, it is a paradigm shift that is economic in nature and it requires another kind of social adaptation that is also allied to the one peace - the morality of human need - the very definition of being human.

Our adaptation to globalization require all the good and honorable religions of the world to understand that the structures of our charity must become organized in support of our right to exist and be recognized in our own native humanity in our own native world - towards this purpose I have intended my own community: the one Solidarity and its secular counterparts, mainly the one Majority - all of which are structured to recognize and to serve our common human needs as a system of common needs.

We must devote a meditation on prayer itself for our dear Starshines, my love.

We shall have our prayers in support of Afghanistan - all our brave troops, NATO as well as local Afghan forces - and meditate as well on the situation over there. As far as I know, Iraq is doing splendid at this time and elder Israel is regrouping with unborn Palestine. Palestine can not join the one defensive fold as herself at this time which is why the peace process is very important and the two state solution of two endeavors of Country laboring in peace, side by side, should not just remain a dream but should - in the context of greater things - now be awakened into reality.

I love you so much, my loveliest love, my Meowrrrja.

Always to always,


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