Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Dear darlingest Miyang Marie,

Australia is suffering through the worst bushfire season in her history, my love. And with casualties expected to soar to over 200 persons, I know that Australia is hurting. You see, darlingest Annelies, Australia is a very tight-knit community. I felt this when I was there and I felt it to such degree that I hurt with her now. I know that she hurts and so we're going to include her in our prayers. And perhaps, let her know also of our solidarity with her at this tragedy.

Sri Lanka is also a nation afflicted with the curse of war. A human being is a human being, my love. So many civilians are trapped in the fighting that I am fearful of the numbers of those whose promise have been lost to us again, numbers that shall soon be revealed to the world in the aftermath of the conflict. A smile, once lost, is a smile forever lost to us, my love - that is how precious, each human promise really is - our nations have been so deceived by war and the spirit of our humanity so broken by the ambition of war that the peoples of the world have become so desensitized to what is happening - like you said in your time, my love, the world of the present is also falling to pieces around our ears, and the problem is that no one seem to care enough to do something about it. But we shall through the apostolate and its equivalent citizen action organizations let all willing hearts know that peace makes a difference. In view of this peace, I want the Philippines as a nation-state to make a difference in this world - to be an example for others - like Sri Lanka, God-willing, to follow.

I've started working full-time in the call center industry once again, my love. You know, I also want to write something about this industry. I shall also do that soon.

I love you.

Always to always,


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