Saturday, February 28, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

We do not ask to suffer, dear Starshine, it is our Lord that asks it of us. So we must never, by first principles, desire to invite suffering in ourselves nor find any kind of satisfaction in seeing the same in others. For suffering is not by any means an end to all things but a means to an end purposed to our souls from eternity by the LORD and proposed to our hearts in exile time by our Lord Christ with and through every moment that rise with our hopes to God in prayer. Therefore, we must be able to accept the suffering that is given to us, great or small - but most especially the small - with a heart of love that willingly and joyfully believes the Gospel acclamation that God shall not ask anything of us that we can not bear. We do so for God and for each other in God as true self.

This Season of Lent is a Journey that will take us to the heart of the mystery of suffering. For only through this road shall we discover what it means to be a Christian, of any denomination - the same truth borne of everliving fruits lived in silent witness of the same; knowing without words through the prayer of our Lord, Jesus Christ, what it takes to be a human being unto all human beings. Therefore, making the peace of the LORD, the gift of God in Christ in ourselves and a blessing for all men and women of good will: Peace which is a strength of heaven that we must on earth live to share in common with the other Abrahamic traditions, born of a promise of old to our common Patriarch, Abraham, made by the one Divine that we, the numberless Stars of the one Firmament, shall bless the national communities of Mankind. And verily, there is no other greater need for this promise in the history of Mankind to awaken to the eternal memory of the one Divine than this, our present time. So dearest Starshine, let us choose to be present to each other by our being present to the LORD our God, our one Peace, our one Light: Do not despair but let us labor together in our hearts to fulfill this purpose by living the life that needs to live in each ourselves, neither holding back nor exceeding the promise we have in Jesus Christ: How can any kind of division be stronger than this, my love? Only those who choose to believe in division shall soon be overcome by it - we know it's path, where it leads - and our hopes together shall not let us enter there.

Hell is a timeless state and eventually, at the Last Day, a physical place - the remnant of the void that once was the ageless angelic realms, timeless yet finite, the native of sky, emptied, broken, now left unfeeling, and torn by a war that is not intended for human beings. Yet there can only be one Hell for it is a choice to live the lie that lead away from the reality of all things, seen and unseen. For how can there be two choices that lead away from all that is truth in the Truth? No one arrives into Hellfire by accident and those who are consumed by it have but one regret - the pain of a sense of loss, like guilt that is swallowed up by itself, a worm that dieth not, an undying memory of the pain things that can no longer be, distorted screams lost in the gulf of a senseless, silent oblivion, the fire of Hell is the crush of a lie compressed to the reality of its emptiness along with all things, human and angelic that were once real, who knowingly and wilfully chose to freely worship the lie in all the evil that now rages like an endless burning within itself, imploded into the singularity of Satan's sin; the dark of Hell becomes like a skin, heavy and dense like the darkest and the densest pitch, it clings to beings, distorted and barely human or angelic in appearance, inescapable is this destiny to those who have chosen to embrace it. It is neither a state nor a place that is intended for human beings, in the first instance, but must become so for those who shall chose to worship the lie that denies the existence of the one common Creator of all creation, our one LORD God. Therefore, those who desire Hellfire to consume other human beings know it not in its reality or have come to embrace it as their own. For if we see suffering here in our world, and have compassion in our hearts, why must we have none for the souls of those who we desire to see suffer the insufferable pains of Hell?

We shall learn to integrate this reality in our believing together, that our hopes shine all the more brighter, dearest Starshine, so do not despair, my love. And We do so for God and for each other in God as true self.

As regards to the evil in men, and the countless crimes and abominations that have resulted from it, we shall not let this be an excuse to allow malice to enter into our own hearts - we shall cut evil off from our existence at a time, times and half-a-time, and build on the peace, our hope of the peace being driven by motives that are purely good, letting the evil in evil men sort itself out by itself in the void from whence it came.

Today begins the weekend, my darlingest dear. I'm so excited to busy myself with useful things to do, of course, there's always fun things to enjoy as well - for any world without colors is a bore.

And I'm never bored nor does sadness really and truly persist when I have a home to come home to in you, my darlingest dear, my Miyang Marie - for far may I roam, it is your starlight smile makes things ever so nice again.

You're my first contact star, my love - we are a binary, a unit of one friendship forever.

I love you.

Always to always,



I came to this local Internet cafe late tonight thinking of writing about things I now find it hard to recall... Strange that I had with a good measure of enthusiasm managed to get here only to stare for about 10 minutes at the screen, seemingly oblivious of the prior reasons that have moved me so powerfully out of bed to get here. But here goes, my loveliest love...

Oh yeah, I was thinking about a poem about you called, "Starlight Smile" - something that should come natural and extemporaneous to us for having warmed to each other all this time - and still getting warmer. I just want to express the feeling of joy of having this friendship with you more than I already have in "Impatient" and get to those timeless instances where amidst the furthest of fields you pick me up and make me smile. I just can't focus on this here because I've got other people talking and playing games on the other computers. Plus, its late and I don't know how long this shop is willing to stay open till.

So I'll just write the seeds of things I should like to cultivate in time with you: Peace in the Middle East - we shall remain with our focus here on this most central of issues, to break the siege of the beast of war in this world require that peace be attained here. The issue of prisoner exchange is on the table right now. This issue must come to our attention either before or after the one peace is negotiated but an issue still that is allied to the main cause of breaking the siege of war in this most vital of regions and not against it. Therefore, I hold all parties holding prisoners to honor the intrinsic rights of these human beings. I have already made clear the planetary consequences that we, of the generations of life, are tasked with meeting and deflecting into the void and this is a task that must be begun from here in the Middle East. It has been a feature of human history that nations learn through reactive experience, however, there are some learning that require us to be proactive in scope. If not to religious or spiritual leaders, let us listen to the facts of science, there is a deadline ahead, composed of things that I feel are more terrible than they appear, that we should not like to cross before the learning begins.

I should like to speak to our Starshine more specifically on prayer and the actual methods of prayer, and Christian prayer in particular.

The Abrahamic Home Guard - the reality of our LORD and the honor of our universal religious traditions of peace and of life is the common good that is the protectorate of the one Guard within the juridical and constitutional framework of the one family of the nations of Mankind fostering tolerance and respect of our differences, the appreciation of our spiritual confluences, wisdom traditions, lineages of hope and religious harmony among all honorable religions of the world.

The Charter of Universal Human Rights - as part of the one Trust - the Commonwealth Trust of the one Family of the Nations of Mankind, constitute the secular lines of the common defense of the dignity of the human person, the only high ground that exists within the fifth battle space is the moral high ground that must be defined and occupied prior in order to be defended against elements of instability that rage against our endeavors of Country and those forces that seek to rob us of our shared humanity.

An Integrated Strategy of Philippine National Defense - the will to preserve the one Republic is also the same will that drives her to advance the hope enshrined in her founding by the nation that have from Divine Providence merited her, as an endeavor of Country. This system of defense, in our post Cold-War world, in order for it to remain sustainable in the long-term must co-exist within a layered synergy of larger frameworks of allied cooperation of whole Endeavors of Country existing within the Scale of the Wholes from national, to regional, to continental, to planetary - all tending toward the common good that Peace Prospers the People.

In the paradigm of the Peace, the Spratley issue becomes a purely economic problem existing within a regional Whole - in a globalized environment, the political lines that determine the limits of national sovereignty must evolve - these lines are not limits that divide the earth but are the responsible reaches of overlapping acceptances to distinctly share the planetary responsibility of stewardship of our world so that future generations of our shared humanity may have a world to shelter them. De-militarized economic zones, primary and secondary capitals, protectorate spheres of responsibility, conflict de-escalation, mutual lines of the absolute defense - all of these are concepts that belong to the new paradigm that belong to the new age that stretches before us like an invitation and a choice presented to our present time.

The Global Filipino - I once thought that we Filipinos just had black hair and that was that for the person I was who having never really noticed before, that black hair is not merely black but are actually cast in subtle shades of darkest golden brown was blind to the fact that there are colors in every person that are indeed, hard to see but if we should learn to love people as human beings, their beauty become not at all impossible to perceive.

I now know from my own experience that our humanity, in our common generations, has a great potential to paint this world into newer and better shades that are so much more richer, fuller and complete in the synergy of their spectrum than the pitch black of the midnight sky that I see hanging overhead, casting a persistent, seemingly permanent, shadow upon nations embittered and broken by war, because from among the scattered debris of civilizations past, amidst the shores of lands - near and far - awash with the empty shells of broken dreams, I have witnessed at the heart of our Mankind, during my own walks with God in prayer, a great blooming of these little white flowers of patient hope being all those promises we must keep, promises born at the beginning of better things to come.

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