Saturday, February 21, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

I saw Push yesterday after work, my darlingest. It's surprising to see how much Dakota Fanning has grown up yet I know that underneath it all, she is still a child, seeking for herself and quite vulnerable in her seeking.

The world of our today, my love, seems less violent. But that is only because the violence that is intrinsic to this earth is less apparent. Not that it has ever diminished but more so because much of its deceptions seem to have found welcome within the life of our very nations themselves. The poisonous fruits of these lies are either kept away from our view or are sold to the generations of our children as food for their souls. As a result of this, a particular spiritual malaise, hidden just beneath the surface of the reality which is our common habitation, exists in our civilizations like a simmering within, always ready to erupt seemingly with neither rhyme nor reason to claim more and more of our blood.

Hell makes its bitter war with Mankind as a whole primarily by denying us the light to be able to move our nations forward in exile time.

When I see the beauty of the young in my heart, my love, I am almost always recalled to the battles that rage within those worlds within. For I know how precious they are to our LORD, to all the angels of God, and to our shared humanity and how near-infinite their potential to give to this absent world what it needs to ascend to those places in time and dimensional space that our nations today have yet to dream of going.

But beauty seem incomprehensible nor hope existent to the darkness who itself does not comprehend itself.

War without remembrance indeed, is like murder without regret; an insufferable evil not fit to even breathe the same air we breathe, eat from the same earth that we cultivate, live among the same communities that we built, and walk beneath the safety that is forever guarded by the remembrance of all our generations past for those who actively and willfully seek the beast of war only seek a desolation that calls itself "peace". This peace is a lie, my love. It is not Our peace, therefore it speaks death to itself.

I feel very, very much for our Generation Y-ers but not without hope do I let these things be expressed for hope is an intrinsic gift given specifically to our shared humanity - Satan and his reprobate hosts shall forever rage against us in the depths of Hell because of this gift; it is an exercise in futility. For we will labor now, by the grace of Almighty God, to close the iron gates of Country against the beast of war so that the promise of God to our Father Abraham of old may bless with the sheltering wings of peace the one family of the nations of mankind, bring relief to our shared humanity and repair to our exhausted planet.

We will overcome and our humanity shall be better prepared to prevail for our overcoming but first, we must be able to recognize darkness from light at a time, times and half-a-time. And from 2009, we must upon this favorable season of peace, in the Name of our LORD God and on behalf of all the generations of life, build together as one family of the nations of mankind, the foundation of new things, PERSEVERING together in God and Country, so that former things may pass away and history renew itself in the face of our needful world as our nations march east, shoulder to shoulder, leaving the darkness of the past behind us forever.

There is no other safe path Home for humanity than this mountain path.

Indeed, I believe in our promise together, for I know the strength of hope is like human sails, billowing with the substance of truth, bursting with endeavor, shining in the night, for like you, my loveliest love, I believe in the intrinsic goodness of the human heart.

I wanted to talk about pornography and other things but I guess that will have to wait, I feel spent. But today is a lovely day, my loveliest love, and its the weekend - we clever cats always find fun things to do. I read "1" on my calico meter at 0 feet and that's how I know its working, because of you, my loveliest love. I'm so glad to have you as my friend!

I love you.

Always to always,


Some more fragments I'd like to park here for now:

As regards to the one Peace, O ye numberless Stars, we shall be as the waters of the Deep, full of hope, calm with potential, pregnant with wonder, and ever ready to respond, shoulder to shoulder, to the LORD who Alone exists above the coherence of our nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.

At the level of the highest whole of our one, ascendant peace, at the summit of this truth that embracing all of creation, preserves the rule of Divine Providence within our realities, there shall be no more prophets, seers or spiritual leaders - there shall be only our LORD to lead and to guide us, like the one Daystar Sun that shines Its golden sunbeams above the equality of the calm of our waters, to penetrate with Its sharp, sustaining light, our souls and the sacred abode of our hearts both as individuals together and as individual nations together, till the shores of forever.

For as the one Fold of the one Firmament, comprising the all in all of the elect of our LORD from eternity, we are all each to our all peers to our peers, friends to our friends, and companions to our companions - from always to always.

Remain true.

O numberless Stars of Father Abraham, know you now that the honor of our one God is entrusted to our hope and our ability to deliver on this promise shall have significant bearing on the lasting shape of things to come.

Time to redeem from the darkness of the past, our sense of direction, and turn away from the darkness of this midnight world, let us complete our remembrances of the one peace, bring forward our hopes into the now and advance together with faith eastwards, unto the dawn, unto the LORD, unto the one whole one.

Time is an instrument of our LORD. It is a safe refuge - let us use this refuge, we shall build on the peace from within each of ourselves, and from this truth, build on the peace of our own world - exceeding not our own sufficiency - being patient with ourselves - hoping, one with another, and clinging to our LORD - let not haste nor restlessness allow us to forget that time itself is an ally of the one peace. For time is purpose and this purpose fulfills not the ambition of war.

Free will and it's responsible practice is Liberty and Liberty shapes the life of the nation. She is the beloved Shepherdess of Justice's flock, a seeker of lost choices that complete the dreaming of every human community.

For the free are not free without the dreaming of Country and every dreaming of Country can only awaken to the call of lady Liberty.

Liberty is not free choice but an enabler of human choice under whose watchful vigilance, serve to mature in exile time, the nobility that sleeps within the souls of Mankind.

The greatest of human civilizations are those nations that Justice possess, those who dream the dream of Liberty's peace; of whole nations ascended into eternity, awakening together to golden shores at the completion of every noble endeavor of Country.

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