Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Dear darlingest Miyang Marie,

I love to see the beauty in others,
like watching over a dream that sleeps,
I experience in the gold of their smiles,
the timeless substance of things
that are alive to the memory
of the longing that seeks to live in me.

And that in a nutshell is what I am feeling right now, my darlingest. Yes, there is much trials and difficulties and even now they persist and I expect that they shall do so till our promise is fulfilled but still, my loveliest love, to have not lived this life at all would have been my greatest regret.

The soul that lives in the heart that longs for God is a vast universe - and I would that I share this sweet feeling that burns like the warmth of your smile so close to my being to others who must also awaken within themselves, the Kingdom of a God that seeks from within to walk a more closer walk upon this world with our suffering humanity, here and now, at a time of great trial, to let shine His changeless glory in this deep and forlorn darkness - ever as a Light unto Mankind.

I love you, my loveliest love.

Always to always,


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