There are times, my loveliest love, when the things I often would like to say are not the things that are allowed to be said. And I say this because it seems to me - no, it is quite apparent to me - that I am but a tool of my Master - and a very grateful instrument I am, my darlingest dear. There are purposes greater than myself that works to carve out a new channel to direct the flow of human history elsewhere, towards better places, nobler times and greater things.
I know not many things but I know joy, I have many fears but I know not to trust in them, to live my faith and cling to my hope in God and in All of you with a soul that loves all things as one Love in the LORD.
Of course, you are instrumental in all of this, my dear darlingest - but all of these treasures flow from the one source and so I must admit to you that there is no other greater joy in all of existence than to experience in one's own life the saving power of our LORD God in Jesus Christ, my Savior, my All.
It's a sad, sad thing that so much bad things have happened in the name of religion but part of the hope that must through holy remembrance of the nations of Mankind be carried forward into this present time is the hope to overcome what war has for centuries wrought in false witness of the one Divine and the great and abominable lie that it had unleashed against the faith of Mankind.
Religion has a significant part to play in the carving out of the new history of today but only through religion understood in the context of the one reality of the LORD.
Today is Ash Wednesday, my loveliest love. The Season of Lent begins with a solemn meditation on death symbolized by the ashes that we, Roman Catholics, are to receive this day in crosses upon our foreheads as a somber reminder of the real sum of all things.
Our 40 day Lenten Journey will take us across the landscapes of the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ from meditations on human suffering, death, the pains of hell, prayer, repentance and penance, fasting, alms-giving, into the glory of the Easter transformation.
I love you.
Always to always,
Just some other things, my loveliest love.
Breaking News: Our Sunbeam's tiara sold for $ 1,350. I really haven't told you about it yet but she made this nice tiara to be auctioned off for charity. It's an all-American design, of course, she's our all-American cat. Here's a picture of it:

I admire her because I can feel her soul touching mine, we have the same will to help our Lord's Poor, and not just out of show but out of a love that is born and being bred for purposes that shall in time fulfill itself in us. She belongs to the one Fold and so do I and so we belong to each other in Christ, our Lord - of this, I am sure. And I know you approve of her as well.
Differences mean little here, for where the Holy Spirit of our LORD is concerned, all things turn to unity in God, something I also hope on behalf of Sunbeam would be realized in her native Ireland as well, that Ireland too, may come to a remembrance of herself in God as Country and the wounding in the heart of that nation soon heal when above all things, her soul dwells again, above all differences, as one in God and in all of herself as a nation of golden peace, and as a verdant place of patient life.
We do not need to redraw the lines of the earth but the lines in our hearts to make things whole again. (The Scale of the Wholes is spiritual in nature.) For it is in the every soul of Mankind that all that is division needs be overcome for not upon this, our mortal earth, dwell for all things the changeless and immovable Will that All be one again through the grace for Mankind to be whole once more realized, in spite of the evil of the world, in those instances born of a conquering that everywhere proceed from the timeless Throne of our LORD God in eternity.
Saint Patrick's is coming up, my love, we shall keep this hope in our hearts and by that time next month, share it with Ireland, that we may, through God's grace, help her to remember.
Also, Partick Swayze is stricken with cancer and from the moment I found out about it, God had purposed for it to have stayed in my mind, my loveliest love. Therefore, we shall pray for him at Holy Mass tonight that our LORD God may strengthen him to humbly and willingly accept the will of God that is intended for him, for the good of all that he loves in this life and above all his own everlasting good in the life that is to come.
I appreciate his art and I know that you do, too, my love and as we are thankful for it, is only right that we do what we must, regardless of time or distance, to come to the aid of his soul in prayer.
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