Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Miyang Marie,

What constitutes right action, my love? Right action is the exercise of virtue: It is the willingness to do good (unto others as well as unto the self) and the acceptance of its grace. These two things when truly present in the human will constitute one seamless choice and it is this choice, my love, that gives birth to all our good works - those fruits of a good and honorable religion, acceptable to God forever and made edible to all nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.

All exercise of virtue is an upward climb - it is a mountain path - and all things that ascend involve the pain of sacrifice - for thus is the will of the LORD. Now, this might seem like a lot to ask for some but when we shall view this pain of sacrifice in the universal context of human suffering, we shall understand its merit and when we shall contemplate Jesus Christ Crucified in the same context, we shall realize the greatness of our beloved martyrs.

I am working on a blog entry on human suffering, my love - I just need to polish it up a little bit more and it shall be ready for publishing. We shall also publish an entry on what constitutes right action - just as soon as our cycle of meditation on this subject is complete.

In contrast to virtue - vice and its resultant evils - are a surrender; they cause us to fall by the descendant gravity of their nature. Peace when it is truly lived becomes a social virtue and war when one shall surrender to its malice truly becomes a social vice. Both of these things begin (in time and in dimensional space) through those battles fought and won in the human heart.

The Philippines needs a strategic outlook. One of the great necessities of my own endeavor of Country with my honorable Filipino compatriots is a strategic outlook. I have also been actively looking into the plight of my own people, my love. I look at our character as a nation and think to myself, we are a good people - we do not deserve all of this evil. A Republic when it is born into our world busies itself first and foremost with the preservation of its peace because a Republic like a phoenix, usually rises above the ashes of former things, its life and liberty obtained from heaven above through the blood of tumult - this means that the defense of the one Republic should be squarely in the mind of both that orphaned nation and the government that she shall give her democratic mandate to represent her in the offices of the Republic state. Now, this defense must be understood - especially in this present age - as a defense of all worlds, seen and unseen, where the line of our battle to survive our nations of the one family of the nations of mankind is drawn in the human will upon the very substance of our hearts. And I should like to see this in my own nation, my love, our beloved Philippines.

A practical example of a strategic outlook duly applied in the Republic context is the VFA agreement - what constitutes Philippine defense is not completely dependent upon Filipino combat power but upon our alliances with other nations, mainly the United States and where one would say that we Filipinos are quite good and well-versed on insurgency operations that could take the fight against our enemies to the mountains and the hills - I would say that I will never again expose our population to the oppression of an occupying force - Lest we forget! That means a well-equipped and suitably trained and indoctrinated AFP. And, despite the bad things, we should never forget our friends among other nations as well. For if we don't remember our friends, our enemies will surely remember us. I believe we should be able to measure our responses to treaties and international compacts within the context of a strategic outlook for the integrated defense of our Country. This is of course, a separate evaluation from the individual case of the US Marine convicted of raping one of our own - I believe that is a safety issue.

The ideal for military justice is different from civil justice. In an ideal military that exists in a perfect world, any infraction against military discipline is always punishable by death. And the delivery of military justice in exile time is only a mitigation of this ideal. For it must always be carefully considered these three things - the mission of the noble military, the dignity of the military arms and the eternal importance of the nation.

Generation gaps are the result of a breakdown in the strength of our families. Yes, my Miyang, I have thought a little bit more about it.

Peace between Christians: If there were reasons in the past for disagreement, are those reasons still potent enough today to resist the heart of our Savior, that we should all be one? If not one Church and one Tradition - let us be one in the promise of our baptism, one liturgy of life.

I love you, my loveliest love.

Always to always,



Just a few thoughts, my love. I just got back from work and would like to put them down here for now: You know, as I learn about health care in America, I realize the need of millions of Americans who are uninsured or under insured - now, especially in the climate of today - this need must be a more pressing concern in the minds of most people over there. I believe the one Solidarity and its American Wing, once it is conceived, is well-placed to address this need and allow for group health coverage to those who are uninsured and under insured. This is something that must first be thought of and planned in such a way as it becomes prudent to proceed so that other National Wings may adapt it as well. I believe the American Wing should lead the way as regards to this because all National Wings of the one Solidarity stand to benefit from their wealth of experience and technological capability as regards to health care. I shall compose a post for the one Solidarity blog as regards to this concept soon, my love.

Also, we shall meditate on traditional Filipino social values: Respect for elders, Close family ties, Passion, Resilience and Patience; we shall look at the Filipino Soldier and shall expound more on the strategic concept of an integrated Philippine Defense as a framework for national policy.

The difference between defense planning in this age is that one does not need to conceive of an OPFOR nation - one only has to conceive of an adequate, deep and comprehensive defense that absolutely utilizes all of our national power to preserve the one Republic whole. What we can do and what we can not do and how far our current force capability to the ideal of the defense (an ideal that takes into consideration available weapons technology and military evolution to present the best possible defense for our nation) presently stands.

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