Sunday, February 8, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

I had dinner with a friend of mine from high school. Apart from the many things we spoke about, one topic stands out in my mind - homosexuality. You see, my friend is in pain about it - I feel his specific kind of angst - something that he shares with all homosexual persons. Now, I am not a homosexual person but I do know that only the truth can liberate a person from the evils of this world and from this, I can see how painful the lies of the devil really are and how hard it is to extricate a soul from its snare once that soul has begun believing in the lie and thus, have given up struggling against the sin.

I have a provision for homosexuals wanting to live the full communion of the Roman Catholic Church in the apostolate that our Lord seem to be leading me to do - I have pondered their situation before but my friend has reminded me to look and pray about it anew.

The Nazis in their time have persecuted homosexuals, you know, my love. And as far as persecutions go, the world may easily forget (as it happens in quasi-predictable cycles), but we won't - for the homosexual person is a suffering person.

See, this is all part of the paradigm we are trying to defeat. Now, the homosexual act is and shall always be forbidden but the person of the homosexual calls for a different kind of charity - one that we must be able to establish through the apostolate - that they too, who will be willing to listen and to do shall have the benefit of the Peace of Jesus Christ.

We shall return to this (at times touchy as it involves passions close to the heart) subject soon, my love. However, let us focus on that prayer of peace first.

I love you.

Always to always,


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