Friday, February 20, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

Sgt. Gilad Shalit, my loveliest love, is an Israeli soldier who was abducted from his post by Hamas fighters about three years ago. He is currently being held hostage by that organization.

How do we view Hamas, my love? You know, it is a saddening thought that idealistic and pious people are brought together by war more than by peace because that road leads nowhere. And I am not talking about just Muslims - I'm talking about any human being who begins to believe in the seemingly easy proposition brought upon their will by those who have become convinced in their hearts that the destruction of other human beings and of entire nations is the way of our common destiny without deeper consideration to the actual nature of war.

If one should study about black holes in the physical universe - such is war - an imploded star. And the blindness that ultimately leads to annihilation inside of its deadly gravitational embrace is the reason why black holes are invisible to the naked eye - because it is empty of promise, its victory is a lie. Believe in it and all things in your life and the reality itself that surrounds you will get sucked into an endless and futile struggle. It is very easy to destroy things but creation is the mandate of heaven and will of the defense is peace therefore, destruction is only fruitful to All if it brings about transformation and growth, not poverty and despair.

I guarantee you, my loveliest love, in the strongest of terms possible that the path of war is not the ascendant mountain path that our nations and their responsible states must take to survive the tribulation that is yet to come. This is a time to prepare the shelter of our generations, the only shelters that we have as human beings, the shelters of Country.

While I do not and will never approve of the methods that inflict needless harm upon our civilian populations, target our innocents and propagate the conflagration of war - I will also never fail to recognize nor willingly abandon the hope that is intrinsic to all human beings.

It is not the will of heaven at this time to convert the faiths of all people into one religion; that is a changeless and immovable mandate that neither angelic nor human worlds share with the one Beautiful but belong to Almighty God by Himself Alone, however, it is the purpose of our times to convert the hope of the world into peace and turn the hearts of mankind towards life.

I recognize the hope that is embedded in the struggle of the Palestinian people as well as the hope that is enshrined in the founding of modern Israel. Hamas - despite those differences that shall remain differences - now contain within itself, an extension of that hope entrusted to it by the Palestinian electorate on behalf of the nameless, suffering Palestinian people. It is this hope that I recognize and it is through this hope that I call upon Hamas to stir itself to a remembrance of the things that are necessary to achieve the purpose entrusted to it by its own nation, work with Fatah and Abu Mazen that Palestine may emerge at last as a complete nation-state. Only upon this common ground of hope that is universally shared by our common humanity can the process of achieving a sustainable peace on behalf of all living things, past, present and future, continue.

I also recognize the hope of Palestinian prisoners and of Sgt. Gilad Shalit but hope must be forbearing for we do not see by a sight that is possessed by our unseeing but are only borrowers of the one Light that reflects in our hearts the way of our LORD ahead that our feet may find its way through the darkness of our exile. Neither do we own the wisdom that teaches us of the ways of our LORD nor the very life that everywhere leads us back to our God, how then must we hope, as we would like or as we should?

It is the intrinsic right of every prisoner to be treated as your own. Do not continue to seek to harm innocent civilians and uphold this right for Sgt. Shalit and for Palestinian prisoners as well those of you who truly live and breathe for God's peace. Recognize the need in their humanity and seek to obtain at the soonest their safe release to their families.

Negotiate as soon as it is possible - on behalf of the nameless who are suffering the curse of war - upon the common grounds of your hopes for your people which you will find, only if you seek it in your heart of hearts, are one and the same hope.

And turn away from war.

Say peace to all the inhabited earth and dwell forever in the good will of heaven.

I shall just revise the above a little, my loveliest love and then post it into our main blog. I'm just thinking of what title to use for that conversation. It seems that the acceptable measure of warfare nowadays is to war without measure. Incidentally, this is also the measure by which our LORD teaches us we must love.

Weekend's coming up - time to do something relaxing, like watching a movie or spending time with the folksies and catching up with friends. We clever cats always find ways to have fun, right, my loveliest love? I want to see Push and I've been pushing it off *lol* for the longest time now - time to give in and see how it goes: Camilla Belle rocks! Das is a pretty cat. Dakota is there as well - I've been thinking of a haiku about her and her sister Elle. Right! Got to get ready for work. Oh, I'm also waiting for Race to Witch Mountain, our Sunbeams is there and the Rock as well. OK, got to get ready for work.

I love you, my darlingest dear.

Always to always,



Just some thoughts I'd like to park over here for now:

If Mankind possessed the sight that allows every human heart to see through the darkness of exile time, what for is faith? How then do we learn to trust in God and in each other?

If we possessed the life that we live and it could not be taken away, what for is our Love's longing for Itself? How then do we learn to become keepers to each other in God and Country?

If we possessed the wisdom by which we are by God allowed to learn the ways of heaven on earth, we simply would not be here, struggling to perfect our peace with God and with each other. Why then must the burden of our struggle be shared by the shoulders of all?

For as God giveth and God takes away, we all have come to share our hopes together in Him.

Indeed, war without remembrance, my love, is like murder without regret, an insufferable evil.

You know, my darlingest, the virtue Justice and your temperament share striking similarities: For Justice would seem to you as love itself where you learn to live to love and to honor her and she would most certainly steadfastly defend you even if you do not know her but if ever you go against her, she will become your chief terror (with tooth and claw). Just a thought, my loveliest love.

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