Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,
We do not ask to suffer, dear Starshine, it is our Lord that asks it of us. So we must never, by first principles, desire to invite suffering in ourselves nor find any kind of satisfaction in seeing the same in others. For suffering is not by any means an end to all things but a means to an end purposed to our souls from eternity by the LORD and proposed to our hearts in exile time by our Lord Christ with and through every moment that rise with our hopes to God in prayer. Therefore, we must be able to accept the suffering that is given to us, great or small - but most especially the small - with a heart of love that willingly and joyfully believes the Gospel acclamation that God shall not ask anything of us that we can not bear. We do so for God and for each other in God as true self.
This Season of Lent is a Journey that will take us to the heart of the mystery of suffering. For only through this road shall we discover what it means to be a Christian, of any denomination - the same truth borne of everliving fruits lived in silent witness of the same; knowing without words through the prayer of our Lord, Jesus Christ, what it takes to be a human being unto all human beings. Therefore, making the peace of the LORD, the gift of God in Christ in ourselves and a blessing for all men and women of good will: Peace which is a strength of heaven that we must on earth live to share in common with the other Abrahamic traditions, born of a promise of old to our common Patriarch, Abraham, made by the one Divine that we, the numberless Stars of the one Firmament, shall bless the national communities of Mankind. And verily, there is no other greater need for this promise in the history of Mankind to awaken to the eternal memory of the one Divine than this, our present time. So dearest Starshine, let us choose to be present to each other by our being present to the LORD our God, our one Peace, our one Light: Do not despair but let us labor together in our hearts to fulfill this purpose by living the life that needs to live in each ourselves, neither holding back nor exceeding the promise we have in Jesus Christ: How can any kind of division be stronger than this, my love? Only those who choose to believe in division shall soon be overcome by it - we know it's path, where it leads - and our hopes together shall not let us enter there.
Hell is a timeless state and eventually, at the Last Day, a physical place - the remnant of the void that once was the ageless angelic realms, timeless yet finite, the native of sky, emptied, broken, now left unfeeling, and torn by a war that is not intended for human beings. Yet there can only be one Hell for it is a choice to live the lie that lead away from the reality of all things, seen and unseen. For how can there be two choices that lead away from all that is truth in the Truth? No one arrives into Hellfire by accident and those who are consumed by it have but one regret - the pain of a sense of loss, like guilt that is swallowed up by itself, a worm that dieth not, an undying memory of the pain things that can no longer be, distorted screams lost in the gulf of a senseless, silent oblivion, the fire of Hell is the crush of a lie compressed to the reality of its emptiness along with all things, human and angelic that were once real, who knowingly and wilfully chose to freely worship the lie in all the evil that now rages like an endless burning within itself, imploded into the singularity of Satan's sin; the dark of Hell becomes like a skin, heavy and dense like the darkest and the densest pitch, it clings to beings, distorted and barely human or angelic in appearance, inescapable is this destiny to those who have chosen to embrace it. It is neither a state nor a place that is intended for human beings, in the first instance, but must become so for those who shall chose to worship the lie that denies the existence of the one common Creator of all creation, our one LORD God. Therefore, those who desire Hellfire to consume other human beings know it not in its reality or have come to embrace it as their own. For if we see suffering here in our world, and have compassion in our hearts, why must we have none for the souls of those who we desire to see suffer the insufferable pains of Hell?
We shall learn to integrate this reality in our believing together, that our hopes shine all the more brighter, dearest Starshine, so do not despair, my love. And We do so for God and for each other in God as true self.
As regards to the evil in men, and the countless crimes and abominations that have resulted from it, we shall not let this be an excuse to allow malice to enter into our own hearts - we shall cut evil off from our existence at a time, times and half-a-time, and build on the peace, our hope of the peace being driven by motives that are purely good, letting the evil in evil men sort itself out by itself in the void from whence it came.
Today begins the weekend, my darlingest dear. I'm so excited to busy myself with useful things to do, of course, there's always fun things to enjoy as well - for any world without colors is a bore.
And I'm never bored nor does sadness really and truly persist when I have a home to come home to in you, my darlingest dear, my Miyang Marie - for far may I roam, it is your starlight smile makes things ever so nice again.
You're my first contact star, my love - we are a binary, a unit of one friendship forever.
I love you.
Always to always,
I came to this local Internet cafe late tonight thinking of writing about things I now find it hard to recall... Strange that I had with a good measure of enthusiasm managed to get here only to stare for about 10 minutes at the screen, seemingly oblivious of the prior reasons that have moved me so powerfully out of bed to get here. But here goes, my loveliest love...
Oh yeah, I was thinking about a poem about you called, "Starlight Smile" - something that should come natural and extemporaneous to us for having warmed to each other all this time - and still getting warmer. I just want to express the feeling of joy of having this friendship with you more than I already have in "Impatient" and get to those timeless instances where amidst the furthest of fields you pick me up and make me smile. I just can't focus on this here because I've got other people talking and playing games on the other computers. Plus, its late and I don't know how long this shop is willing to stay open till.
So I'll just write the seeds of things I should like to cultivate in time with you: Peace in the Middle East - we shall remain with our focus here on this most central of issues, to break the siege of the beast of war in this world require that peace be attained here. The issue of prisoner exchange is on the table right now. This issue must come to our attention either before or after the one peace is negotiated but an issue still that is allied to the main cause of breaking the siege of war in this most vital of regions and not against it. Therefore, I hold all parties holding prisoners to honor the intrinsic rights of these human beings. I have already made clear the planetary consequences that we, of the generations of life, are tasked with meeting and deflecting into the void and this is a task that must be begun from here in the Middle East. It has been a feature of human history that nations learn through reactive experience, however, there are some learning that require us to be proactive in scope. If not to religious or spiritual leaders, let us listen to the facts of science, there is a deadline ahead, composed of things that I feel are more terrible than they appear, that we should not like to cross before the learning begins.
I should like to speak to our Starshine more specifically on prayer and the actual methods of prayer, and Christian prayer in particular.
The Abrahamic Home Guard - the reality of our LORD and the honor of our universal religious traditions of peace and of life is the common good that is the protectorate of the one Guard within the juridical and constitutional framework of the one family of the nations of Mankind fostering tolerance and respect of our differences, the appreciation of our spiritual confluences, wisdom traditions, lineages of hope and religious harmony among all honorable religions of the world.
The Charter of Universal Human Rights - as part of the one Trust - the Commonwealth Trust of the one Family of the Nations of Mankind, constitute the secular lines of the common defense of the dignity of the human person, the only high ground that exists within the fifth battle space is the moral high ground that must be defined and occupied prior in order to be defended against elements of instability that rage against our endeavors of Country and those forces that seek to rob us of our shared humanity.
An Integrated Strategy of Philippine National Defense - the will to preserve the one Republic is also the same will that drives her to advance the hope enshrined in her founding by the nation that have from Divine Providence merited her, as an endeavor of Country. This system of defense, in our post Cold-War world, in order for it to remain sustainable in the long-term must co-exist within a layered synergy of larger frameworks of allied cooperation of whole Endeavors of Country existing within the Scale of the Wholes from national, to regional, to continental, to planetary - all tending toward the common good that Peace Prospers the People.
In the paradigm of the Peace, the Spratley issue becomes a purely economic problem existing within a regional Whole - in a globalized environment, the political lines that determine the limits of national sovereignty must evolve - these lines are not limits that divide the earth but are the responsible reaches of overlapping acceptances to distinctly share the planetary responsibility of stewardship of our world so that future generations of our shared humanity may have a world to shelter them. De-militarized economic zones, primary and secondary capitals, protectorate spheres of responsibility, conflict de-escalation, mutual lines of the absolute defense - all of these are concepts that belong to the new paradigm that belong to the new age that stretches before us like an invitation and a choice presented to our present time.
The Global Filipino - I once thought that we Filipinos just had black hair and that was that for the person I was who having never really noticed before, that black hair is not merely black but are actually cast in subtle shades of darkest golden brown was blind to the fact that there are colors in every person that are indeed, hard to see but if we should learn to love people as human beings, their beauty become not at all impossible to perceive.
I now know from my own experience that our humanity, in our common generations, has a great potential to paint this world into newer and better shades that are so much more richer, fuller and complete in the synergy of their spectrum than the pitch black of the midnight sky that I see hanging overhead, casting a persistent, seemingly permanent, shadow upon nations embittered and broken by war, because from among the scattered debris of civilizations past, amidst the shores of lands - near and far - awash with the empty shells of broken dreams, I have witnessed at the heart of our Mankind, during my own walks with God in prayer, a great blooming of these little white flowers of patient hope being all those promises we must keep, promises born at the beginning of better things to come.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Abrahamic Peace,
Global Filipino,
One Peace,
Pains of Hell,
Friday, February 27, 2009
Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,
Some people might wonder, my loveliest love, why when I speak to our Starshine, I chose to use movement instead of settling for definition.
That is because, I want them to catch for themselves by their own willing appreciation of the divine gift of each of their own free will through ownership of the responsible practice of the same, the person that God wants to grow in each of them. This standard is the standard of our Liberty, my love, as a freedom bred not for the sake of enduring the evil in our days but for the sake of bearing what is good in our hearts so that together we may conquer.
To paraphrase one of my favorite quotes from Abraham Lincoln, "have I not destroyed my enemies by making them into my friends?"
We each have our own true belongings to the self in the self as well as to each other as true self and this belonging may only be attained by belonging first to our LORD, in all things to our LORD and last to our LORD - to God alone and in God alone, we are allowed to experience the reality kept for those who belong to it, in glimpses of a promised joy here and everywhere forever.
This reality is the reality that makes us belong together - something so over-used as to be so utterly under-appreciated a word as "Love".
I love you, my loveliest love.
Always to always,
One of my friends from work last night said to me that he is afraid of heights, I stated - out of the blue - that perhaps that he might be afraid of falling instead - for how can one be afraid of heights as itself alone without the motion that makes fear present in our being human. A line of thinking that I am now working to develop.
Some people might wonder, my loveliest love, why when I speak to our Starshine, I chose to use movement instead of settling for definition.
That is because, I want them to catch for themselves by their own willing appreciation of the divine gift of each of their own free will through ownership of the responsible practice of the same, the person that God wants to grow in each of them. This standard is the standard of our Liberty, my love, as a freedom bred not for the sake of enduring the evil in our days but for the sake of bearing what is good in our hearts so that together we may conquer.
To paraphrase one of my favorite quotes from Abraham Lincoln, "have I not destroyed my enemies by making them into my friends?"
We each have our own true belongings to the self in the self as well as to each other as true self and this belonging may only be attained by belonging first to our LORD, in all things to our LORD and last to our LORD - to God alone and in God alone, we are allowed to experience the reality kept for those who belong to it, in glimpses of a promised joy here and everywhere forever.
This reality is the reality that makes us belong together - something so over-used as to be so utterly under-appreciated a word as "Love".
I love you, my loveliest love.
Always to always,
One of my friends from work last night said to me that he is afraid of heights, I stated - out of the blue - that perhaps that he might be afraid of falling instead - for how can one be afraid of heights as itself alone without the motion that makes fear present in our being human. A line of thinking that I am now working to develop.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,
Conflict and the way of victory, the method by which the noble military must in defense of the common good of nations do battle, these things always exist within a fog of war. Now, many and varied may the trains of military thinking as regards to war and the nature of war be, my love, but all of these, I should think, must tend towards the understanding that Peace is always the one path that leads away from the darkness of war. Therefore, to confront war itself as itself is to fall prey to its corruption. Because Peace by itself is its own paradigm.
All matters related to information when placed in the context of war and the nature of war as a complete battle space integrated with the other four battle spaces of land, water, air and space, become a continuum of the one Peace and this dynamic system is a one whole paradigm that consists of both spiritual as well as human aspects of a seamless reality directly related to the human experience of a universal morality, understood by all nations.
I have to go for now, my darlingest.
I love you.
Always to always,
You know, when I think about my Philippines, and I see the little things in individual Filipinos that make me believe in our potential as a nation, I always regain that sense of confidence that knows that there can be no limit to Country for as long as Country abide in God through the love that lives in the heart of her people, we just need to be reminded of this, now and again.
Conflict and the way of victory, the method by which the noble military must in defense of the common good of nations do battle, these things always exist within a fog of war. Now, many and varied may the trains of military thinking as regards to war and the nature of war be, my love, but all of these, I should think, must tend towards the understanding that Peace is always the one path that leads away from the darkness of war. Therefore, to confront war itself as itself is to fall prey to its corruption. Because Peace by itself is its own paradigm.
All matters related to information when placed in the context of war and the nature of war as a complete battle space integrated with the other four battle spaces of land, water, air and space, become a continuum of the one Peace and this dynamic system is a one whole paradigm that consists of both spiritual as well as human aspects of a seamless reality directly related to the human experience of a universal morality, understood by all nations.
I have to go for now, my darlingest.
I love you.
Always to always,
You know, when I think about my Philippines, and I see the little things in individual Filipinos that make me believe in our potential as a nation, I always regain that sense of confidence that knows that there can be no limit to Country for as long as Country abide in God through the love that lives in the heart of her people, we just need to be reminded of this, now and again.
Fifth Battlespace,
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,
There are times, my loveliest love, when the things I often would like to say are not the things that are allowed to be said. And I say this because it seems to me - no, it is quite apparent to me - that I am but a tool of my Master - and a very grateful instrument I am, my darlingest dear. There are purposes greater than myself that works to carve out a new channel to direct the flow of human history elsewhere, towards better places, nobler times and greater things.
I know not many things but I know joy, I have many fears but I know not to trust in them, to live my faith and cling to my hope in God and in All of you with a soul that loves all things as one Love in the LORD.
Of course, you are instrumental in all of this, my dear darlingest - but all of these treasures flow from the one source and so I must admit to you that there is no other greater joy in all of existence than to experience in one's own life the saving power of our LORD God in Jesus Christ, my Savior, my All.
It's a sad, sad thing that so much bad things have happened in the name of religion but part of the hope that must through holy remembrance of the nations of Mankind be carried forward into this present time is the hope to overcome what war has for centuries wrought in false witness of the one Divine and the great and abominable lie that it had unleashed against the faith of Mankind.
Religion has a significant part to play in the carving out of the new history of today but only through religion understood in the context of the one reality of the LORD.
Today is Ash Wednesday, my loveliest love. The Season of Lent begins with a solemn meditation on death symbolized by the ashes that we, Roman Catholics, are to receive this day in crosses upon our foreheads as a somber reminder of the real sum of all things.
Our 40 day Lenten Journey will take us across the landscapes of the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ from meditations on human suffering, death, the pains of hell, prayer, repentance and penance, fasting, alms-giving, into the glory of the Easter transformation.
I love you.
Always to always,
Just some other things, my loveliest love.
Breaking News: Our Sunbeam's tiara sold for $ 1,350. I really haven't told you about it yet but she made this nice tiara to be auctioned off for charity. It's an all-American design, of course, she's our all-American cat. Here's a picture of it:

I admire her because I can feel her soul touching mine, we have the same will to help our Lord's Poor, and not just out of show but out of a love that is born and being bred for purposes that shall in time fulfill itself in us. She belongs to the one Fold and so do I and so we belong to each other in Christ, our Lord - of this, I am sure. And I know you approve of her as well.
Differences mean little here, for where the Holy Spirit of our LORD is concerned, all things turn to unity in God, something I also hope on behalf of Sunbeam would be realized in her native Ireland as well, that Ireland too, may come to a remembrance of herself in God as Country and the wounding in the heart of that nation soon heal when above all things, her soul dwells again, above all differences, as one in God and in all of herself as a nation of golden peace, and as a verdant place of patient life.
We do not need to redraw the lines of the earth but the lines in our hearts to make things whole again. (The Scale of the Wholes is spiritual in nature.) For it is in the every soul of Mankind that all that is division needs be overcome for not upon this, our mortal earth, dwell for all things the changeless and immovable Will that All be one again through the grace for Mankind to be whole once more realized, in spite of the evil of the world, in those instances born of a conquering that everywhere proceed from the timeless Throne of our LORD God in eternity.
Saint Patrick's is coming up, my love, we shall keep this hope in our hearts and by that time next month, share it with Ireland, that we may, through God's grace, help her to remember.
Also, Partick Swayze is stricken with cancer and from the moment I found out about it, God had purposed for it to have stayed in my mind, my loveliest love. Therefore, we shall pray for him at Holy Mass tonight that our LORD God may strengthen him to humbly and willingly accept the will of God that is intended for him, for the good of all that he loves in this life and above all his own everlasting good in the life that is to come.
I appreciate his art and I know that you do, too, my love and as we are thankful for it, is only right that we do what we must, regardless of time or distance, to come to the aid of his soul in prayer.
There are times, my loveliest love, when the things I often would like to say are not the things that are allowed to be said. And I say this because it seems to me - no, it is quite apparent to me - that I am but a tool of my Master - and a very grateful instrument I am, my darlingest dear. There are purposes greater than myself that works to carve out a new channel to direct the flow of human history elsewhere, towards better places, nobler times and greater things.
I know not many things but I know joy, I have many fears but I know not to trust in them, to live my faith and cling to my hope in God and in All of you with a soul that loves all things as one Love in the LORD.
Of course, you are instrumental in all of this, my dear darlingest - but all of these treasures flow from the one source and so I must admit to you that there is no other greater joy in all of existence than to experience in one's own life the saving power of our LORD God in Jesus Christ, my Savior, my All.
It's a sad, sad thing that so much bad things have happened in the name of religion but part of the hope that must through holy remembrance of the nations of Mankind be carried forward into this present time is the hope to overcome what war has for centuries wrought in false witness of the one Divine and the great and abominable lie that it had unleashed against the faith of Mankind.
Religion has a significant part to play in the carving out of the new history of today but only through religion understood in the context of the one reality of the LORD.
Today is Ash Wednesday, my loveliest love. The Season of Lent begins with a solemn meditation on death symbolized by the ashes that we, Roman Catholics, are to receive this day in crosses upon our foreheads as a somber reminder of the real sum of all things.
Our 40 day Lenten Journey will take us across the landscapes of the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ from meditations on human suffering, death, the pains of hell, prayer, repentance and penance, fasting, alms-giving, into the glory of the Easter transformation.
I love you.
Always to always,
Just some other things, my loveliest love.
Breaking News: Our Sunbeam's tiara sold for $ 1,350. I really haven't told you about it yet but she made this nice tiara to be auctioned off for charity. It's an all-American design, of course, she's our all-American cat. Here's a picture of it:

I admire her because I can feel her soul touching mine, we have the same will to help our Lord's Poor, and not just out of show but out of a love that is born and being bred for purposes that shall in time fulfill itself in us. She belongs to the one Fold and so do I and so we belong to each other in Christ, our Lord - of this, I am sure. And I know you approve of her as well.
Differences mean little here, for where the Holy Spirit of our LORD is concerned, all things turn to unity in God, something I also hope on behalf of Sunbeam would be realized in her native Ireland as well, that Ireland too, may come to a remembrance of herself in God as Country and the wounding in the heart of that nation soon heal when above all things, her soul dwells again, above all differences, as one in God and in all of herself as a nation of golden peace, and as a verdant place of patient life.
We do not need to redraw the lines of the earth but the lines in our hearts to make things whole again. (The Scale of the Wholes is spiritual in nature.) For it is in the every soul of Mankind that all that is division needs be overcome for not upon this, our mortal earth, dwell for all things the changeless and immovable Will that All be one again through the grace for Mankind to be whole once more realized, in spite of the evil of the world, in those instances born of a conquering that everywhere proceed from the timeless Throne of our LORD God in eternity.
Saint Patrick's is coming up, my love, we shall keep this hope in our hearts and by that time next month, share it with Ireland, that we may, through God's grace, help her to remember.
Also, Partick Swayze is stricken with cancer and from the moment I found out about it, God had purposed for it to have stayed in my mind, my loveliest love. Therefore, we shall pray for him at Holy Mass tonight that our LORD God may strengthen him to humbly and willingly accept the will of God that is intended for him, for the good of all that he loves in this life and above all his own everlasting good in the life that is to come.
I appreciate his art and I know that you do, too, my love and as we are thankful for it, is only right that we do what we must, regardless of time or distance, to come to the aid of his soul in prayer.
Ash Wednesday,
Patrick Swayze,
Sunbeam's Tiara
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Dear darlingest Miyang Marie,
I love to see the beauty in others,
like watching over a dream that sleeps,
I experience in the gold of their smiles,
the timeless substance of things
that are alive to the memory
of the longing that seeks to live in me.
And that in a nutshell is what I am feeling right now, my darlingest. Yes, there is much trials and difficulties and even now they persist and I expect that they shall do so till our promise is fulfilled but still, my loveliest love, to have not lived this life at all would have been my greatest regret.
The soul that lives in the heart that longs for God is a vast universe - and I would that I share this sweet feeling that burns like the warmth of your smile so close to my being to others who must also awaken within themselves, the Kingdom of a God that seeks from within to walk a more closer walk upon this world with our suffering humanity, here and now, at a time of great trial, to let shine His changeless glory in this deep and forlorn darkness - ever as a Light unto Mankind.
I love you, my loveliest love.
Always to always,
I love to see the beauty in others,
like watching over a dream that sleeps,
I experience in the gold of their smiles,
the timeless substance of things
that are alive to the memory
of the longing that seeks to live in me.
And that in a nutshell is what I am feeling right now, my darlingest. Yes, there is much trials and difficulties and even now they persist and I expect that they shall do so till our promise is fulfilled but still, my loveliest love, to have not lived this life at all would have been my greatest regret.
The soul that lives in the heart that longs for God is a vast universe - and I would that I share this sweet feeling that burns like the warmth of your smile so close to my being to others who must also awaken within themselves, the Kingdom of a God that seeks from within to walk a more closer walk upon this world with our suffering humanity, here and now, at a time of great trial, to let shine His changeless glory in this deep and forlorn darkness - ever as a Light unto Mankind.
I love you, my loveliest love.
Always to always,
Monday, February 23, 2009
Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,
I just caught an episode of the Doha Debates on BBC (or the Big Boss Cat *lol* btw, CNN is Cat Network News *rofl*) about Arab Unity, my loveliest love. It was proposed by the house that Arab Unity was "dead in the water" after the incident at Gaza.
I propose that its hope is yet to be attained.
In the paradigm of the peace, my love, these "incidents" are to be known as "breaches" for the one peace is a global paradigm that when rooted in the hearts of Mankind issues forth as a one continuum in subjective time as well as in dimensional space (physical time). Because the issues of this world emerge from the issues of the human heart, subjective time rules over physical time for human beings don't live lives according to the exact, linear measure of seconds, minutes and hours but in moments kept when time is present in the heart that is present here in the Now. These moments are the moments that add length to our years without which we would feel exactly what physical time is by itself an empty, forgetful, unfeeling vehicle that is inevitably and inescapably headed for oblivion.
Physical time is like a carrier frequency, a conveyance that after its purpose is spent and the substance of our reality - those worlds within ourselves - has been realized into our common universe without disperses into an oblivion. This is only true to those whose hearts are true to the one LORD, the Sustainer of all universes - so that those whose hearts belong not to the substance of this message shall never comprehend these words. For all things must be by our most beneficent LORD willed and so to prayer, my love, we must always enjoined our little Starshines - to those prayers that matter - the prayers of a heart that is a self cognizant of self, seeking to dwell with the one Beautiful, alone with the Alone, intimate with the Intimate - a love longing for Itself.
If Christianity ever had something to give to other honorable religions, it is this - God is Love - this is our primary gift, it is at the core of all our sacred traditions.
It is extremely important that the war within is kept, by the power of God, under control of our own heart of hearts and not the other way around - because if we allow the beast of war entry into our one human habitation which is the one seamless reality that each of us share together, it will seek to devour not just this, our inhabited earth - but all of the visible universe entire. For where war is from heaven thrown down, it must on earth be denied and where else does the timeless and the temporal intersect but in the human soul. We all dwell in the abode of our heart of hearts with the one Beautiful so must the line of the defense be drawn from this space We have together and the conduct of this defense must be fought at the walls of this City which mark the limits of our will across which is the desolation.
If one can fight this fight, then the battles from without shall always be won without war and their potential for peace attained in time so that victory may only be delayed but never captured by the enemies of truth.
War without remembrance is indeed an insufferable evil for it a blindness that thinks to itself as sight, beauty that thinks to itself beautiful, a desert that thinks to itself a garden, a desolation that thinks to itself as peace. All that is beautiful, my love, is but a reflection of the one Beautiful but pride thinks of itself as truth and therefore, truth becomes a burden to it.
Arab Unity is a sub-whole (only in the context of the Scale of the Wholes as it is also a one whole by itself alone) that can not exist in a planetary whole that is overrun and dominated by the paradigm of war - for such a unity is a unity of governance and all governance must exist within the Scale of the Wholes which is the structure of the governance of Divine Providence unto all creation, seen and unseen, of which our inhabited earth is an integral part.
If any unity is to be achieved, at this time, we must also be mindful of the evolution of the nature of war as a beast - for unity is an aspect of the peace and so may only arrive in our midst by the blessing of Almighty God above.
Yet so many hearts believe in war, so many souls are willing to lay in bed with the beast of war - it is adultery against our shared humanity, an insult against the holy angels of God who are the guardians of the altars of life and an abomination in the face of our LORD.
How can heaven bless us with peace if we ourselves are at war with it? Nay, my beloved friend and constant companion, we shall have to make our stand - here and now - in the Name of our LORD and on behalf of all the generations of life. We must draw the line at a time, times and half-a-time and build upon the hope of our shared humanity, the foundations of a better time and place - Lest we forget. Lest we forget - Beloved of God, I can not impress enough to your heart of hearts the importance of this work, it has real consequence which can bring us either a blessing or a curse, and all the generations after us shall remember us by the choice that we begin today and each day until the passing of our generation X.
We must be able to transmit also to the Y generation, the substance of this labor of hope in God and Country for it is also theirs to complete - that the necessary foundations for the one peace may be laid and the unthinkable human catastrophe of another age dominated by war deflected into oblivion.
Let us say:
I am a human being and I belong to my nation of the one family of the nations of Mankind.
We are as one in our shared humanity, a keeper and a friend from always to always, being invested in God and in each other, by kinship bonds of sacred trust and we shall labor to be useful to each our own endeavor of Country.
We claim our rightful ownership, as the numberless stars of the one eternal Firmament, to the promise made to our Father Abraham of old to fulfill the vision of peace for our world, bless all the nations of the one family of the nations of Mankind and add to the life of the generations to come in the Name of the LORD and on behalf of all the generations of life.
We shall let no division deceive us nor evil enter into the unity of our peace.
What war does to one, war does to all.
War is a political and military paradigm but globalization is a demographic phenomenon that indicates that our population centers are moving from rural to urban, it is a paradigm shift that is economic in nature and it requires another kind of social adaptation that is also allied to the one peace - the morality of human need - the very definition of being human.
Our adaptation to globalization require all the good and honorable religions of the world to understand that the structures of our charity must become organized in support of our right to exist and be recognized in our own native humanity in our own native world - towards this purpose I have intended my own community: the one Solidarity and its secular counterparts, mainly the one Majority - all of which are structured to recognize and to serve our common human needs as a system of common needs.
We must devote a meditation on prayer itself for our dear Starshines, my love.
We shall have our prayers in support of Afghanistan - all our brave troops, NATO as well as local Afghan forces - and meditate as well on the situation over there. As far as I know, Iraq is doing splendid at this time and elder Israel is regrouping with unborn Palestine. Palestine can not join the one defensive fold as herself at this time which is why the peace process is very important and the two state solution of two endeavors of Country laboring in peace, side by side, should not just remain a dream but should - in the context of greater things - now be awakened into reality.
I love you so much, my loveliest love, my Meowrrrja.
Always to always,
I just caught an episode of the Doha Debates on BBC (or the Big Boss Cat *lol* btw, CNN is Cat Network News *rofl*) about Arab Unity, my loveliest love. It was proposed by the house that Arab Unity was "dead in the water" after the incident at Gaza.
I propose that its hope is yet to be attained.
In the paradigm of the peace, my love, these "incidents" are to be known as "breaches" for the one peace is a global paradigm that when rooted in the hearts of Mankind issues forth as a one continuum in subjective time as well as in dimensional space (physical time). Because the issues of this world emerge from the issues of the human heart, subjective time rules over physical time for human beings don't live lives according to the exact, linear measure of seconds, minutes and hours but in moments kept when time is present in the heart that is present here in the Now. These moments are the moments that add length to our years without which we would feel exactly what physical time is by itself an empty, forgetful, unfeeling vehicle that is inevitably and inescapably headed for oblivion.
Physical time is like a carrier frequency, a conveyance that after its purpose is spent and the substance of our reality - those worlds within ourselves - has been realized into our common universe without disperses into an oblivion. This is only true to those whose hearts are true to the one LORD, the Sustainer of all universes - so that those whose hearts belong not to the substance of this message shall never comprehend these words. For all things must be by our most beneficent LORD willed and so to prayer, my love, we must always enjoined our little Starshines - to those prayers that matter - the prayers of a heart that is a self cognizant of self, seeking to dwell with the one Beautiful, alone with the Alone, intimate with the Intimate - a love longing for Itself.
If Christianity ever had something to give to other honorable religions, it is this - God is Love - this is our primary gift, it is at the core of all our sacred traditions.
It is extremely important that the war within is kept, by the power of God, under control of our own heart of hearts and not the other way around - because if we allow the beast of war entry into our one human habitation which is the one seamless reality that each of us share together, it will seek to devour not just this, our inhabited earth - but all of the visible universe entire. For where war is from heaven thrown down, it must on earth be denied and where else does the timeless and the temporal intersect but in the human soul. We all dwell in the abode of our heart of hearts with the one Beautiful so must the line of the defense be drawn from this space We have together and the conduct of this defense must be fought at the walls of this City which mark the limits of our will across which is the desolation.
If one can fight this fight, then the battles from without shall always be won without war and their potential for peace attained in time so that victory may only be delayed but never captured by the enemies of truth.
War without remembrance is indeed an insufferable evil for it a blindness that thinks to itself as sight, beauty that thinks to itself beautiful, a desert that thinks to itself a garden, a desolation that thinks to itself as peace. All that is beautiful, my love, is but a reflection of the one Beautiful but pride thinks of itself as truth and therefore, truth becomes a burden to it.
Arab Unity is a sub-whole (only in the context of the Scale of the Wholes as it is also a one whole by itself alone) that can not exist in a planetary whole that is overrun and dominated by the paradigm of war - for such a unity is a unity of governance and all governance must exist within the Scale of the Wholes which is the structure of the governance of Divine Providence unto all creation, seen and unseen, of which our inhabited earth is an integral part.
If any unity is to be achieved, at this time, we must also be mindful of the evolution of the nature of war as a beast - for unity is an aspect of the peace and so may only arrive in our midst by the blessing of Almighty God above.
Yet so many hearts believe in war, so many souls are willing to lay in bed with the beast of war - it is adultery against our shared humanity, an insult against the holy angels of God who are the guardians of the altars of life and an abomination in the face of our LORD.
How can heaven bless us with peace if we ourselves are at war with it? Nay, my beloved friend and constant companion, we shall have to make our stand - here and now - in the Name of our LORD and on behalf of all the generations of life. We must draw the line at a time, times and half-a-time and build upon the hope of our shared humanity, the foundations of a better time and place - Lest we forget. Lest we forget - Beloved of God, I can not impress enough to your heart of hearts the importance of this work, it has real consequence which can bring us either a blessing or a curse, and all the generations after us shall remember us by the choice that we begin today and each day until the passing of our generation X.
We must be able to transmit also to the Y generation, the substance of this labor of hope in God and Country for it is also theirs to complete - that the necessary foundations for the one peace may be laid and the unthinkable human catastrophe of another age dominated by war deflected into oblivion.
Let us say:
I am a human being and I belong to my nation of the one family of the nations of Mankind.
We are as one in our shared humanity, a keeper and a friend from always to always, being invested in God and in each other, by kinship bonds of sacred trust and we shall labor to be useful to each our own endeavor of Country.
We claim our rightful ownership, as the numberless stars of the one eternal Firmament, to the promise made to our Father Abraham of old to fulfill the vision of peace for our world, bless all the nations of the one family of the nations of Mankind and add to the life of the generations to come in the Name of the LORD and on behalf of all the generations of life.
We shall let no division deceive us nor evil enter into the unity of our peace.
What war does to one, war does to all.
War is a political and military paradigm but globalization is a demographic phenomenon that indicates that our population centers are moving from rural to urban, it is a paradigm shift that is economic in nature and it requires another kind of social adaptation that is also allied to the one peace - the morality of human need - the very definition of being human.
Our adaptation to globalization require all the good and honorable religions of the world to understand that the structures of our charity must become organized in support of our right to exist and be recognized in our own native humanity in our own native world - towards this purpose I have intended my own community: the one Solidarity and its secular counterparts, mainly the one Majority - all of which are structured to recognize and to serve our common human needs as a system of common needs.
We must devote a meditation on prayer itself for our dear Starshines, my love.
We shall have our prayers in support of Afghanistan - all our brave troops, NATO as well as local Afghan forces - and meditate as well on the situation over there. As far as I know, Iraq is doing splendid at this time and elder Israel is regrouping with unborn Palestine. Palestine can not join the one defensive fold as herself at this time which is why the peace process is very important and the two state solution of two endeavors of Country laboring in peace, side by side, should not just remain a dream but should - in the context of greater things - now be awakened into reality.
I love you so much, my loveliest love, my Meowrrrja.
Always to always,
Abrahamic Code,
Arab Unity,
Beast of War,
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Dear darlingest Miyang Marie,
I love you, my loveliest love. When I say that, and our skies are clear, my darlingest dear, my heart flies swiftly to the love that we share together, but when the dark of the storms of this life comes and tears fall as rain, I am also able to trust in the love itself alone.
For love is a reality that exists independent and distinct from ourselves, it penetrates us and embraces us, it is infinitely more than any man or angel can ever comprehend. For God is Love.
I wrote about this for our little Starshines, my love - the beginnings of Charity in the heart is acceptance of this trust in God and in others in God - one love alone.
For how can one say love can be anything more or less than what love could really be who know the one Beautiful?
When you shall love thy beloved, he or she shall never feel in their heart the need to ask you, "who do you love more?" Because the heart in their hearts itself will understand that you love them without compare.
So love all things without compare. Say, to all thy beloved - thy friends and family - I shall bring our love as close as possible to our God and that is how I love you. And know in all thy humanity that this kind of love takes courage because it is the path of sacrifice; it is the road to Calvary exemplified by our Lord Christ. Love treads on no other road than the road of the Cross. Say what anyone will, this is our mountain path and the only way out of this midnight dark.
To love is to grow out of the self, a walk into the Heart of God. It is the labor of bearing burdens for each other; love gives and it chooses to give, willingly, and with joy, until it is spent and the substance of its own truth sets itself free.
Love is greatest of all for Charity is the queen of all virtues; she governs them like an army in battle array. The enemy of our hearts tremble when she takes the field for all Hell itself knows that the victory of heaven draws near to the earth for all of those who abide in Love in their heart of hearts for as God dwells in them, so does the hosts of the LORD abide with them, for our LORD is never without the Company of his angels, neither do the angels of the LORD march without each other.
We are human beings, imperfect, but Love is perfect in Its desire for us and is perfected in those who accept this truth: God loves us more than we could ever love ourselves.
There is only one way to love, one reason to do so and it recreates our hearts like a prism that shows forth this Light as an infinite spectrum of colors made present through us here, who choose to be present, in the absent gray and the unfeeling dark of exile time, in the Name of our LORD on behalf of those who are in need of God - all of suffering humanity.
How else can virtue be obtained or happiness effectively pursued but by this way? So must all things good by command of our LORD alone Who is the source of all good things produce this kind of fruit. As there is only one firmament, there are no divisions in heaven. As our Sovereign only has one Royal Standard, there can only be one victory over war. As our LORD has only one House, there can never be two places for the one eternal destiny. As our LORD tends only one Garden, why must any tree boast who produce no fruit of this kind? Why must beauty be a burden to them who know It not?
God is a reality and so the reality of a good and honorable religion must be revealed by its fruit and this fruit must be the fruit of virtue which is good works of every kind, edible unto all the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind and imperishable being born of changeless things.
Out of this, we may ponder about responsible development which is a balance between the need to sustain positive growth in our industries and the conservation of our natural resources.
For ordered love begets ordered people and ordered people, ordered things - money, goods and services.
We live in an imperfect world but the purpose of this world and of all creation, seen and unseen is willed by a perfect LORD, this gives us hope - we must only endure in faith and also in reason that is guided by it and then let God prevail.
“In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
I read in an article once that Russia is searching for her greatest hero, my opinion is that perhaps this is too early to tell. She has heroes, all our nations are never bereft of them - only we become bereft of their remembrance. The LORD Himself has been careful in all His dealings with Mankind to stir the peoples of the earth always to their remembrances. Russia has been asleep for a time and now she is searching for herself. I am no expert in Russian history, my love, but if they should look for a hero at this present time, then they should look to the nameless Russian people - as a timeless, ageless whole - they and the lineage of their hopes together in God and Country above all else should be recognized, in my view, by the nation that they sustain by the state that they maintain.
The state of our world require that NATO must in time evolve with the evolution of war from a regional bloc to a global defensive alliance - yes, including Russia, Iran, etc. this is necessary if the paradigm of war is to be effectively countered. For Peace that does not include all of the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind is naught but war in disguise - this whole world must live to become one family, one house, one peace. What about North Korea? There is only one Korea - a nation can not be divided forever, and it is war here that is the lie and not the one Korean people.
The United Nations, too, must adapt in her Charter the one Commonwealth Trust of the one Family of the Nations of Mankind and enshrine in her hopes a Charter of Rights - ratified by all of her nation-states and also by a Congress of Religions - Natural Human Rights, Workers Rights (including the Elderly, the Disabled and Veterans), the Rights of Women and Children (including the Unborn) and the Rights of Minorities (including Ethnic Tribes, Minority Religions, Prisoners, Refugees and Immigrants).
This paradigm of war and globalization juxtaposed will cause our world to tumble down into the gravity of conflict, instability shall breed more instability, violence shall empower more violence, evil shall give birth to more evil, for such is the nature of war - this beast is a devourer of peoples, a destroyer of civilizations and our history now allows us to recognize it at a time, times and half a time. (We shall discuss the phenomenon of globalization in another entry.)
Time is not an ally of this beast - so does the victory belong not to its relentless hatred of life and of all the things of life - a direct extension of its hate for the one Everliving and for all of the everliving. So to rest in our sufficiency, one with another, we certainly may - striving always for each other, all in All and all in God, knowing our true belonging is always to each other in God and Country, never holding back nor exceeding the promise we have in God and for us Christians, the promise we have in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Because war was from heaven thrown down so it must upon the earth be denied. Lest we forget. Lest we forget.
See how important it is for me to be able to come home to your love, my love, my darlingest Miyang Marie, you are my first contact star that always lead me Home to God and to All of you, when I find myself in the furthest of desolation, it is your starlight smile makes things beautiful for me once again.
Activating calico meter...beep, there you are!
I love you.
Always to always,
I love you, my loveliest love. When I say that, and our skies are clear, my darlingest dear, my heart flies swiftly to the love that we share together, but when the dark of the storms of this life comes and tears fall as rain, I am also able to trust in the love itself alone.
For love is a reality that exists independent and distinct from ourselves, it penetrates us and embraces us, it is infinitely more than any man or angel can ever comprehend. For God is Love.
I wrote about this for our little Starshines, my love - the beginnings of Charity in the heart is acceptance of this trust in God and in others in God - one love alone.
For how can one say love can be anything more or less than what love could really be who know the one Beautiful?
When you shall love thy beloved, he or she shall never feel in their heart the need to ask you, "who do you love more?" Because the heart in their hearts itself will understand that you love them without compare.
So love all things without compare. Say, to all thy beloved - thy friends and family - I shall bring our love as close as possible to our God and that is how I love you. And know in all thy humanity that this kind of love takes courage because it is the path of sacrifice; it is the road to Calvary exemplified by our Lord Christ. Love treads on no other road than the road of the Cross. Say what anyone will, this is our mountain path and the only way out of this midnight dark.
To love is to grow out of the self, a walk into the Heart of God. It is the labor of bearing burdens for each other; love gives and it chooses to give, willingly, and with joy, until it is spent and the substance of its own truth sets itself free.
Love is greatest of all for Charity is the queen of all virtues; she governs them like an army in battle array. The enemy of our hearts tremble when she takes the field for all Hell itself knows that the victory of heaven draws near to the earth for all of those who abide in Love in their heart of hearts for as God dwells in them, so does the hosts of the LORD abide with them, for our LORD is never without the Company of his angels, neither do the angels of the LORD march without each other.
We are human beings, imperfect, but Love is perfect in Its desire for us and is perfected in those who accept this truth: God loves us more than we could ever love ourselves.
There is only one way to love, one reason to do so and it recreates our hearts like a prism that shows forth this Light as an infinite spectrum of colors made present through us here, who choose to be present, in the absent gray and the unfeeling dark of exile time, in the Name of our LORD on behalf of those who are in need of God - all of suffering humanity.
How else can virtue be obtained or happiness effectively pursued but by this way? So must all things good by command of our LORD alone Who is the source of all good things produce this kind of fruit. As there is only one firmament, there are no divisions in heaven. As our Sovereign only has one Royal Standard, there can only be one victory over war. As our LORD has only one House, there can never be two places for the one eternal destiny. As our LORD tends only one Garden, why must any tree boast who produce no fruit of this kind? Why must beauty be a burden to them who know It not?
God is a reality and so the reality of a good and honorable religion must be revealed by its fruit and this fruit must be the fruit of virtue which is good works of every kind, edible unto all the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind and imperishable being born of changeless things.
Out of this, we may ponder about responsible development which is a balance between the need to sustain positive growth in our industries and the conservation of our natural resources.
For ordered love begets ordered people and ordered people, ordered things - money, goods and services.
We live in an imperfect world but the purpose of this world and of all creation, seen and unseen is willed by a perfect LORD, this gives us hope - we must only endure in faith and also in reason that is guided by it and then let God prevail.
“In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
I read in an article once that Russia is searching for her greatest hero, my opinion is that perhaps this is too early to tell. She has heroes, all our nations are never bereft of them - only we become bereft of their remembrance. The LORD Himself has been careful in all His dealings with Mankind to stir the peoples of the earth always to their remembrances. Russia has been asleep for a time and now she is searching for herself. I am no expert in Russian history, my love, but if they should look for a hero at this present time, then they should look to the nameless Russian people - as a timeless, ageless whole - they and the lineage of their hopes together in God and Country above all else should be recognized, in my view, by the nation that they sustain by the state that they maintain.
The state of our world require that NATO must in time evolve with the evolution of war from a regional bloc to a global defensive alliance - yes, including Russia, Iran, etc. this is necessary if the paradigm of war is to be effectively countered. For Peace that does not include all of the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind is naught but war in disguise - this whole world must live to become one family, one house, one peace. What about North Korea? There is only one Korea - a nation can not be divided forever, and it is war here that is the lie and not the one Korean people.
The United Nations, too, must adapt in her Charter the one Commonwealth Trust of the one Family of the Nations of Mankind and enshrine in her hopes a Charter of Rights - ratified by all of her nation-states and also by a Congress of Religions - Natural Human Rights, Workers Rights (including the Elderly, the Disabled and Veterans), the Rights of Women and Children (including the Unborn) and the Rights of Minorities (including Ethnic Tribes, Minority Religions, Prisoners, Refugees and Immigrants).
This paradigm of war and globalization juxtaposed will cause our world to tumble down into the gravity of conflict, instability shall breed more instability, violence shall empower more violence, evil shall give birth to more evil, for such is the nature of war - this beast is a devourer of peoples, a destroyer of civilizations and our history now allows us to recognize it at a time, times and half a time. (We shall discuss the phenomenon of globalization in another entry.)
Time is not an ally of this beast - so does the victory belong not to its relentless hatred of life and of all the things of life - a direct extension of its hate for the one Everliving and for all of the everliving. So to rest in our sufficiency, one with another, we certainly may - striving always for each other, all in All and all in God, knowing our true belonging is always to each other in God and Country, never holding back nor exceeding the promise we have in God and for us Christians, the promise we have in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Because war was from heaven thrown down so it must upon the earth be denied. Lest we forget. Lest we forget.
See how important it is for me to be able to come home to your love, my love, my darlingest Miyang Marie, you are my first contact star that always lead me Home to God and to All of you, when I find myself in the furthest of desolation, it is your starlight smile makes things beautiful for me once again.
Activating calico meter...beep, there you are!
I love you.
Always to always,
Charter of Rights,
United Nations
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,
I saw Push yesterday after work, my darlingest. It's surprising to see how much Dakota Fanning has grown up yet I know that underneath it all, she is still a child, seeking for herself and quite vulnerable in her seeking.
The world of our today, my love, seems less violent. But that is only because the violence that is intrinsic to this earth is less apparent. Not that it has ever diminished but more so because much of its deceptions seem to have found welcome within the life of our very nations themselves. The poisonous fruits of these lies are either kept away from our view or are sold to the generations of our children as food for their souls. As a result of this, a particular spiritual malaise, hidden just beneath the surface of the reality which is our common habitation, exists in our civilizations like a simmering within, always ready to erupt seemingly with neither rhyme nor reason to claim more and more of our blood.
Hell makes its bitter war with Mankind as a whole primarily by denying us the light to be able to move our nations forward in exile time.
When I see the beauty of the young in my heart, my love, I am almost always recalled to the battles that rage within those worlds within. For I know how precious they are to our LORD, to all the angels of God, and to our shared humanity and how near-infinite their potential to give to this absent world what it needs to ascend to those places in time and dimensional space that our nations today have yet to dream of going.
But beauty seem incomprehensible nor hope existent to the darkness who itself does not comprehend itself.
War without remembrance indeed, is like murder without regret; an insufferable evil not fit to even breathe the same air we breathe, eat from the same earth that we cultivate, live among the same communities that we built, and walk beneath the safety that is forever guarded by the remembrance of all our generations past for those who actively and willfully seek the beast of war only seek a desolation that calls itself "peace". This peace is a lie, my love. It is not Our peace, therefore it speaks death to itself.
I feel very, very much for our Generation Y-ers but not without hope do I let these things be expressed for hope is an intrinsic gift given specifically to our shared humanity - Satan and his reprobate hosts shall forever rage against us in the depths of Hell because of this gift; it is an exercise in futility. For we will labor now, by the grace of Almighty God, to close the iron gates of Country against the beast of war so that the promise of God to our Father Abraham of old may bless with the sheltering wings of peace the one family of the nations of mankind, bring relief to our shared humanity and repair to our exhausted planet.
We will overcome and our humanity shall be better prepared to prevail for our overcoming but first, we must be able to recognize darkness from light at a time, times and half-a-time. And from 2009, we must upon this favorable season of peace, in the Name of our LORD God and on behalf of all the generations of life, build together as one family of the nations of mankind, the foundation of new things, PERSEVERING together in God and Country, so that former things may pass away and history renew itself in the face of our needful world as our nations march east, shoulder to shoulder, leaving the darkness of the past behind us forever.
There is no other safe path Home for humanity than this mountain path.
Indeed, I believe in our promise together, for I know the strength of hope is like human sails, billowing with the substance of truth, bursting with endeavor, shining in the night, for like you, my loveliest love, I believe in the intrinsic goodness of the human heart.
I wanted to talk about pornography and other things but I guess that will have to wait, I feel spent. But today is a lovely day, my loveliest love, and its the weekend - we clever cats always find fun things to do. I read "1" on my calico meter at 0 feet and that's how I know its working, because of you, my loveliest love. I'm so glad to have you as my friend!
I love you.
Always to always,
Some more fragments I'd like to park here for now:
As regards to the one Peace, O ye numberless Stars, we shall be as the waters of the Deep, full of hope, calm with potential, pregnant with wonder, and ever ready to respond, shoulder to shoulder, to the LORD who Alone exists above the coherence of our nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
At the level of the highest whole of our one, ascendant peace, at the summit of this truth that embracing all of creation, preserves the rule of Divine Providence within our realities, there shall be no more prophets, seers or spiritual leaders - there shall be only our LORD to lead and to guide us, like the one Daystar Sun that shines Its golden sunbeams above the equality of the calm of our waters, to penetrate with Its sharp, sustaining light, our souls and the sacred abode of our hearts both as individuals together and as individual nations together, till the shores of forever.
For as the one Fold of the one Firmament, comprising the all in all of the elect of our LORD from eternity, we are all each to our all peers to our peers, friends to our friends, and companions to our companions - from always to always.
Remain true.
O numberless Stars of Father Abraham, know you now that the honor of our one God is entrusted to our hope and our ability to deliver on this promise shall have significant bearing on the lasting shape of things to come.
Time to redeem from the darkness of the past, our sense of direction, and turn away from the darkness of this midnight world, let us complete our remembrances of the one peace, bring forward our hopes into the now and advance together with faith eastwards, unto the dawn, unto the LORD, unto the one whole one.
Time is an instrument of our LORD. It is a safe refuge - let us use this refuge, we shall build on the peace from within each of ourselves, and from this truth, build on the peace of our own world - exceeding not our own sufficiency - being patient with ourselves - hoping, one with another, and clinging to our LORD - let not haste nor restlessness allow us to forget that time itself is an ally of the one peace. For time is purpose and this purpose fulfills not the ambition of war.
Free will and it's responsible practice is Liberty and Liberty shapes the life of the nation. She is the beloved Shepherdess of Justice's flock, a seeker of lost choices that complete the dreaming of every human community.
For the free are not free without the dreaming of Country and every dreaming of Country can only awaken to the call of lady Liberty.
Liberty is not free choice but an enabler of human choice under whose watchful vigilance, serve to mature in exile time, the nobility that sleeps within the souls of Mankind.
The greatest of human civilizations are those nations that Justice possess, those who dream the dream of Liberty's peace; of whole nations ascended into eternity, awakening together to golden shores at the completion of every noble endeavor of Country.
I saw Push yesterday after work, my darlingest. It's surprising to see how much Dakota Fanning has grown up yet I know that underneath it all, she is still a child, seeking for herself and quite vulnerable in her seeking.
The world of our today, my love, seems less violent. But that is only because the violence that is intrinsic to this earth is less apparent. Not that it has ever diminished but more so because much of its deceptions seem to have found welcome within the life of our very nations themselves. The poisonous fruits of these lies are either kept away from our view or are sold to the generations of our children as food for their souls. As a result of this, a particular spiritual malaise, hidden just beneath the surface of the reality which is our common habitation, exists in our civilizations like a simmering within, always ready to erupt seemingly with neither rhyme nor reason to claim more and more of our blood.
Hell makes its bitter war with Mankind as a whole primarily by denying us the light to be able to move our nations forward in exile time.
When I see the beauty of the young in my heart, my love, I am almost always recalled to the battles that rage within those worlds within. For I know how precious they are to our LORD, to all the angels of God, and to our shared humanity and how near-infinite their potential to give to this absent world what it needs to ascend to those places in time and dimensional space that our nations today have yet to dream of going.
But beauty seem incomprehensible nor hope existent to the darkness who itself does not comprehend itself.
War without remembrance indeed, is like murder without regret; an insufferable evil not fit to even breathe the same air we breathe, eat from the same earth that we cultivate, live among the same communities that we built, and walk beneath the safety that is forever guarded by the remembrance of all our generations past for those who actively and willfully seek the beast of war only seek a desolation that calls itself "peace". This peace is a lie, my love. It is not Our peace, therefore it speaks death to itself.
I feel very, very much for our Generation Y-ers but not without hope do I let these things be expressed for hope is an intrinsic gift given specifically to our shared humanity - Satan and his reprobate hosts shall forever rage against us in the depths of Hell because of this gift; it is an exercise in futility. For we will labor now, by the grace of Almighty God, to close the iron gates of Country against the beast of war so that the promise of God to our Father Abraham of old may bless with the sheltering wings of peace the one family of the nations of mankind, bring relief to our shared humanity and repair to our exhausted planet.
We will overcome and our humanity shall be better prepared to prevail for our overcoming but first, we must be able to recognize darkness from light at a time, times and half-a-time. And from 2009, we must upon this favorable season of peace, in the Name of our LORD God and on behalf of all the generations of life, build together as one family of the nations of mankind, the foundation of new things, PERSEVERING together in God and Country, so that former things may pass away and history renew itself in the face of our needful world as our nations march east, shoulder to shoulder, leaving the darkness of the past behind us forever.
There is no other safe path Home for humanity than this mountain path.
Indeed, I believe in our promise together, for I know the strength of hope is like human sails, billowing with the substance of truth, bursting with endeavor, shining in the night, for like you, my loveliest love, I believe in the intrinsic goodness of the human heart.
I wanted to talk about pornography and other things but I guess that will have to wait, I feel spent. But today is a lovely day, my loveliest love, and its the weekend - we clever cats always find fun things to do. I read "1" on my calico meter at 0 feet and that's how I know its working, because of you, my loveliest love. I'm so glad to have you as my friend!
I love you.
Always to always,
Some more fragments I'd like to park here for now:
As regards to the one Peace, O ye numberless Stars, we shall be as the waters of the Deep, full of hope, calm with potential, pregnant with wonder, and ever ready to respond, shoulder to shoulder, to the LORD who Alone exists above the coherence of our nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
At the level of the highest whole of our one, ascendant peace, at the summit of this truth that embracing all of creation, preserves the rule of Divine Providence within our realities, there shall be no more prophets, seers or spiritual leaders - there shall be only our LORD to lead and to guide us, like the one Daystar Sun that shines Its golden sunbeams above the equality of the calm of our waters, to penetrate with Its sharp, sustaining light, our souls and the sacred abode of our hearts both as individuals together and as individual nations together, till the shores of forever.
For as the one Fold of the one Firmament, comprising the all in all of the elect of our LORD from eternity, we are all each to our all peers to our peers, friends to our friends, and companions to our companions - from always to always.
Remain true.
O numberless Stars of Father Abraham, know you now that the honor of our one God is entrusted to our hope and our ability to deliver on this promise shall have significant bearing on the lasting shape of things to come.
Time to redeem from the darkness of the past, our sense of direction, and turn away from the darkness of this midnight world, let us complete our remembrances of the one peace, bring forward our hopes into the now and advance together with faith eastwards, unto the dawn, unto the LORD, unto the one whole one.
Time is an instrument of our LORD. It is a safe refuge - let us use this refuge, we shall build on the peace from within each of ourselves, and from this truth, build on the peace of our own world - exceeding not our own sufficiency - being patient with ourselves - hoping, one with another, and clinging to our LORD - let not haste nor restlessness allow us to forget that time itself is an ally of the one peace. For time is purpose and this purpose fulfills not the ambition of war.
Free will and it's responsible practice is Liberty and Liberty shapes the life of the nation. She is the beloved Shepherdess of Justice's flock, a seeker of lost choices that complete the dreaming of every human community.
For the free are not free without the dreaming of Country and every dreaming of Country can only awaken to the call of lady Liberty.
Liberty is not free choice but an enabler of human choice under whose watchful vigilance, serve to mature in exile time, the nobility that sleeps within the souls of Mankind.
The greatest of human civilizations are those nations that Justice possess, those who dream the dream of Liberty's peace; of whole nations ascended into eternity, awakening together to golden shores at the completion of every noble endeavor of Country.
Daniel 12,
The Beast of War,
The Generations of Life
Friday, February 20, 2009
Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,
Sgt. Gilad Shalit, my loveliest love, is an Israeli soldier who was abducted from his post by Hamas fighters about three years ago. He is currently being held hostage by that organization.
How do we view Hamas, my love? You know, it is a saddening thought that idealistic and pious people are brought together by war more than by peace because that road leads nowhere. And I am not talking about just Muslims - I'm talking about any human being who begins to believe in the seemingly easy proposition brought upon their will by those who have become convinced in their hearts that the destruction of other human beings and of entire nations is the way of our common destiny without deeper consideration to the actual nature of war.
If one should study about black holes in the physical universe - such is war - an imploded star. And the blindness that ultimately leads to annihilation inside of its deadly gravitational embrace is the reason why black holes are invisible to the naked eye - because it is empty of promise, its victory is a lie. Believe in it and all things in your life and the reality itself that surrounds you will get sucked into an endless and futile struggle. It is very easy to destroy things but creation is the mandate of heaven and will of the defense is peace therefore, destruction is only fruitful to All if it brings about transformation and growth, not poverty and despair.
I guarantee you, my loveliest love, in the strongest of terms possible that the path of war is not the ascendant mountain path that our nations and their responsible states must take to survive the tribulation that is yet to come. This is a time to prepare the shelter of our generations, the only shelters that we have as human beings, the shelters of Country.
While I do not and will never approve of the methods that inflict needless harm upon our civilian populations, target our innocents and propagate the conflagration of war - I will also never fail to recognize nor willingly abandon the hope that is intrinsic to all human beings.
It is not the will of heaven at this time to convert the faiths of all people into one religion; that is a changeless and immovable mandate that neither angelic nor human worlds share with the one Beautiful but belong to Almighty God by Himself Alone, however, it is the purpose of our times to convert the hope of the world into peace and turn the hearts of mankind towards life.
I recognize the hope that is embedded in the struggle of the Palestinian people as well as the hope that is enshrined in the founding of modern Israel. Hamas - despite those differences that shall remain differences - now contain within itself, an extension of that hope entrusted to it by the Palestinian electorate on behalf of the nameless, suffering Palestinian people. It is this hope that I recognize and it is through this hope that I call upon Hamas to stir itself to a remembrance of the things that are necessary to achieve the purpose entrusted to it by its own nation, work with Fatah and Abu Mazen that Palestine may emerge at last as a complete nation-state. Only upon this common ground of hope that is universally shared by our common humanity can the process of achieving a sustainable peace on behalf of all living things, past, present and future, continue.
I also recognize the hope of Palestinian prisoners and of Sgt. Gilad Shalit but hope must be forbearing for we do not see by a sight that is possessed by our unseeing but are only borrowers of the one Light that reflects in our hearts the way of our LORD ahead that our feet may find its way through the darkness of our exile. Neither do we own the wisdom that teaches us of the ways of our LORD nor the very life that everywhere leads us back to our God, how then must we hope, as we would like or as we should?
It is the intrinsic right of every prisoner to be treated as your own. Do not continue to seek to harm innocent civilians and uphold this right for Sgt. Shalit and for Palestinian prisoners as well those of you who truly live and breathe for God's peace. Recognize the need in their humanity and seek to obtain at the soonest their safe release to their families.
Negotiate as soon as it is possible - on behalf of the nameless who are suffering the curse of war - upon the common grounds of your hopes for your people which you will find, only if you seek it in your heart of hearts, are one and the same hope.
And turn away from war.
Say peace to all the inhabited earth and dwell forever in the good will of heaven.
I shall just revise the above a little, my loveliest love and then post it into our main blog. I'm just thinking of what title to use for that conversation. It seems that the acceptable measure of warfare nowadays is to war without measure. Incidentally, this is also the measure by which our LORD teaches us we must love.
Weekend's coming up - time to do something relaxing, like watching a movie or spending time with the folksies and catching up with friends. We clever cats always find ways to have fun, right, my loveliest love? I want to see Push and I've been pushing it off *lol* for the longest time now - time to give in and see how it goes: Camilla Belle rocks! Das is a pretty cat. Dakota is there as well - I've been thinking of a haiku about her and her sister Elle. Right! Got to get ready for work. Oh, I'm also waiting for Race to Witch Mountain, our Sunbeams is there and the Rock as well. OK, got to get ready for work.
I love you, my darlingest dear.
Always to always,
Just some thoughts I'd like to park over here for now:
If Mankind possessed the sight that allows every human heart to see through the darkness of exile time, what for is faith? How then do we learn to trust in God and in each other?
If we possessed the life that we live and it could not be taken away, what for is our Love's longing for Itself? How then do we learn to become keepers to each other in God and Country?
If we possessed the wisdom by which we are by God allowed to learn the ways of heaven on earth, we simply would not be here, struggling to perfect our peace with God and with each other. Why then must the burden of our struggle be shared by the shoulders of all?
For as God giveth and God takes away, we all have come to share our hopes together in Him.
Indeed, war without remembrance, my love, is like murder without regret, an insufferable evil.
You know, my darlingest, the virtue Justice and your temperament share striking similarities: For Justice would seem to you as love itself where you learn to live to love and to honor her and she would most certainly steadfastly defend you even if you do not know her but if ever you go against her, she will become your chief terror (with tooth and claw). Just a thought, my loveliest love.
Sgt. Gilad Shalit, my loveliest love, is an Israeli soldier who was abducted from his post by Hamas fighters about three years ago. He is currently being held hostage by that organization.
How do we view Hamas, my love? You know, it is a saddening thought that idealistic and pious people are brought together by war more than by peace because that road leads nowhere. And I am not talking about just Muslims - I'm talking about any human being who begins to believe in the seemingly easy proposition brought upon their will by those who have become convinced in their hearts that the destruction of other human beings and of entire nations is the way of our common destiny without deeper consideration to the actual nature of war.
If one should study about black holes in the physical universe - such is war - an imploded star. And the blindness that ultimately leads to annihilation inside of its deadly gravitational embrace is the reason why black holes are invisible to the naked eye - because it is empty of promise, its victory is a lie. Believe in it and all things in your life and the reality itself that surrounds you will get sucked into an endless and futile struggle. It is very easy to destroy things but creation is the mandate of heaven and will of the defense is peace therefore, destruction is only fruitful to All if it brings about transformation and growth, not poverty and despair.
I guarantee you, my loveliest love, in the strongest of terms possible that the path of war is not the ascendant mountain path that our nations and their responsible states must take to survive the tribulation that is yet to come. This is a time to prepare the shelter of our generations, the only shelters that we have as human beings, the shelters of Country.
While I do not and will never approve of the methods that inflict needless harm upon our civilian populations, target our innocents and propagate the conflagration of war - I will also never fail to recognize nor willingly abandon the hope that is intrinsic to all human beings.
It is not the will of heaven at this time to convert the faiths of all people into one religion; that is a changeless and immovable mandate that neither angelic nor human worlds share with the one Beautiful but belong to Almighty God by Himself Alone, however, it is the purpose of our times to convert the hope of the world into peace and turn the hearts of mankind towards life.
I recognize the hope that is embedded in the struggle of the Palestinian people as well as the hope that is enshrined in the founding of modern Israel. Hamas - despite those differences that shall remain differences - now contain within itself, an extension of that hope entrusted to it by the Palestinian electorate on behalf of the nameless, suffering Palestinian people. It is this hope that I recognize and it is through this hope that I call upon Hamas to stir itself to a remembrance of the things that are necessary to achieve the purpose entrusted to it by its own nation, work with Fatah and Abu Mazen that Palestine may emerge at last as a complete nation-state. Only upon this common ground of hope that is universally shared by our common humanity can the process of achieving a sustainable peace on behalf of all living things, past, present and future, continue.
I also recognize the hope of Palestinian prisoners and of Sgt. Gilad Shalit but hope must be forbearing for we do not see by a sight that is possessed by our unseeing but are only borrowers of the one Light that reflects in our hearts the way of our LORD ahead that our feet may find its way through the darkness of our exile. Neither do we own the wisdom that teaches us of the ways of our LORD nor the very life that everywhere leads us back to our God, how then must we hope, as we would like or as we should?
It is the intrinsic right of every prisoner to be treated as your own. Do not continue to seek to harm innocent civilians and uphold this right for Sgt. Shalit and for Palestinian prisoners as well those of you who truly live and breathe for God's peace. Recognize the need in their humanity and seek to obtain at the soonest their safe release to their families.
Negotiate as soon as it is possible - on behalf of the nameless who are suffering the curse of war - upon the common grounds of your hopes for your people which you will find, only if you seek it in your heart of hearts, are one and the same hope.
And turn away from war.
Say peace to all the inhabited earth and dwell forever in the good will of heaven.
I shall just revise the above a little, my loveliest love and then post it into our main blog. I'm just thinking of what title to use for that conversation. It seems that the acceptable measure of warfare nowadays is to war without measure. Incidentally, this is also the measure by which our LORD teaches us we must love.
Weekend's coming up - time to do something relaxing, like watching a movie or spending time with the folksies and catching up with friends. We clever cats always find ways to have fun, right, my loveliest love? I want to see Push and I've been pushing it off *lol* for the longest time now - time to give in and see how it goes: Camilla Belle rocks! Das is a pretty cat. Dakota is there as well - I've been thinking of a haiku about her and her sister Elle. Right! Got to get ready for work. Oh, I'm also waiting for Race to Witch Mountain, our Sunbeams is there and the Rock as well. OK, got to get ready for work.
I love you, my darlingest dear.
Always to always,
Just some thoughts I'd like to park over here for now:
If Mankind possessed the sight that allows every human heart to see through the darkness of exile time, what for is faith? How then do we learn to trust in God and in each other?
If we possessed the life that we live and it could not be taken away, what for is our Love's longing for Itself? How then do we learn to become keepers to each other in God and Country?
If we possessed the wisdom by which we are by God allowed to learn the ways of heaven on earth, we simply would not be here, struggling to perfect our peace with God and with each other. Why then must the burden of our struggle be shared by the shoulders of all?
For as God giveth and God takes away, we all have come to share our hopes together in Him.
Indeed, war without remembrance, my love, is like murder without regret, an insufferable evil.
You know, my darlingest, the virtue Justice and your temperament share striking similarities: For Justice would seem to you as love itself where you learn to live to love and to honor her and she would most certainly steadfastly defend you even if you do not know her but if ever you go against her, she will become your chief terror (with tooth and claw). Just a thought, my loveliest love.
Peace in the Middle East,
Sgt. Gilad Shalit
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Dear darlingest Miyang Marie,
I tuned into Discovery channel last night and it was featuring an episode on Princess Diana. Now, I would have liked to have been more interested, however, the show was focusing more about raising questions rather than providing answers. And the questions that it was intending to raise are not the kind I would like to ask my heart in memory of her and the good she has done for our world. We will not deny her her peace in the universe I keep in my soul with you, my love.
While I understand the importance of a Republic state, I am not anti-anything. I should like to stand for meaningful peace, speak about it and live in its rightful observance as consistently as I could and as truthfully as I am able, God-willing. I believe that the original order of our nations include an executive lineage and that because of the beast of war, most of this lineages of rulers have been in battles within or without overthrown and lost to us, thus we have orphan nations and because of these orphan nations, we have Republic states.
Executive lines of ruler ship are integral aspects of the state and where these lines survive they should be preserved. Republic states have difficulties which at present we shall work to address and repair exactly because of the absence of these necessary lines. It must not be forgot that all our executive lineages of birthright rulers where they have in exile time persevered with us bear significance to their respective nations and though this significance have and will continue to evolve with the evolution of the cultures of our mankind, this significance is always real for it is an eternal significance. Because at the very least, our lineages of executive rulers, elect from eternity or elected by the nations of the earth through the mandate of heaven, remind our nations that as angels rule over each other, such is the course of every Country, to make us keepers to each other and in so doing, to build up this inhabited earth as a reflection of the glory of Almighty God in heaven.
The necessity of the emergence of the modern Republic does not change the original order of creation, it only works to augment it and most importantly to preserve our nations and their generations and bring all proper endeavors of Country into completion at the shores of Forever.
What is important is right action and the ability to produce the fruits that Christ requires from among all His disciples which is the same good that God requires from among all our nations to be made available for suffering humanity.
I love you, my Miyang.
You know, I was imagining I have this calico meter yesterday, my love. Its something I'd like to believe detects the presence of calico cats. Of course, ./smile, I always register a "1" at zero feet - because that's you, my loveliest love. I'm trying to use it at the old building where I use to work to see if my old crush is present somewhere inside the building but I get nothing, maybe the place is shielded or something. Lol. Better try something else...
Always to always,
Law serves life - the opposite is tyranny, we observe the law - the opposite is anarchy. A society must adapt during the entire course of its hope through its juridical system. Justice ensures that this hope of Country is never extinguished.
The Filipino nation being not used to this, has an aversion to the things of Justice - but Civil Justice is meant to protect the person of the Citizen. Military Justice is meant to protect the person of the Soldier.
An integral part of the Commonwealth Trust of the one Family of the Nations of Mankind embodied by the United Nations is a Charter of Rights (ratified by both religion and state) meant to preserve the natural dignity of all human beings; this Charter is composed of four Sections: The Natural Rights of the Human Person, The Rights of Workers (including the Elderly), The Rights of Women (including Widows) and Children (including Orphans and the Unborn) and the Rights of Minorities that include the Rights of Ethnic Tribes, Religious Minorities, Immigrants and Refugees. By the way, there is no such thing as an Illegal Immigrant only the act of Illegal Immigration is real.
The minimum actions that a state requires of its citizenry are the diligent observance of law and the willingness to bear with the nation, the tax burden of our Country.
The American Republic, my love, I am convinced, have forgotten some things about her true self for there are things mentioned here and there that belong to her that she seems not to recognize. And so we must pray that God allows her time to complete her own remembrances with all of the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind. These are indeed difficult times but these are also the times, my loveliest love, when Charity shall teach us all to bear our burdens with each other - both as individual human beings and as individual human nations - our LORD God Himself has made sure we only have that road east left to take - the mountain path - for our sakes and the sake of the generations to come.
Just some more things, my loveliest love.
I tuned into Discovery channel last night and it was featuring an episode on Princess Diana. Now, I would have liked to have been more interested, however, the show was focusing more about raising questions rather than providing answers. And the questions that it was intending to raise are not the kind I would like to ask my heart in memory of her and the good she has done for our world. We will not deny her her peace in the universe I keep in my soul with you, my love.
While I understand the importance of a Republic state, I am not anti-anything. I should like to stand for meaningful peace, speak about it and live in its rightful observance as consistently as I could and as truthfully as I am able, God-willing. I believe that the original order of our nations include an executive lineage and that because of the beast of war, most of this lineages of rulers have been in battles within or without overthrown and lost to us, thus we have orphan nations and because of these orphan nations, we have Republic states.
Executive lines of ruler ship are integral aspects of the state and where these lines survive they should be preserved. Republic states have difficulties which at present we shall work to address and repair exactly because of the absence of these necessary lines. It must not be forgot that all our executive lineages of birthright rulers where they have in exile time persevered with us bear significance to their respective nations and though this significance have and will continue to evolve with the evolution of the cultures of our mankind, this significance is always real for it is an eternal significance. Because at the very least, our lineages of executive rulers, elect from eternity or elected by the nations of the earth through the mandate of heaven, remind our nations that as angels rule over each other, such is the course of every Country, to make us keepers to each other and in so doing, to build up this inhabited earth as a reflection of the glory of Almighty God in heaven.
The necessity of the emergence of the modern Republic does not change the original order of creation, it only works to augment it and most importantly to preserve our nations and their generations and bring all proper endeavors of Country into completion at the shores of Forever.
What is important is right action and the ability to produce the fruits that Christ requires from among all His disciples which is the same good that God requires from among all our nations to be made available for suffering humanity.
I love you, my Miyang.
You know, I was imagining I have this calico meter yesterday, my love. Its something I'd like to believe detects the presence of calico cats. Of course, ./smile, I always register a "1" at zero feet - because that's you, my loveliest love. I'm trying to use it at the old building where I use to work to see if my old crush is present somewhere inside the building but I get nothing, maybe the place is shielded or something. Lol. Better try something else...
Always to always,
Law serves life - the opposite is tyranny, we observe the law - the opposite is anarchy. A society must adapt during the entire course of its hope through its juridical system. Justice ensures that this hope of Country is never extinguished.
The Filipino nation being not used to this, has an aversion to the things of Justice - but Civil Justice is meant to protect the person of the Citizen. Military Justice is meant to protect the person of the Soldier.
An integral part of the Commonwealth Trust of the one Family of the Nations of Mankind embodied by the United Nations is a Charter of Rights (ratified by both religion and state) meant to preserve the natural dignity of all human beings; this Charter is composed of four Sections: The Natural Rights of the Human Person, The Rights of Workers (including the Elderly), The Rights of Women (including Widows) and Children (including Orphans and the Unborn) and the Rights of Minorities that include the Rights of Ethnic Tribes, Religious Minorities, Immigrants and Refugees. By the way, there is no such thing as an Illegal Immigrant only the act of Illegal Immigration is real.
The minimum actions that a state requires of its citizenry are the diligent observance of law and the willingness to bear with the nation, the tax burden of our Country.
The American Republic, my love, I am convinced, have forgotten some things about her true self for there are things mentioned here and there that belong to her that she seems not to recognize. And so we must pray that God allows her time to complete her own remembrances with all of the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind. These are indeed difficult times but these are also the times, my loveliest love, when Charity shall teach us all to bear our burdens with each other - both as individual human beings and as individual human nations - our LORD God Himself has made sure we only have that road east left to take - the mountain path - for our sakes and the sake of the generations to come.
Just some more things, my loveliest love.
Charter of Rights,
Executive Lineage,
Rulers of Old
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Dear darlingest Annelies Miyang Marie,
What constitutes right action, my love? Right action is the exercise of virtue: It is the willingness to do good (unto others as well as unto the self) and the acceptance of its grace. These two things when truly present in the human will constitute one seamless choice and it is this choice, my love, that gives birth to all our good works - those fruits of a good and honorable religion, acceptable to God forever and made edible to all nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
All exercise of virtue is an upward climb - it is a mountain path - and all things that ascend involve the pain of sacrifice - for thus is the will of the LORD. Now, this might seem like a lot to ask for some but when we shall view this pain of sacrifice in the universal context of human suffering, we shall understand its merit and when we shall contemplate Jesus Christ Crucified in the same context, we shall realize the greatness of our beloved martyrs.
I am working on a blog entry on human suffering, my love - I just need to polish it up a little bit more and it shall be ready for publishing. We shall also publish an entry on what constitutes right action - just as soon as our cycle of meditation on this subject is complete.
In contrast to virtue - vice and its resultant evils - are a surrender; they cause us to fall by the descendant gravity of their nature. Peace when it is truly lived becomes a social virtue and war when one shall surrender to its malice truly becomes a social vice. Both of these things begin (in time and in dimensional space) through those battles fought and won in the human heart.
The Philippines needs a strategic outlook. One of the great necessities of my own endeavor of Country with my honorable Filipino compatriots is a strategic outlook. I have also been actively looking into the plight of my own people, my love. I look at our character as a nation and think to myself, we are a good people - we do not deserve all of this evil. A Republic when it is born into our world busies itself first and foremost with the preservation of its peace because a Republic like a phoenix, usually rises above the ashes of former things, its life and liberty obtained from heaven above through the blood of tumult - this means that the defense of the one Republic should be squarely in the mind of both that orphaned nation and the government that she shall give her democratic mandate to represent her in the offices of the Republic state. Now, this defense must be understood - especially in this present age - as a defense of all worlds, seen and unseen, where the line of our battle to survive our nations of the one family of the nations of mankind is drawn in the human will upon the very substance of our hearts. And I should like to see this in my own nation, my love, our beloved Philippines.
A practical example of a strategic outlook duly applied in the Republic context is the VFA agreement - what constitutes Philippine defense is not completely dependent upon Filipino combat power but upon our alliances with other nations, mainly the United States and where one would say that we Filipinos are quite good and well-versed on insurgency operations that could take the fight against our enemies to the mountains and the hills - I would say that I will never again expose our population to the oppression of an occupying force - Lest we forget! That means a well-equipped and suitably trained and indoctrinated AFP. And, despite the bad things, we should never forget our friends among other nations as well. For if we don't remember our friends, our enemies will surely remember us. I believe we should be able to measure our responses to treaties and international compacts within the context of a strategic outlook for the integrated defense of our Country. This is of course, a separate evaluation from the individual case of the US Marine convicted of raping one of our own - I believe that is a safety issue.
The ideal for military justice is different from civil justice. In an ideal military that exists in a perfect world, any infraction against military discipline is always punishable by death. And the delivery of military justice in exile time is only a mitigation of this ideal. For it must always be carefully considered these three things - the mission of the noble military, the dignity of the military arms and the eternal importance of the nation.
Generation gaps are the result of a breakdown in the strength of our families. Yes, my Miyang, I have thought a little bit more about it.
Peace between Christians: If there were reasons in the past for disagreement, are those reasons still potent enough today to resist the heart of our Savior, that we should all be one? If not one Church and one Tradition - let us be one in the promise of our baptism, one liturgy of life.
I love you, my loveliest love.
Always to always,
Just a few thoughts, my love. I just got back from work and would like to put them down here for now: You know, as I learn about health care in America, I realize the need of millions of Americans who are uninsured or under insured - now, especially in the climate of today - this need must be a more pressing concern in the minds of most people over there. I believe the one Solidarity and its American Wing, once it is conceived, is well-placed to address this need and allow for group health coverage to those who are uninsured and under insured. This is something that must first be thought of and planned in such a way as it becomes prudent to proceed so that other National Wings may adapt it as well. I believe the American Wing should lead the way as regards to this because all National Wings of the one Solidarity stand to benefit from their wealth of experience and technological capability as regards to health care. I shall compose a post for the one Solidarity blog as regards to this concept soon, my love.
Also, we shall meditate on traditional Filipino social values: Respect for elders, Close family ties, Passion, Resilience and Patience; we shall look at the Filipino Soldier and shall expound more on the strategic concept of an integrated Philippine Defense as a framework for national policy.
The difference between defense planning in this age is that one does not need to conceive of an OPFOR nation - one only has to conceive of an adequate, deep and comprehensive defense that absolutely utilizes all of our national power to preserve the one Republic whole. What we can do and what we can not do and how far our current force capability to the ideal of the defense (an ideal that takes into consideration available weapons technology and military evolution to present the best possible defense for our nation) presently stands.
What constitutes right action, my love? Right action is the exercise of virtue: It is the willingness to do good (unto others as well as unto the self) and the acceptance of its grace. These two things when truly present in the human will constitute one seamless choice and it is this choice, my love, that gives birth to all our good works - those fruits of a good and honorable religion, acceptable to God forever and made edible to all nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
All exercise of virtue is an upward climb - it is a mountain path - and all things that ascend involve the pain of sacrifice - for thus is the will of the LORD. Now, this might seem like a lot to ask for some but when we shall view this pain of sacrifice in the universal context of human suffering, we shall understand its merit and when we shall contemplate Jesus Christ Crucified in the same context, we shall realize the greatness of our beloved martyrs.
I am working on a blog entry on human suffering, my love - I just need to polish it up a little bit more and it shall be ready for publishing. We shall also publish an entry on what constitutes right action - just as soon as our cycle of meditation on this subject is complete.
In contrast to virtue - vice and its resultant evils - are a surrender; they cause us to fall by the descendant gravity of their nature. Peace when it is truly lived becomes a social virtue and war when one shall surrender to its malice truly becomes a social vice. Both of these things begin (in time and in dimensional space) through those battles fought and won in the human heart.
The Philippines needs a strategic outlook. One of the great necessities of my own endeavor of Country with my honorable Filipino compatriots is a strategic outlook. I have also been actively looking into the plight of my own people, my love. I look at our character as a nation and think to myself, we are a good people - we do not deserve all of this evil. A Republic when it is born into our world busies itself first and foremost with the preservation of its peace because a Republic like a phoenix, usually rises above the ashes of former things, its life and liberty obtained from heaven above through the blood of tumult - this means that the defense of the one Republic should be squarely in the mind of both that orphaned nation and the government that she shall give her democratic mandate to represent her in the offices of the Republic state. Now, this defense must be understood - especially in this present age - as a defense of all worlds, seen and unseen, where the line of our battle to survive our nations of the one family of the nations of mankind is drawn in the human will upon the very substance of our hearts. And I should like to see this in my own nation, my love, our beloved Philippines.
A practical example of a strategic outlook duly applied in the Republic context is the VFA agreement - what constitutes Philippine defense is not completely dependent upon Filipino combat power but upon our alliances with other nations, mainly the United States and where one would say that we Filipinos are quite good and well-versed on insurgency operations that could take the fight against our enemies to the mountains and the hills - I would say that I will never again expose our population to the oppression of an occupying force - Lest we forget! That means a well-equipped and suitably trained and indoctrinated AFP. And, despite the bad things, we should never forget our friends among other nations as well. For if we don't remember our friends, our enemies will surely remember us. I believe we should be able to measure our responses to treaties and international compacts within the context of a strategic outlook for the integrated defense of our Country. This is of course, a separate evaluation from the individual case of the US Marine convicted of raping one of our own - I believe that is a safety issue.
The ideal for military justice is different from civil justice. In an ideal military that exists in a perfect world, any infraction against military discipline is always punishable by death. And the delivery of military justice in exile time is only a mitigation of this ideal. For it must always be carefully considered these three things - the mission of the noble military, the dignity of the military arms and the eternal importance of the nation.
Generation gaps are the result of a breakdown in the strength of our families. Yes, my Miyang, I have thought a little bit more about it.
Peace between Christians: If there were reasons in the past for disagreement, are those reasons still potent enough today to resist the heart of our Savior, that we should all be one? If not one Church and one Tradition - let us be one in the promise of our baptism, one liturgy of life.
I love you, my loveliest love.
Always to always,
Just a few thoughts, my love. I just got back from work and would like to put them down here for now: You know, as I learn about health care in America, I realize the need of millions of Americans who are uninsured or under insured - now, especially in the climate of today - this need must be a more pressing concern in the minds of most people over there. I believe the one Solidarity and its American Wing, once it is conceived, is well-placed to address this need and allow for group health coverage to those who are uninsured and under insured. This is something that must first be thought of and planned in such a way as it becomes prudent to proceed so that other National Wings may adapt it as well. I believe the American Wing should lead the way as regards to this because all National Wings of the one Solidarity stand to benefit from their wealth of experience and technological capability as regards to health care. I shall compose a post for the one Solidarity blog as regards to this concept soon, my love.
Also, we shall meditate on traditional Filipino social values: Respect for elders, Close family ties, Passion, Resilience and Patience; we shall look at the Filipino Soldier and shall expound more on the strategic concept of an integrated Philippine Defense as a framework for national policy.
The difference between defense planning in this age is that one does not need to conceive of an OPFOR nation - one only has to conceive of an adequate, deep and comprehensive defense that absolutely utilizes all of our national power to preserve the one Republic whole. What we can do and what we can not do and how far our current force capability to the ideal of the defense (an ideal that takes into consideration available weapons technology and military evolution to present the best possible defense for our nation) presently stands.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Dear darlingest Yang-yang Marie,
I just learned from my US Geography and Culture class yesterday that "Dakota" means "Friend" in Native American. Its a nice thing to know, too. You see, I have always thought it special that Dakota Fanning and her little sister, Elle, falls between two generations according to our map of generations. Dakota belongs to the Y generation with our Sunbeams and her sister, Elle, is a Millennial or a Generation Z kid. That means, that - where the paradigm of the peace is concerned - Dakota will be working with her Generation Y and with my Generation X to better our world for her own sister, Elle, and all the Millennials of Generation Z. These juxtapositions in the order of our generations seem to be mostly lost or ignored these days. But not to us cats, my darlingest, not to us.
When it comes to the order of our generations - these so-called "generation gaps" or worse, those real gaps left by our lost generations - I should like to say, are not intended by heaven to be - they are all part of a system, seen and unseen, symptoms within a global paradigm of war that seeks to undermine our one humanity as a whole. Something to ponder about - "generation gaps" - artificial or genuine, good or evil - what are these gaps part of and what do they intend?
I do not sense a gap between Dakota and Elle, from what I gather about these sisters, they're closer than close at the moment (and I hope God blesses them to be like that for the rest of their lives) - and, you know, it doesn't matter the size of a family, that should be the case between all of our generations - a seamless, ordered transfer of love and of life. I would use ordinary people as well for an example but that won't really work outside of the limits of those people who know them, so I use real stars who are incidentally also stars; your movie stars, my love.
Well, I still have an errand to run for my mom so I better go, my loveliest love.
I love you.
Always to always,
I just learned from my US Geography and Culture class yesterday that "Dakota" means "Friend" in Native American. Its a nice thing to know, too. You see, I have always thought it special that Dakota Fanning and her little sister, Elle, falls between two generations according to our map of generations. Dakota belongs to the Y generation with our Sunbeams and her sister, Elle, is a Millennial or a Generation Z kid. That means, that - where the paradigm of the peace is concerned - Dakota will be working with her Generation Y and with my Generation X to better our world for her own sister, Elle, and all the Millennials of Generation Z. These juxtapositions in the order of our generations seem to be mostly lost or ignored these days. But not to us cats, my darlingest, not to us.
When it comes to the order of our generations - these so-called "generation gaps" or worse, those real gaps left by our lost generations - I should like to say, are not intended by heaven to be - they are all part of a system, seen and unseen, symptoms within a global paradigm of war that seeks to undermine our one humanity as a whole. Something to ponder about - "generation gaps" - artificial or genuine, good or evil - what are these gaps part of and what do they intend?
I do not sense a gap between Dakota and Elle, from what I gather about these sisters, they're closer than close at the moment (and I hope God blesses them to be like that for the rest of their lives) - and, you know, it doesn't matter the size of a family, that should be the case between all of our generations - a seamless, ordered transfer of love and of life. I would use ordinary people as well for an example but that won't really work outside of the limits of those people who know them, so I use real stars who are incidentally also stars; your movie stars, my love.
Well, I still have an errand to run for my mom so I better go, my loveliest love.
I love you.
Always to always,
Monday, February 16, 2009
Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,
Good morning! It's another working week and I took care to get started early so I can sneak off into this local Internet cafe before work and jot down an entry with you here on our Planet Annelies, my love.
I once wrote a poem about what I want in a wife called "Can You" that I posted on our main blog, All to my All. I've been thinking about that for the past couple of days as well - "What do I want to see in the woman I should like to desire to be my partner for life?"
First of all, I should like to make it clear that you yourself, my love, would have to approve of it - we have a promise to each other, a promise which we had made together first, and this promise of ours, exchanged under the eyes of heaven, is something I intend to keep with you.
Because of this promise, which we swore to keep secret from all of the inhabited earth until the end of the age, I should like to remain single to ease the facility and therefore, increase the actual probability of me or my ashes being buried in Bergen-Belsen with you - in whatever fashion for as long as my corporal body shall be laid to rest there with yours.
But the will of our LORD God, and the vows of fidelity, love and service, that we have all taken shall take precedence over everything that we do, be and are in the LORD because the promise that we made and the destiny that we all are moving towards all have their one terminus in the glory of God in heaven and upon all of the earth. How we shall get there sometimes shall take us to places we do not understand but it is during these times of uncertainty that we must all the more trust that our God is taking us there, to the Promise. Like the married life for me, my love, even if I desire to remain single might be the road that takes me back to you. I am uncertain at the moment, the landscapes in my soul seem unfamiliar, but I should always remember that my belonging is to all of you in God and to our LORD God above all things and this is what's certain and that if I should keep following the stars, persevering eastward, that the dawn in my life shall rise as well.
So what do I want in a wife - if ever - I want a wife who loves God above all else and with one love alone, a wife who has the heart and the will to love and serve other people, especially our Lord's Poor - because these are the things that make me fall in love with a person: an ordered kind of love, that albeit imperfect, never ceases to reach out to Perfection like a love longing for Itself. It's that simple, you have it, my love - All of you possess it - and God grants it to those whose hearts are made ready.
How to be ready? We shall have to delve into religion, which will lead us to particulars - I know of only one Way to be ready and that is my faith in Jesus Christ, a faith that for me has produced good fruit and God-willing, shall continue to do so. But human beings being who we are will understandably have different answers to this question, my love, the important thing is getting there - to BE ready and to bear good and everlasting fruit.
If one is right, then let it be because of right action, and not because one desires above all things for others to agree with his or her correctness like a darkness that hungers to swallow all things.
I have to go to work now, my love.
I love you.
Always to always,
Good morning! It's another working week and I took care to get started early so I can sneak off into this local Internet cafe before work and jot down an entry with you here on our Planet Annelies, my love.
I once wrote a poem about what I want in a wife called "Can You" that I posted on our main blog, All to my All. I've been thinking about that for the past couple of days as well - "What do I want to see in the woman I should like to desire to be my partner for life?"
First of all, I should like to make it clear that you yourself, my love, would have to approve of it - we have a promise to each other, a promise which we had made together first, and this promise of ours, exchanged under the eyes of heaven, is something I intend to keep with you.
Because of this promise, which we swore to keep secret from all of the inhabited earth until the end of the age, I should like to remain single to ease the facility and therefore, increase the actual probability of me or my ashes being buried in Bergen-Belsen with you - in whatever fashion for as long as my corporal body shall be laid to rest there with yours.
But the will of our LORD God, and the vows of fidelity, love and service, that we have all taken shall take precedence over everything that we do, be and are in the LORD because the promise that we made and the destiny that we all are moving towards all have their one terminus in the glory of God in heaven and upon all of the earth. How we shall get there sometimes shall take us to places we do not understand but it is during these times of uncertainty that we must all the more trust that our God is taking us there, to the Promise. Like the married life for me, my love, even if I desire to remain single might be the road that takes me back to you. I am uncertain at the moment, the landscapes in my soul seem unfamiliar, but I should always remember that my belonging is to all of you in God and to our LORD God above all things and this is what's certain and that if I should keep following the stars, persevering eastward, that the dawn in my life shall rise as well.
So what do I want in a wife - if ever - I want a wife who loves God above all else and with one love alone, a wife who has the heart and the will to love and serve other people, especially our Lord's Poor - because these are the things that make me fall in love with a person: an ordered kind of love, that albeit imperfect, never ceases to reach out to Perfection like a love longing for Itself. It's that simple, you have it, my love - All of you possess it - and God grants it to those whose hearts are made ready.
How to be ready? We shall have to delve into religion, which will lead us to particulars - I know of only one Way to be ready and that is my faith in Jesus Christ, a faith that for me has produced good fruit and God-willing, shall continue to do so. But human beings being who we are will understandably have different answers to this question, my love, the important thing is getting there - to BE ready and to bear good and everlasting fruit.
If one is right, then let it be because of right action, and not because one desires above all things for others to agree with his or her correctness like a darkness that hungers to swallow all things.
I have to go to work now, my love.
I love you.
Always to always,
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Dear darlingest Miyang Marie,
It's the day after Valentine's day, my love, and it's a relief for some people. My best buddy from the Bay Area says that he was "hiding away" yesterday. You see, we're both single, my darlingest, but the difference is that I do not feel the slightest need to "hide away" - both my single status or from women who are also single. Why should I be ashamed of being single, my love? I do not follow the fickle standards and the fleeting fashions of this world. Why should I be afraid to love when that's what this life is all about? And finally, why should I run away from true hearts who desire to relate with my own heart - either in holy friendships or in holy matrimony - when upon this depends the completion of the purpose for which God has allowed me to be born to this world? No, love is not a thing to hide away from nor does its perceived lack in one's life a reason for anybody to become bitter about it. Love Itself is the Lover - and were people to try and realize this in their lives, they would understand, God-willing, what St. Valentine's day is all about. And far from the day after this day becoming a relief to some, it would be a blessing to all.
St. Valentine's is not about carnal love by itself alone. This is the thing with the world nowadays, my darlingest, people associate love with lust to the point when not a lot of us can tell them apart anymore. The plunging moral standards of this world have caused so many to suffer even more, the pains of the life we have to live. And when one thinks about all of this even more, yesterday is one of those days when the numerous symptoms that indicate the approach of calamity for our poor world converge into one undeniable reality - that so much of this poor world has forgotten about our LORD and His ways.
The deadly vices of avarice, greed, covetousness, anger, pride, gluttony as well as lust seem to dominate the landscape of so much human souls that not only has virtue and the art of its grace become almost entirely unknown but the reality of our present times itself as a whole seems to constantly seek to make bitter war against the one Divine Will and this is what I refer to, my dear darlingest Miyang Marie, as the beast of war. And my hatred with All of you of this beast is such that if it only had you, my lovingest love, for its victim, I could not burn any more intense than I am now, in my heart. But this beast has had innumerable other victims and none of them, I promise you, shall remain forgot - such is the will that lives in me, my love, that many times, I am tempted to surrender to the lie that makes me what I am not. For many times, I do not know what I am and yet when I think about my innumerable sins, thinking of where my God is leading me causes me to tremble with fear and shakes my faith to the very foundation - for even though I can not see far enough to know the way, I know with a knowing that penetrates the very fibers of my being that I am utterly not worthy of this way. Indeed, the song "Who Am I" by the Casting Crowns is fast becoming another song of choice for me.
We're going to my uncle's burial today, my dear darlingest. And I also need to help my mom with the things she wants to get from our local market. I have other things I want to write but they will have to wait and I shall have to be patient.
I love you.
Always to always,
It's the day after Valentine's day, my love, and it's a relief for some people. My best buddy from the Bay Area says that he was "hiding away" yesterday. You see, we're both single, my darlingest, but the difference is that I do not feel the slightest need to "hide away" - both my single status or from women who are also single. Why should I be ashamed of being single, my love? I do not follow the fickle standards and the fleeting fashions of this world. Why should I be afraid to love when that's what this life is all about? And finally, why should I run away from true hearts who desire to relate with my own heart - either in holy friendships or in holy matrimony - when upon this depends the completion of the purpose for which God has allowed me to be born to this world? No, love is not a thing to hide away from nor does its perceived lack in one's life a reason for anybody to become bitter about it. Love Itself is the Lover - and were people to try and realize this in their lives, they would understand, God-willing, what St. Valentine's day is all about. And far from the day after this day becoming a relief to some, it would be a blessing to all.
St. Valentine's is not about carnal love by itself alone. This is the thing with the world nowadays, my darlingest, people associate love with lust to the point when not a lot of us can tell them apart anymore. The plunging moral standards of this world have caused so many to suffer even more, the pains of the life we have to live. And when one thinks about all of this even more, yesterday is one of those days when the numerous symptoms that indicate the approach of calamity for our poor world converge into one undeniable reality - that so much of this poor world has forgotten about our LORD and His ways.
The deadly vices of avarice, greed, covetousness, anger, pride, gluttony as well as lust seem to dominate the landscape of so much human souls that not only has virtue and the art of its grace become almost entirely unknown but the reality of our present times itself as a whole seems to constantly seek to make bitter war against the one Divine Will and this is what I refer to, my dear darlingest Miyang Marie, as the beast of war. And my hatred with All of you of this beast is such that if it only had you, my lovingest love, for its victim, I could not burn any more intense than I am now, in my heart. But this beast has had innumerable other victims and none of them, I promise you, shall remain forgot - such is the will that lives in me, my love, that many times, I am tempted to surrender to the lie that makes me what I am not. For many times, I do not know what I am and yet when I think about my innumerable sins, thinking of where my God is leading me causes me to tremble with fear and shakes my faith to the very foundation - for even though I can not see far enough to know the way, I know with a knowing that penetrates the very fibers of my being that I am utterly not worthy of this way. Indeed, the song "Who Am I" by the Casting Crowns is fast becoming another song of choice for me.
We're going to my uncle's burial today, my dear darlingest. And I also need to help my mom with the things she wants to get from our local market. I have other things I want to write but they will have to wait and I shall have to be patient.
I love you.
Always to always,
Beast of War,
Valentine's Day
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Dear darlingest Miyang Marie,
Happy Hearts Day, my love! Today is a purty day for purty cats with purty hearts and purty muzzles, perky ears and perky whiskers - yeah, Miyang - I began my day with a little ditty like that - of course, I made my morning offering to God as well. It's going to be a great day, I know it. We're going to have so much fun.
I love you.
Always to always,
Happy Hearts Day, my love! Today is a purty day for purty cats with purty hearts and purty muzzles, perky ears and perky whiskers - yeah, Miyang - I began my day with a little ditty like that - of course, I made my morning offering to God as well. It's going to be a great day, I know it. We're going to have so much fun.
I love you.
Always to always,
Friday, February 13, 2009
Dear darlingest Miyang Marie,
Hi love! People might wonder why I call you "love" and I am sure that from many of them, we'll get somewhat different reactions.
The thing is in our present world today, my darlingest, carnal love and spiritual love have become so indistinct that when a guy like me and a girl like you, who are not related by blood, come to relate to each other on intimate terms, the world immediately thinks of carnal love and carnal love alone. You know what's in my heart for you, my Miyang and God knows what we have with each other - and it's immensely more than carnal love.
Which brings us to the topic at hand tomorrow. Tomorrow is Valentine's day and it is a day about love, my love. Tomorrow, we shall try and share our insights about love and other matters of the human heart, eh, my Miyang Marie.
Now on to other things. As you know, I've started working again this week and I am so grateful to God and to my company for granting me an opportunity to be useful in the material economy of our nations, my nation most especially - the Philippines. I know I am just a small cog in the machine but in our present age, unlike in the last age, it is more important to put significance on the cogs, big as well as small, of the machine rather than the machine itself because that way, you will know what the whole machine is for.
Because of my work, I haven't been able to write as much as I would like to about things that are wide-ranging but then again, we should all be able to rest in each our own sufficiency and rely on the good of other people as well as in our Almighty God for the rest. No one here is a one man band, right?
Anyway, here are some of the topics that I was pondering on and off during the last five days, my love: A Call to Religious Vocations, Children of War, On Provincial Pride, An Address to the Graduates of 2009, Military Culture in the Information Age, and of course, Israel and Palestine, Jerusalem and the Peace Process: Four distinct positions that must be significantly understood and in the scale of the wholes, given a planetary importance.
The nation-state of modern Israel, my love is different from our elder Israel in that modern Israel comprise the current population of the present nation-state of Israel as well as all of their minority constituents within the protectorate sphere of their endeavor of Country, but our elder Israel is the Jewish nation of old as a whole in their present day form. Both manifestations of Israel are native to the one Jewish lineage of hope - to see our elder Israel safely through to the shores of forever - however, only elder Israel belongs to the one Abrahamic promise for she is an integral part of the one vanguard (along with all Christian Churches and the one honorable Ummah of Islam) of that present hope for peace of the one family of the nations of mankind of which modern Israel belongs. This distinction must be clearly understood, my love, at least among those peoples of the Abrahamic promise in general and those within those peoples who are called to awaken to the same promise of old on behalf of suffering humanity.
Every nation in this present day all descend from that one lineage of hope contained in our elder Israel: to be our brother's keeper or to see each other through to the shores of forever which also means, to see our nations persevere unto eternity; to see all of the generations of our shared humanity - the generations of life begun by our turning away from war and death - sheltered by the strong and faithful wings of each our own endeavors of Country till the Last Day. Lest we forget - it is the beast of war which is the real enemy of all our nations. Time is like our gratitude, never broken into segments, it must be like the substance of all our hopes, a continuum of praise to our God. If we forget our history as a one family of the nations of mankind, if we become worshipers of our own triumphs to the utter neglect of the one common good of the whole, if we become willing to become conscious enough of our own beauty like the star Lucifer, we shall soon turn into Wormwood, a poison to all living and everliving worlds.
Each nation truly has a unique contribution to give to our poor world and let this giving be not one of vanity but of substance and truth - for the sake of all mankind.
Christianity as well as Islam also has important and unique strengths to provide to our elder Israel as well as to all the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind to make the one promise of old given by God to our Father Abraham complete that the suffering communities of mankind may be blessed by the ascendancy of our Lord's one Peace - it only has to be understood and embraced by hearts willing to turn away from blindness in order to see again in that same Light that have illuminated all in All forever.
In the same token, all the honorable religions of the world along with our Abrahamic faiths also have their blessings to give - Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Shinto, Confucianism, etc. if only we can - as individual hearts and individual nations - turn the tide of this midnight of war to be able to look again with common hope towards the morning of peace as a one planetary whole.
This is why I shall and I must remain particularly focused on the Middle East Peace process, my love - because the greater good of many things in our poor world in the long term depend on this process being given all it needs to be able to succeed.
I love you, my darlingest Miyang Marie.
Always to always,
Hi love! People might wonder why I call you "love" and I am sure that from many of them, we'll get somewhat different reactions.
The thing is in our present world today, my darlingest, carnal love and spiritual love have become so indistinct that when a guy like me and a girl like you, who are not related by blood, come to relate to each other on intimate terms, the world immediately thinks of carnal love and carnal love alone. You know what's in my heart for you, my Miyang and God knows what we have with each other - and it's immensely more than carnal love.
Which brings us to the topic at hand tomorrow. Tomorrow is Valentine's day and it is a day about love, my love. Tomorrow, we shall try and share our insights about love and other matters of the human heart, eh, my Miyang Marie.
Now on to other things. As you know, I've started working again this week and I am so grateful to God and to my company for granting me an opportunity to be useful in the material economy of our nations, my nation most especially - the Philippines. I know I am just a small cog in the machine but in our present age, unlike in the last age, it is more important to put significance on the cogs, big as well as small, of the machine rather than the machine itself because that way, you will know what the whole machine is for.
Because of my work, I haven't been able to write as much as I would like to about things that are wide-ranging but then again, we should all be able to rest in each our own sufficiency and rely on the good of other people as well as in our Almighty God for the rest. No one here is a one man band, right?
Anyway, here are some of the topics that I was pondering on and off during the last five days, my love: A Call to Religious Vocations, Children of War, On Provincial Pride, An Address to the Graduates of 2009, Military Culture in the Information Age, and of course, Israel and Palestine, Jerusalem and the Peace Process: Four distinct positions that must be significantly understood and in the scale of the wholes, given a planetary importance.
The nation-state of modern Israel, my love is different from our elder Israel in that modern Israel comprise the current population of the present nation-state of Israel as well as all of their minority constituents within the protectorate sphere of their endeavor of Country, but our elder Israel is the Jewish nation of old as a whole in their present day form. Both manifestations of Israel are native to the one Jewish lineage of hope - to see our elder Israel safely through to the shores of forever - however, only elder Israel belongs to the one Abrahamic promise for she is an integral part of the one vanguard (along with all Christian Churches and the one honorable Ummah of Islam) of that present hope for peace of the one family of the nations of mankind of which modern Israel belongs. This distinction must be clearly understood, my love, at least among those peoples of the Abrahamic promise in general and those within those peoples who are called to awaken to the same promise of old on behalf of suffering humanity.
Every nation in this present day all descend from that one lineage of hope contained in our elder Israel: to be our brother's keeper or to see each other through to the shores of forever which also means, to see our nations persevere unto eternity; to see all of the generations of our shared humanity - the generations of life begun by our turning away from war and death - sheltered by the strong and faithful wings of each our own endeavors of Country till the Last Day. Lest we forget - it is the beast of war which is the real enemy of all our nations. Time is like our gratitude, never broken into segments, it must be like the substance of all our hopes, a continuum of praise to our God. If we forget our history as a one family of the nations of mankind, if we become worshipers of our own triumphs to the utter neglect of the one common good of the whole, if we become willing to become conscious enough of our own beauty like the star Lucifer, we shall soon turn into Wormwood, a poison to all living and everliving worlds.
Each nation truly has a unique contribution to give to our poor world and let this giving be not one of vanity but of substance and truth - for the sake of all mankind.
Christianity as well as Islam also has important and unique strengths to provide to our elder Israel as well as to all the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind to make the one promise of old given by God to our Father Abraham complete that the suffering communities of mankind may be blessed by the ascendancy of our Lord's one Peace - it only has to be understood and embraced by hearts willing to turn away from blindness in order to see again in that same Light that have illuminated all in All forever.
In the same token, all the honorable religions of the world along with our Abrahamic faiths also have their blessings to give - Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Shinto, Confucianism, etc. if only we can - as individual hearts and individual nations - turn the tide of this midnight of war to be able to look again with common hope towards the morning of peace as a one planetary whole.
This is why I shall and I must remain particularly focused on the Middle East Peace process, my love - because the greater good of many things in our poor world in the long term depend on this process being given all it needs to be able to succeed.
I love you, my darlingest Miyang Marie.
Always to always,
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Dear darlingest Miyang Marie,
Australia is suffering through the worst bushfire season in her history, my love. And with casualties expected to soar to over 200 persons, I know that Australia is hurting. You see, darlingest Annelies, Australia is a very tight-knit community. I felt this when I was there and I felt it to such degree that I hurt with her now. I know that she hurts and so we're going to include her in our prayers. And perhaps, let her know also of our solidarity with her at this tragedy.
Sri Lanka is also a nation afflicted with the curse of war. A human being is a human being, my love. So many civilians are trapped in the fighting that I am fearful of the numbers of those whose promise have been lost to us again, numbers that shall soon be revealed to the world in the aftermath of the conflict. A smile, once lost, is a smile forever lost to us, my love - that is how precious, each human promise really is - our nations have been so deceived by war and the spirit of our humanity so broken by the ambition of war that the peoples of the world have become so desensitized to what is happening - like you said in your time, my love, the world of the present is also falling to pieces around our ears, and the problem is that no one seem to care enough to do something about it. But we shall through the apostolate and its equivalent citizen action organizations let all willing hearts know that peace makes a difference. In view of this peace, I want the Philippines as a nation-state to make a difference in this world - to be an example for others - like Sri Lanka, God-willing, to follow.
I've started working full-time in the call center industry once again, my love. You know, I also want to write something about this industry. I shall also do that soon.
I love you.
Always to always,
Australia is suffering through the worst bushfire season in her history, my love. And with casualties expected to soar to over 200 persons, I know that Australia is hurting. You see, darlingest Annelies, Australia is a very tight-knit community. I felt this when I was there and I felt it to such degree that I hurt with her now. I know that she hurts and so we're going to include her in our prayers. And perhaps, let her know also of our solidarity with her at this tragedy.
Sri Lanka is also a nation afflicted with the curse of war. A human being is a human being, my love. So many civilians are trapped in the fighting that I am fearful of the numbers of those whose promise have been lost to us again, numbers that shall soon be revealed to the world in the aftermath of the conflict. A smile, once lost, is a smile forever lost to us, my love - that is how precious, each human promise really is - our nations have been so deceived by war and the spirit of our humanity so broken by the ambition of war that the peoples of the world have become so desensitized to what is happening - like you said in your time, my love, the world of the present is also falling to pieces around our ears, and the problem is that no one seem to care enough to do something about it. But we shall through the apostolate and its equivalent citizen action organizations let all willing hearts know that peace makes a difference. In view of this peace, I want the Philippines as a nation-state to make a difference in this world - to be an example for others - like Sri Lanka, God-willing, to follow.
I've started working full-time in the call center industry once again, my love. You know, I also want to write something about this industry. I shall also do that soon.
I love you.
Always to always,
Australia Bushfires,
Sri Lanka
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,
I had dinner with a friend of mine from high school. Apart from the many things we spoke about, one topic stands out in my mind - homosexuality. You see, my friend is in pain about it - I feel his specific kind of angst - something that he shares with all homosexual persons. Now, I am not a homosexual person but I do know that only the truth can liberate a person from the evils of this world and from this, I can see how painful the lies of the devil really are and how hard it is to extricate a soul from its snare once that soul has begun believing in the lie and thus, have given up struggling against the sin.
I have a provision for homosexuals wanting to live the full communion of the Roman Catholic Church in the apostolate that our Lord seem to be leading me to do - I have pondered their situation before but my friend has reminded me to look and pray about it anew.
The Nazis in their time have persecuted homosexuals, you know, my love. And as far as persecutions go, the world may easily forget (as it happens in quasi-predictable cycles), but we won't - for the homosexual person is a suffering person.
See, this is all part of the paradigm we are trying to defeat. Now, the homosexual act is and shall always be forbidden but the person of the homosexual calls for a different kind of charity - one that we must be able to establish through the apostolate - that they too, who will be willing to listen and to do shall have the benefit of the Peace of Jesus Christ.
We shall return to this (at times touchy as it involves passions close to the heart) subject soon, my love. However, let us focus on that prayer of peace first.
I love you.
Always to always,
I had dinner with a friend of mine from high school. Apart from the many things we spoke about, one topic stands out in my mind - homosexuality. You see, my friend is in pain about it - I feel his specific kind of angst - something that he shares with all homosexual persons. Now, I am not a homosexual person but I do know that only the truth can liberate a person from the evils of this world and from this, I can see how painful the lies of the devil really are and how hard it is to extricate a soul from its snare once that soul has begun believing in the lie and thus, have given up struggling against the sin.
I have a provision for homosexuals wanting to live the full communion of the Roman Catholic Church in the apostolate that our Lord seem to be leading me to do - I have pondered their situation before but my friend has reminded me to look and pray about it anew.
The Nazis in their time have persecuted homosexuals, you know, my love. And as far as persecutions go, the world may easily forget (as it happens in quasi-predictable cycles), but we won't - for the homosexual person is a suffering person.
See, this is all part of the paradigm we are trying to defeat. Now, the homosexual act is and shall always be forbidden but the person of the homosexual calls for a different kind of charity - one that we must be able to establish through the apostolate - that they too, who will be willing to listen and to do shall have the benefit of the Peace of Jesus Christ.
We shall return to this (at times touchy as it involves passions close to the heart) subject soon, my love. However, let us focus on that prayer of peace first.
I love you.
Always to always,
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,
Several nights ago I've had lucid dreams and I kept waking up in the early hours of the morning to write down the stuff that's in my dreams. They weren't really that amazing, the dreams themselves, they felt more like impulses to get up and write. And what I wrote were like parts of larger topics that needed to be pondered on again during my waking hours. Well, all of the things I wrote down that night I've already expounded on save one. You know, my darlingest, I just want to be honest about it and get it out - at the time I wrote it down, I did not exactly know what it meant but now after some events have transpired, it became clear to me what it was trying to say.
This is what I wrote verbatim: "I am confident that President Obama is trying to find solutions because he is willing to make mistakes and that's how you get there." This was before Tom Daschle withdrew from his nomination as health secretary and President Obama took it on the chin. I could not find any relevant sense to it before but now it makes plenty of sense. It means that although we may have differences with this President as regards to some issues, namely abortion, he is someone we could partner with and trust on other things - good things. We could disagree with him respectfully and still keep our hope that somewhere, someway, our Lord is going to make things all right - not only for America but for all the nations of mankind.
Also, my darlingest - Israel is holding elections this February 10. I should that we pray double time to get that prayer for peace out in time for the elections.
I love you.
Always to always,
Several nights ago I've had lucid dreams and I kept waking up in the early hours of the morning to write down the stuff that's in my dreams. They weren't really that amazing, the dreams themselves, they felt more like impulses to get up and write. And what I wrote were like parts of larger topics that needed to be pondered on again during my waking hours. Well, all of the things I wrote down that night I've already expounded on save one. You know, my darlingest, I just want to be honest about it and get it out - at the time I wrote it down, I did not exactly know what it meant but now after some events have transpired, it became clear to me what it was trying to say.
This is what I wrote verbatim: "I am confident that President Obama is trying to find solutions because he is willing to make mistakes and that's how you get there." This was before Tom Daschle withdrew from his nomination as health secretary and President Obama took it on the chin. I could not find any relevant sense to it before but now it makes plenty of sense. It means that although we may have differences with this President as regards to some issues, namely abortion, he is someone we could partner with and trust on other things - good things. We could disagree with him respectfully and still keep our hope that somewhere, someway, our Lord is going to make things all right - not only for America but for all the nations of mankind.
Also, my darlingest - Israel is holding elections this February 10. I should that we pray double time to get that prayer for peace out in time for the elections.
I love you.
Always to always,
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