Friday, January 2, 2009


Dear darlingest Miyang Marie,

Darlingest, just a few reminders for me today of ideas based on my own personal observations, realizations and life experiences I would like to further develop later on. First, I would like to write a poem about "those ordinary days" - one of the two moments in my walk with God that I feel that I am most vulnerable to temptations from all sources: world, flesh and the Devil and his fallen hosts - the other moment being those "cusps" in time - those "crossroads" that constitute defining moments in life. This poem will eventually lead to thinking about the Liturgy of Holy Mother Church - for I understand now why it must be so - but I still feel I need to prayerfully meditate about all of this with our LORD.

Also, I'm just not so inclined to write anything significant right now. I also want to write more deeply about the nation as a quite significant area of Country (the three elements being the state, nation and market) and the places that exists within the nation - the nation or the national community being the people in general, specifically those "holy spaces" within one's habitation with God.

Also, I want to write about the proper spiritual awareness and spatial decorum that is to be adapted by our one Solidarity within those holy precincts that integrate the will of heaven with the will of the national community or the nation - specifically, within a local church from among our one Holy Mother Church. For I want utter awareness and complete respect, from among all of the regular (i.e. Roman Catholic) membership of this apostolate, for the Real Presence of our Lord, Jesus Christ, in the beating heart of every local church - the Tabernacle - as the source and the summit of this apostolate's particular charism - which is the Peace of Jesus Christ.

Also, I would like to pray more about the year 2012 as I have long felt this year to be significant - one of those "cusps" in time, if you will, my love - but whether its significance is personal, national or global is yet unclear to me - or it could be nothing at all.

That is all, my love, in a nutshell. I'm off today and so I shall enjoy this day with people I love - like you, my Miyang - you're my home, I belong to you and you belong to me - we're a unit -and that is all.

I love you so much.

Always to always,


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