Saturday, January 3, 2009


Dear darlingest Miyang Marie,

Darlingest, again I have to put down some more thoughts that I want to cultivate as a reminder for me as I do not have the space nor the place right now to do so - first and foremost on our list is the goings-on in the Middle East: You know, I try not to be specific on my official postings on my "All to my All" blog - this for reasons, you know what - I don't really "try" not to be specific - they are really that way sometimes - anyway, here is my own commentary on the situation in the Gaza strip - Now, we could spend hours going back in time (like we could) to get to the actual the root of this matter but we won't so here goes: Hamas fired rockets into Israel. The state of Israel responded accordingly to protect it's citizens. The IDF - in its understanding of the nature of the situation - chose to strategically use air power to attack the "enemy" will. Hamas continues to fire rockets into civilian districts within the nation of Israel. The IDF air strikes - air power being air power - begin to take its toll on the civilian population of the Gaza strip. Our world - our broken humanity, so weary of war, begins to take sharp notice of the mounting casualties of innocents from ALL sides of the one side of sacred life, begins to speak its will. The IDF begins to consider sending in ground forces - land power being land power, this is a move that I completely understand - depending on the disposition of the troops - as a mitigation or an escalation of the defense force offensive. Hamas continues to shell civilian districts within the nation of Israel.

What do you notice here, my darling? It seems that the only conversation that the two sides are capable of making is a physical one - or in the terminology of our nations - a military confrontation. But peace as we all should know it is not a physical, tangible, visible thing to be won - in a likewise physical manner - like a medal or an award, which raises the question - how much bloodshed, military and civilian, is necessary before the two sides wake up to the fact that 1) peace is not a method of the military, 2) peace can not be won through acts of violence - most especially against those innocents of ours - on ALL sides of the one side of the peace - to whom peace as we all should know it is dedicated to serve and defend. Knowing that God requires an account of each human life from each of our nations, I should that I pray - for all our sakes' - that the violence in Gaza soon end and peace become for both Israel and unborn Palestine a reason for life and not for the longest time, a season for death. I will write as much as I can on this as necessary, my darlingest, for peace in that region is part of the solution and not part of the many problems our suffering humanity needs to address in this present time.

Also, I should like to relate to you the kindness of Saint Anthony to me - there was this one afternoon that I spent around 4 hours, on and off, trying to find where I last put my glasses and as I had a shift at work later on that night, I was getting a bit concerned about the matter and so I told my mom who helped me search and also mentioned Saint Anthony who among us Roman Catholics is a patron Saint of lost things, and so I (being not so used to asking intercession from Saints other than those who I personally have a bond with) reluctantly said a prayer to Saint Anthony - I found my specs within two minutes - or even under a minute - of saying the prayer behind the electric fan. This impressed on my mind the kindness and the readiness of ALL of God's Saints and Angels to help those people who need help and who have faith in the LORD of all our lives. Thank you, Saint Anthony.

Also, I saw a program just this morning about our Filipino youth speaking about magazines and conceived of a magazine that our one Solidarity shall make an effort to publish that is specifically made for not just our Filipino youth but for the youth of this age who are some of the very people for whom all of this work is lovingly dedicated to, my love. We - you and I - should like to call it "Starshine". This beside the official publication of the one Solidarity which is - now, I am not yet decided on the name but at this point in time, I'm going with "Truelight".

Also, another topic which I should cultivate is a topic on conservation and development. We shall try to balance environmental concerns with industrialization and industrialization with globalization - all in the context of the one paradigm of the peace. But all of these, my love, are and shall remain unattainable were the conflicts that burn our world and clip the wings of human hope remain unbowed and unfettered.

Thanks my lovingest, darlingest, sweet, sweet, Miyang Marie for your patience and your kindness with me - I've also thought about another haiku for us, my love, a haiku about you being "my first contact star" (that's 5 syllables right there, my love) which you really, really are to me, my Annelies Marie.

I love you.

Always to always,


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