Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Dear darlingest Yang-yang Marie,

You know, I've got some of these thoughts in my mind that I have come to realize during one of the early morning (like 4:30am, oh yeah) lunches that had a couple of shifts ago. And I wanted to write them down so here I am - these thoughts occurred to me as I was walking around the Ayala area near where my work is, my love: One of them concerns getting married - I used to be so pressured to get married but now, I'm just not - I leave it all to God - and I'm just left with being happy with what I have -and that is you, my darlingest: You, my darlingest Annelies Marie, as well as many, many, many more graces I do not have the capacity to appreciate or else I'll die as my poor soul will simply burst with tears of the most profoundest of joy. For what we have is not an earthly kind of bond, my love, human words offer no justice to what I have come to know in God's own time, the souls of the just shall feel in eternity. For God has so blessed and purified our relationship together that although you and I know how much I appreciate nice looking cats *lol* ./smile, I really don't care if I'm single or if I'm married as I'm just happy with what I got - and that is all. It's God's will that is important - and that is all - for upon this rests all our hopes together.

Also, you know, my darlingest, as I was walking around that wee hour of the morning, I realized that during one of my temptations to do drugs, I was whispered in my mind about how the hour of the night is just the right cover of darkness that is compatible with evil things, and then I realized that just the same as I am happy being single or not, I should also be just as content with knowing that there is only one time of day that is true for me now, and that is noontime - every hour of the day, light or dark for me is always noontime. No more hiding in the dark for things like drugs and lust - no more favorable time for evil things - only good, only God - only Love, my love - only you.

I love you.

Always to always,


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