Monday, January 26, 2009


Dear darlingest Miyang Marie,

The Catholic Church in America is battling abortion which is a great scourge - a veritable holocaust of unsung children that though hidden must be such a hideous abomination in the eyes of God and of the angels of God. Death is not a choice; it is a consequence of a wrong choice, willfully embraced: Why should the unborn shoulder this evil?

Of course, my love, I stand with and I speak for Holy Mother Church as regards to abortion. It is wrong by weakness. It is evil by malice. Where we not creatures endowed by our LORD with the gift of free will, then abortion could be argued successfully as something good but that universe is not this universe, my Miyang.

It is so unfortunate that the stand that President Obama is taking could not be more clear and cogently distinct as regards to when human life - body and soul - begins which is at conception. It is so unfortunate that the President of the most responsible endeavor of Country on this one planet can not be more oriented and aligned towards life. But the President is a politician and has the duties and responsibilities of that state of life. We must understand that, he is accountable not only to his subordinates in government but also to his peers in the people and constantly pray for him and his executive staff.

In the ideal Republic, the position of the President is a commander-in-place - God being every true Republic's first defender. In my own opinion, this was the Republic that the American Founding Fathers once conceived, fought for and merited - a faithful Republic, a one Republic - it is the Republic that I am now trying to find and to live in my heart, which I desire to bring out into the reality of my own Philippine Republic and to all Republics needful of repair - including, God-willing, the American Republic. Where the Union that defends the American Republic was during the time of Abraham Lincoln, the thought of abortion would have curdled the blood of any American - why is it different today? Is it because that courageous Union that represents the one American nation has evolved or has its spirit weakened?

However that question shall in the course of all our hopes be answered, the fact remains, to dwell on divisive issues shall not serve us today. I tear up when I look at little newborns because I know how many millions of their peers do not survive because there are people in this poor world of ours who have chosen not to embrace them but have chosen to make them pay for mistakes that have nothing to do with these children who are never by heaven forgot.

But that is not the only concern, moral or political, that must carry our attention. The significance of this 44th President must not be lost because we chose to lose our focus on the evils at hand - we must be able to focus more on what good our LORD also wants us to bring out from the evils He has made sufficient for our day. Racial issues, war and peace, the environment, foreign policy and international relations, torture, health care - despite the understandable political differences, the reality of these things are ready to be advanced and they also do need our prayers and our Catholic will of good to fulfill their promise in Jesus Christ for the people not only of the USA but of the world.

As regards to the very vital issue of abortion - let us take a damage control stance - let us be ever mindful of the reality of the wholes - those endeavors of Country like mine own beloved Philippines who are decidedly aligned towards life must take it into their will to amend their Constitution to reflect this intention and draw the international line on behalf of the unborn. There are other, better and more meaningful ways of sustaining population growth than selfish choice - in the long run, I know we shall be better off this way and until then, we must hold our ground while making advances into other fields. Where there is yet robust albeit at times partisan political debate about issues that tear at our hearts, is it not just practical to say that once the quorum of the people become convinced, the politicians shall also follow suit. So as regards to abortion in America where it counts, it is the people who should talk like people should talk to each other - heart to heart - and not attack each other, but talk like people do. Hats off to Father Pavone and Priests for Life and EWTN for spearheading this movement.

Corruption, drug abuse and instability are the central issues that the Particular Church, hand in hand with all honorable religion, in the Philippines as well as in other emerging nation-states within our one planetary whole need to confront and God-willing, overcome.

I have to go for now, Yang. I have a job to do for my aunt.

I love you.

Always to always,


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