Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Dear darlingest Miyang,

Location of Miyangersjia

You know what they say about location - that it's all about location, location, location.

Well, it's true here in the heart where our heaven is first and then we have to find a good spot on earth. I believe it's vital that we try to visualize a good place for Miyangersjia, my love - because after we have made sure that it shall find a location in the hearts of our citizenry, much of our market output capacity shall rely on how well we place our city - but where?

OK, I've been thinking about this last night - first of all, it has to be in Mindanao - as part of the Abrahamic promise.

And then, it has to be elevated and not at sea level - about 500 to 1000 feet and not too far inland.

This is because, first of all, we would like to have enough incline to build us a decent sewerage system - our annual typhoon seasons have taught us about floods enough to know how damaging it is to our communities.

And also now that the climate of the planet is shifting, we must be planning for the worst case global warming scenario where flooding shall swamp our coastal cities - this is part of our being a SSC (Strategic Secondary Capital) to Manila - because if in case anything happens - we shall have to be able to preserve our one Republic and her government seats as well.

Also, since our economic doctrine recognizes the relationship between conservation and market efficiency - we are going to follow the "market triangle" approach that will allow us to lay down a healthy economic pathway for our city and since I am specifically intending to build up that triangle towards shipbuilding operations - in the mid-term 21st century - as our particular heavy industry, we are going to need sea access.

We are an archipelago and we should be able to build our own ships - starting from fast naval patrol craft and dependable ferry boats - our Republic (not to mention ASEAN and the rest of the free world), I am personally convinced, will always have a market for quality maritime vessels of all sorts. And so this shipyard in response to this national need will always have work for Filipinos. It would also be a good thing for our own Navy and Merchant Marines to have a viable recourse here in their own native land for their capital needs - a really good thing.

For this same reason, we also need to look at foundry operations lower down the triangle and I know that the mountains of Mindanao has rich metal deposits. For we are going to use our own resources to enrich our own common market and build up our nation.

Sea access will also allow us to link up with maritime trade which will also help the economic mission of Miyangersjia as an SSC to Manila - to help build up Mindanao into the peace and the prosperity of peace.

Another SSC for the Visayas, of course, will complete the three living stars of our Old Defiant but that's another story for another city - and since it will also most probably adopt the same charter - we are still helping to work towards that as well, my loveliest love.

Well, I thought I just wanted to write that down for now, my darlingest dear. And then do some more work on our City Charter as well as on other things closer to home.

I love you.

Always to always,



Posers Please

Also, I don't want to sound patronizing but if people would like to pose as fake versions of famous people - especially, those who we consider our friends, they should know the difference between a harmless fantasy and slander. And I'm not talking about harmless comedic acting here.

I'm talking about posers. Being known is a lifestyle that people choose and for those who have chosen it, it becomes for them, like any other lifestyle, with all its pros and cons - for human beings will always have human needs - and if people feel like exploiting the needs of other human beings, famous or not, they dehumanize themselves and worse, they hurt those that they victimize in the process. So while posing as other people - at times and depending on who you are posing as - may well be harmless - it always treads a very dangerous line - a very, very dangerous line, indeed.

Therefore, let us be free to be our own unique and unrepeatable selves. It is only in this way that we can become happy.

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