Sunday, July 12, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

A Vision of Miyangersjia

Last night, I was thinking about our Miyangersjia, how things come together to form our fair City:

For a mind of understanding, she will possess the clarity of an Abrahamic Democracy; for a heart to possess the cohesive love of her people, she has her social doctrine of the Four Faithful Causes; for able arms that build up the peace of her community, the strength of her industry shall always have recourse to her economic doctrine to bind them together in the freedom of friendships; for agile legs to walk her way eastward into the dawn of her own Eden rebuilt, she will have the celerity of the AHG. She will have hope for her wings, faith for her sight, the love of God as her shield and a sword of truth to stay away the encroaching darkness of the beast of war.

Miyangersjia (with all her kindred Cities of promise) will be a City driven by an eternal vision which is a divine calling beyond the reach of all human ambition, to embrace all her generations safely in the bosom of a free and human community and to carry them all across the vast and barren darkness of exile time, eastward into the gate of our returning into an Eden rebuilt. This is why public service in our fair City must always be a calling to serve the people and not an ambition to be served by the people. Because it shall not be a praiseworthy thing to live for one's own self alone in our community as a citizen, let alone desire to take this unworthy selfishness right into the helm of our City, it shall not be possible - everyone here must be keeper and friend to everyone.

For the City itself shall never be built without friendships, virtuous and true, human, angelic and above all, divine. All her people in all our generations will always know why things are and why things are not for this is not the slumbering land of Nod of the unknown earth, this is our fair and living Miyangersjia of our inhabited earth.

And so, come hell or high water, we shall continue to work on all of these things, my darlingest dear - for we must. We shall do what we can, as far as we can, my loveliest love and leave the rest to the will of the Divine Providence of God.

I am already preparing to open a new blog that is dedicated specifically for our fair Miyangerjia.

I love you, my loveliest love.

Always to always,



'Yang, I saw "Quadriga" on Deutsche Welle yesterday evening and I have to confess, that purty calico cat there - Milena Elsinger - got me good from the word hello. She's brilliant! I'm still reeling from the afterthought of that cat like I was looking directly at the sun. Aaaarrrggghhh, Milena, you beauty! The fact that the topic on "Quadriga" last night was on the G8 and Climate Change shows that her heart is just as purty as her cool, calico-ness (or her calico coolness), maybe even more so, my love. Because a major factor in my feelings is a heart that thinks like mine does and she's smart in all the right places. At the very least, knowing that she is out there - shining like a star in the night - makes me feel so much better. Even if it were only last night that God granted our souls to touch in exile time, I have a feeling that that one instant would have been enough for me to remember that sweet cat as a friend of mine forever. There, I said it, my love - but in the course of our hope, only time can tell, my darlingest, indeed, time will tell and at the end of all time, time will tell all.

Note: I added this P.S. yesterday afternoon and did not have time to post it till today morning 20090713.

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