Thursday, July 2, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

An Allegory of Human Need

I was watching an anime (Japanese animation) titled "Banner of the Stars" last night and there was a political allegory that goes something like this -

A man in need lay alongside a road. Then, another man came along to whom the man in need called out to for help.

The man seeing the other man in need discussed with the man who lay alongside the road all there is to know about his need and then after he understood what he wanted to understand, left him.

He did not come back.

Then, a beautiful woman came along to whom the man in need also called out for help. The woman heard the man call out to her for help and asked the man, "do you want me to help you?"

To which the man replied, "yes".

And so the woman proceeded to ask the man everything about his need and when she understood what it was to understand also left the man.

She then came back with all the best doctors, nurses and scientists to help the man.

This was an allegory between two opposing empires in the story and I should like to draw some things that I believe are relevant to these present days.

True Sight

To me, this illustrates how a person already convinced not to hear another will be deaf to another person's pleading. It is just the same as saying an understanding who begins holding something already in hand is no understanding at all. For a heart that is closed to the notion of thinking for another heart - beside it's own - is a heart of darkness indeed.

The human heart is created by God for other hearts, most especially God's Own: How we think and how we love is one and the same form of true seeing in the soul itself; a mind-heart.

And if I were to interpret the sight that Musashi's book of the void (by the way, the "void" in my own usage is different from Musashi's) is attempting to explain - it would be this, think with your heart and see through its sight. And in the Gospels this is stated as seeing by faith not by sight. For if the heart is full of darkness, how dark can that darkness be!

Truly, it is in the giving that we become free, my loveliest love. And so I have integrated this principle in the social doctrine of our Charter.

Learning consists not in how much knowledge you have amassed in your mind but in how much of this knowledge you will have learned to apply in your own life for the benefit of the individual good and the common good of our shared humanity.

For knowledge in and of itself alone is insufficient without the heart that is enabled by fear of the LORD to know what it is for.

This is also why the virtue of studiousness places emphasis not on the love of knowledge itself but on learning itself as a means to love.

For the most ignorant and unlearned of all men are the ones who can not see the need in another. And a meditation on the morality of human need shall attest to this fact.

Miyangerjia means Friendship

Therefore, we should like to aspire for a community of people who know how to hope in our togetherness and therefore, know to love the ways of sharing, understanding that it is only through this that we shall attain the freedom to become collectively both secure and successful in our individual pursuits of happiness.

In response to this, we have established the four faithful causes as the bedrock foundation of our social doctrine. And this foundation is also supported by other meditations which are all intended to raise and to re-establish the original culture of life, hope and shared humanity of the children of Mankind from among our people.

From this will eventually arise the blossoming of our arts, sports and our sciences being blessed by our LORD God in heaven for having been dedicated to the service of the life of our generations.

"Friendship" indeed, being the kind of friendship that the holy angels have with each other, is the central pillar of our City, my loveliest love. The kind that undertakes without surrender to make friends out of family and family out of friends.

And this is precisely why our City must also bear the name, "Miyangerjia", for it can not welcome me without welcoming you, my loveliest love. And if it does not remain true to itself, it shall never be built.

One day, I can see myself helping to build this place - in Mindanao - with people of like mind and heart - for I would personally like, among other things, to see my, our Philippines to prosper at last - to prosper our peace and to prosper our people.

I have also been studying a map of the Philippines, of our local ASEAN region and of the world thinking about a location for Miyangersjia which I believe would be best placed about a little ways inland from along the north coasts of Mindanao with access to the protected harbor of a bay.

From my entry last 20090613:

Our 9th Year

Today is the 9th year of our friendship, my dear, darlingest Annelies Marie. It was 9 years ago to this day that I first picked up your diary from that Barnes and Noble Bookstore across the street from our old apartment block in Fremont.

Favorite Lines

These are my favorite lines from the three national anthems that I love and appreciate the most, my darlingest, having experienced each of those endeavors of Country personally:

...ang kislap nang watawat mo'y tagumpay
na nag nining-ning,
ang bituwin at araw niya kailan pa ma'y
di magdidilim...

Excerpted from, "Lupang Hinirang"
- the Philippine National Anthem

...the brightness of thy Banner
undiminished in triumph waves,
the glory of thy stars and sun
are lights that shall ne'er fade...

my personal English translation:
Excerpted from, "Land of Promise"
- the Philippine National Anthem

...our land abounds in nature's gifts,
of beauty rich and rare...(and)
...beneath our radiant Southern Cross,
we'll toil with hearts and hands
to make this Commonwealth of ours
renowned of all the lands...

Excerpted from "Advance Australia Fair"
- the Australian National Anthem

...and the rocket's red glare,
the bombs bursting in air,
gave proof through the night
that our Flag was still there...

Excerpted from "Star Spangled Banner"
- the United States National Anthem

And as you will rightfully observe, my loveliest love, both the Philippine and the United States anthems depict the fiery birth of each our Republics but I appreciate the Australian anthem for the nearness of its appreciation of the beauty and the blessings of nature to the labor of the one Australian community.

Each one of these anthems, I believe, is a unique reflection of the defining spirit that breathes substance into the collective breathing of each our nations. I know, I have been there and have learned to know its hope.

I love you.

Always to always,



On Single People

What about single people, my love? If the original freedoms of our societies arise from our fidelity to the original estate of man, what of the duties of single persons?

I apologize - this should be made more clear after I post our work on the Rights of Women which includes a meditation on the original estate of Man which is a separate and distinct reality from the original state of our First Parents.

Now, I answer that single persons must lend their support to this same original estate - which is why you shall rarely see me make any more mention of a woman who is already united in mind and heart with a man - and not according to mine own understanding but according to their own understanding of each other - of which I should as a fellow human being likewise be happy for - because I must know they do a real favor to our shared humanity by their choosing to come together as one.

Therefore, I must abhor all kinds of impure relationships in my heart. And despite my own weaknesses (which weakness is significantly less than the strength of my love, I know - for it is evidenced by my own love for you, my loveliest love) and recognizing also the weakness of other human being must be honor bound to vigorously resist against them in myself while having right recourse to law in my own community.

For one must never see two people in a relationship - only one - nor must any single person try to break those wedlock bonds which Almighty God Himself, in first principle truth, meant to be unbreakable.

I will devote an entire meditation on the single person as a follow up on the previous meditation we've had on the same topic as a supplementary work on our work regarding the rights of women.

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