Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Dear darlingest Mrrrowley Polley,

Good morning, my loveliest, cutsiest, purrrtiest, darling Miyang!

I've been busy thinking about our Miyangersjia among other things. And you know what? I've been watching "King of California" with Michael Douglas and Evan Rachel Wood kind of over and over lately because I have found that can relate with the story. It's like "The Big Lebowski" that I really like because no matter how many times I watch it, it never fails to cheer me up - even a little bit. But I lost my "Big Lebowski" DVD and have been searching all over the place and couldn't find one over here. And then when I decided to watch "King of California" for the second time, I began to feel like I could relate to it in much same way which is a good feeling, you know.

California and Miyangersjia

Anyway, at the end of the story, in Evan Rachel Wood's narration, she said that "California" was just a made up word that was supposed to represent a land full of wonder and gold.

Well, naturally, after hearing those words, my thoughts drifted to our "Miyangersjia" - which is also a made up word that we should like to say represents a city full of friendship and sunshine - just like you, my Miyang Marie - oh, I love you so much, if I really think about it, I'll go bananas.

Anyway, I wrote this piece for our Miyangersjia called, "Our Way East" but am not sure where to post it yet, my love, because I am planning on opening a new blog dedicated completely to our Miyangersjia. However, since I still have other things to work out about that blog, I shall post this work over here in our Planet Annelies for now, my darlingest dear.

Our Way East

It is not by what names you are called for we each have but one proper name - a name written in heaven - one human respect;

It is not by how you may sound for we shall speak with but one tongue - in a language born of truth - one divine freedom;

Never through darkness shall we learn to rightly understand the presence of the spirit of truth that lives inside of our souls -

For each our hearts live only for it's own truth and this longing inside of ourselves dwells not for the maddening dark of this long and empty night but for the ultimate realization of its own dreaming in God and in each other in God - one shared humanity.

It is how we shall distinguish ourselves from the darkness that we shall awaken together - as one absolute choice.

To walk towards the eastern gate of our returning to the hope of our Eden rebuilt - under the vigilant light of virtue and the eternal art of its grace - one just equality.

And upon this turning into the dawning of our peace, we shall begin to see each other as keeper and friend - one free and human community.

It is how we shall build together,
It is how we shall sow together,
It is how we shall labor together,
It is how we shall act rightly, kindly and fairly to each other,
learning to laugh and to smile together as one.

It is also how we shall grieve together and from the pain of other human hearts stir our own hearts back to the sacred memory of our hope - for abundant life and meaningful peace.

It is how we shall grow together and in our togetherness remember always how to advance the life and peace of our fair City forward through the days and the nights of exile time with but one lineage of hope embraced in the everlasting trust of our community - one eternal vision.

It is how we shall realize true friendships in our own days and how in the keeping true to each other in our own times, we shall live beyond our own shedding away to pass along our abiding hope of peace, across to all of our generations, moving from strength to strength into the one vision of our Eden in our hearts -

Unto the realization of this endeavor of human civilization - undertaken for God and common Country on behalf of all of the generations of life - at the gathering of all the nations of the one family of the nations of Mankind at the Last Day and the beginning of all things new.

Because all friendships true bears thee through -

This is our Way East and it shall lead us through to our fair City, to our Miyangersjia and to our Eden rebuilt.

(Of course, I shall still edit this before posting but I want to post it here with you for safe keeping for now, my loveliest love.)

Also, about corporal punishment - I remember a post I did about Justice and capital punishment where I stated that I believe in corporal punishment and I should like to clear that up a little bit more. To be sure, Justice while we can speak about it in terms absolute and eternal must also be made to adapt to the particulars of the situation in actual time. I've excerpted this about this particular issue from my last entry dated 20090628 -

Corporal Punishment

Also about corporal punishment - I do believe in corporal punishment - I call this WORK - you work it off and work it out - community service (working it off) as well as time served (working it out) - rehabilitative penology and restorative justice going hand in hand.

This does not mean we are going to be soft on crime though. But that we are going to make sure that we shall not be in peril of losing our own virtue when dealing with malice. For if we can not perceive between weakness and malice, the only justice that we can apply to shall be the justice of the jungle - brute force - which is not in line with our value of humanity.

We most certainly can not build a city this way - and the city we are aspiring to build is certainly intended in our hearts to be the greatest - not in comparison with any other city but to the vision that we keep in our own hearts. It shall be a city that is without compare - forever faithful to its founding hope and so it shall be, my love, because this work is good, and this season is good and we believe in the good for our LORD God alone is good.

I've also been working on our Economic Doctrine in the same entry dated above, particularly on Cooperative Development of our smallest businesses so we could make sure there is a clearly defined pathway for our Lord's poor out of poverty and into the middle class at least by the next generation. But that one needs more work, my loveliest love.

I love you.

Always to always,


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