Monday, July 13, 2009


Dear darlingest Mrrrowley,

Eugenio Vagni

Eugenio Vagni has finally been freed. That man has been through so much unnecessary pain and grief for the past six months or so which might lead him to question the worth of what he has done to help our Filipino nation and I want him to know that after all this evil has melted away from all our lives and our memories, what shall always be carried forward into our every present time shall be what good he has done for our Philippines. Good things are never forgotten neither by earth nor by heaven. For in the former, good culminates into every present reality and in the latter, good is the culminating vision of the will of Divine Providence in eternity. And evil, it sinks into oblivion. Evil only really is allowed to endure by the will of Divine Providence to stir all our hearts to a remembrance of the good.


How many more good people are held hostage against their will in the Philippines and around the world? In Somalia? High profile ones like Mr. Vagni's are well and good but we must also think about those ones whose plight does not get any mention in the news. What about Gilad Shalit? It will not be long again and we will have to think about working out solutions for him and all hostages like him between Israel and Palestine. But the people who are near and dear to them, have they ever stopped thinking about them? We must not forget that all human beings are connected to each other. Peace in the Middle East is vital to secure a meaningful peace for the rest of our world - let us not forget all those who have ears to hear me on this one. For if we do, war shall think to harm all of us - all our nations - to the extent that we shall allow it.

And if you who read these words of mine do not believe me, look at the state of the whole planet yourself, make your own observations and conclusions. Humanity has an obligation to the earth and a responsibility to each other as human beings.

It would be prudent now, in the calm before the storm, to think about how both sides of the one Middle East process can come to a common ground to secure an understanding that would ensure freedom for their hostages as well as maintain security for the requisite and abiding truths that work to restore the necessary peace in that troubled region in our Asia.

Much depends on our coming together as human beings and as human nations this time.

I love you, my Miyang Marie.

Always to always,


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