Sunday, July 12, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

I don't usually give tabloids over here much credibility. I do not believe in making the news anything more than just the facts.

I know you yourself, my loveliest love, has been - and still is - endowed with great journalistic sense. And I know too that you would agree with me on that.

Tabloid Sensationalism

Tabloid sensationalism takes the facts and dresses them up to the look of profit - to make them sell. But people read the news to be informed, my loveliest love, right? And so between making journalism a business first or a business of service, I am more inclined to choose the latter.

Representing the balance of these facts, my loveliest love, because we do not live in a one-dimensional world, is a different story. It is here where I believe that the real acumen of journalism is put to the test. Because the real world really is not impartial.

Good Journalism

Reality is never impartial. It is always partial to human judgment because let us not forget that Man is a co-creator with the will of Divine Providence and reality is a continuous creation.

Journalists themselves, my love, make these sort of judgments themselves whenever they decide what to report on or what to ignore. What exact needs are most immediate and what can be deferred - these choices themselves participate in the will of Divine Providence. How can reality be impartial?

One can really only be partial to either good or evil, light or darkness, peace or war - because reality only comes in two shades and those who are yet asleep, whose souls are not yet called to the quickening, sleep in shadow. But those who must awake must awaken to either one or choose to fall back into lukewarm gray. Too, Justice is partial to the good - where Justice is impartial is in persons.

Therefore, a real journalist, I would like to believe, would be partial to the good inasmuch as where there is evil in the world that must also be reported, it is being done so viewed from lenses that represent the good - that want to make the world into a better place and not just report on evil facts for the sake of reporting on evil facts. And that the good in the world to be represented, is being represented because it represents the world that we should all want to represent.

Journalists' Guild

How to do so is a hard question because the world is indeed, so full of human needs - therefore, if there were a guild of journalists - it would be one of those perennial questions that their council would be primarily tasked to interpret according to the changing needs of the good that is required of the service of journalism. Perhaps in fair Miyangersjia, my love, there would be this guild established for our own local papers. Who can be impartial, my love, when the world is so full of needs? To ignore these needs only cause more suffering.

Going back to tabloid sensationalism, my darlingest dear, I caught a glimpse of a headline that shouts about a war that is brewing between Christians and Muslims in Mindanao. What rubbish! The real product of all honorable religion is peace and this must be more so with the three great Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

It is this representation of the eternal good as a reflected good on earth that must always be the intention of all people of good will. We must be able to bring it out - together in God and Country - together for God and Country.

But the association of those words misconstrue the good so much that it does create an evil reality (which is really an un-reality) not because the will of Divine Providence wants to but because people ignore the will of the LORD. And those are the unmade choices harm us.

If we believe there is no heaven, very soon there shall also be no more earth - only a deep and maddening darkness that shall claim all lives and all nations. Division is not unity and it is only in unity that we can ever abide in a God Who is but one LORD alone. And this unity, for all of the nations of the one family of the nations of Mankind, must be a unity wrought by our native hope for it can neither be a unity wrought by war (a forced deception) nor a unity wrought by God (an eternal perfection) for the former is inhuman and the latter, divine. It is from the building up of our native hope established by faith in the will of Divine Providence that the peace of our nations is built up as the promise of the prosperity of peace help secure the blessings of heaven upon the needs of the communities of Mankind.

The functioning structure of the governance of the will of Divine Providence is an ascendant unity of wholes upon wholes - an interdependent community, seen as well as unseen. But if we shall continue - in the here and now - to place ourselves outside of this life giving structure, we will still find - after two thousand years - that there is nothing here to be had - for all nations of the one family of the nations of our Mankind - but war and where war is, there also shall soon be nothing.

In our unity is peace but this peace can only be had in the unity of the Truth. And so we all Here must, as one family of the nations of Mankind, without ever looking back, walk away Now from this midnight past. Here meaning we shall all be present to the presence of each other and Now meaning we shall all be present also to the Presence of the LORD - one God, one common Country - one Peace, one common destiny for all the nations of our one family of the nations of our Mankind.

War Between Christians and Muslims?

"War between Christians and Muslims" - is this really real and responsible reporting? That's really two oxymorons in one statement! I really wonder what would they report of next. This kind of a headline can never be so, my loveliest love, in our fair Miyangersjia - for we shall be a City of good sense.

I love you, my loveliest Miyang Marie.

Always to always,


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