Thursday, July 16, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

Good morning, my loveliest love! I believe it's going to be a really nice day today. Though it's only about 5:15AM and I haven't even glanced at the sky or seen the weather report, my darlingest, I do not need to do those things when I am already sure about the interior weather of my soul.

Weather with You*

I have many times pondered about that, you know, my love. How a day is seen depends on how we perceive to see the day. But not with our physical senses. In my own opinion, it is a state of soul for the goodness of a thing is an internal sense. Therefore, if one can remain within one's own sense of well-being from within, then no amount of bad external weather can really ruin one's day; a vital skill in the call center/customer service industry, if you ask me and I work in that industry, you know.

Now, it might sound overly simple but in reality it is easier said than done. One's own sense of concentration can get quite easily lost in the noise and the buffeting winds of everyday lower creation and so, in the vital business that we make of our everyday, it is supremely easy just to sink into one's animality than to rise above it.

But positivity is a skill and so like they say, "When you sow a thought, you reap an act. When you sow an act, you reap a habit. When you sow a habit, you reap a character. When you sow a character, you reap a destiny."

*Thank you, "Crowded House" - you rock!


Now, the soul of every man, woman and child knows better, my loveliest love. We all want to be more than ourselves at some level or age and to become our better selves absolutely. Because from deep down within, all human beings always desire truth. Even those of us who are mentally disabled, even the unborn, I believe, have a capacity to desire the truth. It is what makes us human. And to desire truth means that to some extent, in all our states and in all our ages, we human beings always recognize in and of our selves that we are human beings and not just animals or plants. For the human soul is cognizant of itself in and of itself. It is what makes human souls distinct from the souls of animals or plants. For our souls are created by God to be more like the angels.

This is why I oppose abortion at every stage - not because of what we can see but because of what we can not see in other people. Because often times, if not all of the time, in all of us human beings, what we can not see in each other is more real, more significant than what we can see. Our being human does not depend on our being any number of cells but in our reality as a whole. And we are each complete human beings from the moment God calls our souls into existence by our own proper names and this moment is at the moment of conception. Therefore, life - above all human life, always begins at conception.

I know abortion and other lesser issues related to it like contraception is a hot button issue in a lot of important Countries these days and I also see and understand that this is a very complex issue but let me say this about abortion: It is only as complex as we make it to be - Abortion is an issue that must be grounded on things that are absolute. Therefore, we can not be relativistic about things concerning truths as absolute as life and expect for our reality to become less and less troublesome.

Contraception and other lesser issues may afford us with some room for interpretation, like in the case of AIDS prevention, but with abortion there is none. The life of the mother and the child must both be protected and they must both agree to each others' choices to live. If a blind, mute and deaf man is about to walk off a cliff, would none of us here become his eyes, ears and voice. Society must also agree that both the life of the mother and the child must be protected and we all who are responsible to our shared humanity must agree to support their choices to live and to add to the life of our community - that we may all live up to our own vision of life more faithfully. Life can not be inimical to life. We can only work to better our methods to refine this truth absolutely within our own communities.

AIDS in Africa

Well, it's actually raining outside at the moment. But even a typhoon can not ruin my day today, my loveliest love. Let's talk a little bit about AIDS most especially in Africa. This is another issue that involves the Pro-Life camp of which I am naturally affiliated with, my loveliest love.

Combating the spread of HIV-AIDS in Africa, I personally believe, may sometimes require us to permit lesser evils in order that we may become strong enough to challenge the problem as a whole. Because to divide the Devil's house will most certainly weaken it and there are indeed times when the opportunity to do so will present itself to us. But we must always be careful to do this from grounds that are secure and familiar lest we ourselves fail to return our hearts to the original purposes (aligned with the creative ideal) we set out to accomplish. AIDS in Africa is so virulent and widespread that it behooves our humanity to employ all means available to arrest its spread and work from a perspective of damage control. But this can not be so with abortion.


My government is thinking about offering amnesty to the leadership of that group notorious for kidnapping teachers, farmers, citizens and humanitarian workers. In my own opinion, this is good because it opens up the political and diplomatic fronts to both sides of the one process and as a citizen of this Republic, I support it but only in the context of the wider, global peace effort. It must be a move from one conviction to another conviction - from an understanding of war to an understanding of peace.

Furthermore, I believe that (at a time, times and half-a-time) an amnesty (political) should be available to all persons not yet convicted of any crime who would like to make the transition to peace - truthfully, one time and one time only. But it can not be done lightly nor treated less seriously for the far reaching global consequences that they involve - for all our nations of our one family of the nations of Mankind.

Therefore, if any person should sincerely wish to draw the line with us (the nations of the one family of the nations of Mankind), then this amnesty is for them. But if any person should use this reaching out with trust to expose their malice, then the gulf that shall exist between us shall have become an eternal division. There shall be more material that shall be posted here on our Planet Annelies about our nations that will serve to shed more light on this in the coming weeks and months.

I just saw today's papers which said that that the amnesty that my government was considering was turned down. However, the particular amnesty that I am speaking of above still remains my conviction.

OK, it's raining heavily outside at the moment but you know, my loveliest love - today is the day the new Harry Potter movie is showing at our local cinemas and it's going to be great! Enough said - I shall report more on that later. I also have my contract signing for my new job later on this afternoon so I'm going to make a full day out of it. It's going to be so kewl!

I love you, you're my Mrrrowley Polley.

Always to always,


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