Thursday, August 27, 2009


I collected these thoughts a couple of days ago, my loveliest love:

Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,


Man was meant to be hungry (and/or thirsty), my darlingest. It seems so odd when I stop and think about it right now. But believe me when I say that far from turning a blind eye from the suffering of millions, what I am trying to say is good.

Man was meant to be hungry from within. For a food that only the LORD is able to provide. For if Man is able to shed even just a little of the hunger that makes him or her weak, then most certainly he or she shall be offered to eat from out of the hand of our God of those things that produce the kind of feeding that works to alleviate the suffering of many.

And so I like to be hungry this way, my loveliest love. Not because of me and only me, but because you and all of you.

[There are many kinds of hunger and indeed, this reality in Man has given rise to many myths much of them dark: vampires, ghouls and zombies, in my own Philippines, the aswang, but all these things are the stuff of human vanity (taken to their legendary extremes) and are therefore, not for cats, so to speak. For if in this world one is not in love with life, one is in love with vanity. And so, my darlingest dear, we must learn to tread these waters well the further down the eastward road we will go.]

For there are many kinds of hunger but only one true food that makes the hungry human heart glad. For me, my loveliest love, this is the food of friendships, the stuff of sharing and a taste of peace at last.

I love you.

Always to always,


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