Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Dear darlingest Miyang,


So much chatter today about the symmetrical positioning of the calendar numbers, 9/9/9, my loveliest love. And it would be a good thing if it were universally viewed to be a good thing but these things are never that way, it seems. Why? Because our experience of time is always more than its parts or the sum of its parts.

I'd like to avoid getting into deeper waters at this time, my loveliest love. Suffice to say, 9/9/9 - if today, it gives us a choice - then, let this leading lead us to experience for ourselves what is good, what is true and what is timeless, in ourselves and in other people like ourselves. That way, this day fades away not into oblivion but into eternity where we, if we are good and God-willing, endure in peace and good will with God and with each other, shall be able to re-live it forever at the prevailing of the purpose of the all of creation.

I still have other thoughts I'd like to put down with you here in our Planet Annelies but I am at an Internet cafe at this time and it's really noisy. I'll have to find some quiet time soon.

I love you.

Always to always,


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