Friday, September 4, 2009


Dear darlingest Miyang Marie,

Some Thoughts 20090904

I've thought of a greeting card line for Twilight Pawprints, my loveliest love - either "Kameowsta?" or "Kameowmeowsta?" I'm still developing this and some other ideas... I'm thinking of writing a script for a tele-nobela as well as inspired to work on some inspiring leads that I should like to express as poetry. Of course, I still owe you heaps of haikus, my Miyang.

You know, we are where our hearts are so the truth of our own particular belongings to each other and what words we use to describe them are always two different things. One is the truth, the other leads to the truth. If we are where are hearts are and we know we belong, cor ad cor loquitur, then even without words, we are. Just a thought, my loveliest love.

I love you.

Always to always,


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