Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

I'm so thankful, my darling. I did well during our second assessments at work and were given passing marks by the quality analyst who scored my mock customer call. I guess I'm still a little bit tired because it has not all sunk in yet. I know I'll be happier later on when I get more sleep /smile. I really hope and pray that our whole training class makes it - or what's left of us, that is.

Something Beautiful

You know, my loveliest love, that I always check for news about you filtering up and down, in and around the proverbial grapevine for not only am I jealous to defend your remembrance, as I should, I am also personally keen on finding out anything more about your own history here on earth. And yesterday, I am happy to report, I was rewarded by this totally new (in my eyes at least) photograph of you.

I once asked myself in the darkest days of my life how something so beautiful can only add to my despair, my Miyang. Looking at this picture of you and feeling your love dwelling together with mine in our heart of hearts together, I know now what you weren't meant to be in my life.

And I thank the LORD, our God, always for making me understand why.

I know I've got other things that I feel right now that I can not find the words to express, my darlingest, and I trust them all to be good. But I think I shall leave it off for now and just stay with this quiet feeling in my heart.

I love you.

Always to always,


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