Monday, September 7, 2009


Dear darlingest Miyang Marie,

Hello, my darling! I really don't have much today - I still have half of my laundry to do and some more sleep (hopefully) to catch up on before the beginning of another working week for me later on tonight. This week is when we (meaning me and my training class) are slotted to take our second assessments so understandably the tempo is going up a notch. I've learned a good deal during the last two weeks we've been taking in calls and am reasonably confident about it all. In contrast to my confidence levels during the first assessments, this is a great improvement.

I've managed to re-read and proofread a prior work of mine which I will now entrust here with you in our Planet Annelies, my loveliest love. This work is dated 20090720.


Our national sovereignty lies with the people. All of our geographical bounds, their resources and market potential, exist for the people. Our state, in all its levels, that represent our one Filipino nation in the democratic forums our one Republic undertaking of Country derive its authority to govern its peers through the will of Divine Providence from the mandate of the people. All of our endeavors of community, across all of our generations, that give life to our nation are undertaken by the people. The state itself ultimately is also of the people, deriving its particular belonging from the people. Our own sense of self identity is a common reality established by the memory of the hopes of our people, that lead us toward remembrance and the sanctification of our hopes in time.

Our nation is a vessel of sacred life which above all else is endowed by the Almighty God with a will of peace to shelter the generations of the people.

Therefore, time, territory, treasure - these things are negotiable items. They have the ability to renew themselves given time according to the needs of sacred life. But life, above all human life, is non-negotiable.

If we, as the Filipino people, in the service of our citizenship with each other, are ever to enter into battle, then let there be no other reason than this - because we are true to our commitments to our one nation; that we may, as a people together, fight to preserve and advance what promises we represent for each other and bring out what is best in ourselves as citizens of our one Republic peace.

For what else is a nation but our families, friends and dear ones, what else is our motion of Country but the will to shelter and provide for them - in peace and good will? What else are other nations made of but the same, what else is their will of Country but the same? And what hope have they entrusted to the care of each other apart from our own belongings to each other - but only the hope to live and to preserve their posterity?

The honor of our nations are not offended by disputes concerning the earth hereupon or the visible universe above or even the timeless void immediately beyond. These are things that test our understanding and if sought in the right spirit and with the necessary virtue, cultivate our potential for good and strengthen the familial bond between our nations.

Neither our national sovereignty nor our cultural integrity are ever that fragile. For what has been built by the actions of all human communities can not be undone for our nations are more than what we can see here on earth.

The honor of our nations are offended only by the lack of our sense of timeless remembrance of ourselves. For the heart of the children of Mankind stir only for this, unto remembrance. For it is only through remembrance and the sanctification of all human hopes in time that are we ever beckoned forward by the will of our Creator into the greater purposes of our LORD's glorious creation.

Much have been given to us, much also is expected of us to give and to provide for the needs of our own present time. War threatens to consume our hope but this is only so because we are not present to each other in the here and in the now - in God and Country, for God and Country.

For our hopes exist neither in the past nor in the future and if we leave this lineage unguarded in the here and now of the present by our refusal to accept the eternal memory of each other as our LORD intended us to be as human beings and as human nations together, the gravity of these times will sink ourselves and our communities deeper into the mire of false hopes unto tears and unto despair and we shall waste our all our lives and our generations in endless battles unto dissolution.

If there is division, bridge it not with the despair of war for this is exactly what war intends and the relief of two thousand years shall provide us with many validating examples of this. The calling of the times also press our hearts to yield to the common labor of this most favorable season for building. War has held our nations hostage for too long and for too much has the darkness ruled over our will - War is a lie - it never belonged here on our earth. It was never part of the original purposes for which our LORD established the realm of Mankind. And so however much we would like to plant the anchors of our hopes firmly in War, because virtue is not a native of the void of war but of the heaven of our LORD's golden eternity, it would only sink deeper and deeper into the nothingness. For War is just as empty of promise as it's defeated master, a tyrant and a murderer from the beginning.

Let us now build our world, O my friends, but with the hope of peace this time. If not for our present generations, for our Starshine and all of their generations of life.

Therefore, let us not cast our labors into the darkness for this darkness shall only wane behind us for we have but one path to take and we must take this path together as one family of nations. Let us allow ourselves to be swept away once again in the great all-embracing order of the all of creation. Upon our peace together in our hearts let us ascend and upon our understanding of each other in our world let us build upon belongings upon belongings unto unity and pull our inhabited earth away from all of this maddening darkness, eastward unto the gate of each our Eden's returning, eastward unto the one Peace of our Father Abraham, unto healing and strength for all our nations, unto shelter and prosperity for all our generations and respite for our failing world.

For no other reason does the noble military exist but to preserve the one family of the nations of Mankind. At the Last Day, our LORD Himself and His hosts will contend with War and the enemies of sacred life and all our crying together would come to an end. But until then, we shall observe the peace and turning away from war, build from our friendships the shape of this new age to come.

This will be our guidance.

There was another recent ferry incident over here in the Philippines, my loveliest love. That these incidents are more frequent than seldom are an indication to me of a particular state of things, you know. An understanding of the Guidance that I have laid down with you above when it is viewed in the relief of all of these indications create a sense of mission - something that we, as a Filipino nation must do - and I feel this with all of my heart. It is our will of Country.

I've also been looking at the UN Millennium Development Goals and have been working to relate it with our thinking on the Morality of Human Need.

I love you, my Anne.

Always to always,


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