Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

Knowledge, my love, born of the conviction of faith as truth in the heart (like dew that is distilled upon our soul) that our LORD God is one LORD must ultimately lead the heart of a believer to an understanding of the absolute victory of all good things, and this I know in my being - and in common with the other two Abrahamic traditions - because the God that I behold in my heart is but one God and one God alone.

Now, my Christian faith knows by sacred revelation of the one triune Perfection that this victory is a triumph that IS - for all time and into eternity - by way of love. It is because of love - and love properly expressed as one love - that all good things shall not only overcome, they shall prevail - and prevail forever.

For there is no greater thing that a Christian - of any and all denomination - can offer to the good as well as to the common of our shared humanity than this; that God is Love.

And the greatest expression of this Love is found in the person of our Lord Christ.

The salvation of the individual and the common destiny of our nations; these two are two quite distinct things that lead into each other - the former being an expression of the first part of the one greatest commandment to love the LORD with all spirit and with all truth and the latter being the second half of that one, same commandment which is to love others in God as true self - one love.

Now, the interior life of every Christian, I believe, lives and breathes by this ascendant motion in exile time and the spirituality of all honorable religions, most especially, our Abrahamic kindred in the grace of the faith, express their own particular recognition of this great commandment to love in their own tradition, as a common yearning of the human heart - to be able to express love, kindness and compassion and to be able to allow its fullest expression in and amongst our shared humanity.

Upon these meditations are the to be derived the principles of diaconal service of which truth, and the bearing and the sharing of its witness, I am building towards as the specific domain of the Company of Saint Lawrence the Deacon from within and among the First Magnitude Order of the Peace of Jesus Christ in our one Solidarity, my love.

For a permanent deacon must be sober in bearing, prudent and upright in action being proven in character in the face of God and of the nations of God; he must be able to hold steadfastly the image of the beauty of the bride of Christ, our Holy Mother Church, in his heart of hearts and strive to bring it forth with all his love as light into the darkness of our world; to serve all souls without distinction - most especially in the ministering of their temporal needs.

He must be made ready for Holy Orders, a readiness born of a sacred conviction that is to last forever and therefore, made ready by our Lord Christ for acceptance of this unmerited gift and not in, by and of himself - a sinner in need of so much saving and a wretch in need of so much healing.

Now, the ministering to the temporal needs of our shared humanity require a deeper meditation on the needful things that make us completely human or the morality of human need.

There are two aspects to the morality of human need: the positive and the negative aspect of which love and justice respectively are the two primary arms of the permanent diaconate.

The need to defend from hunger both require the recognition of the need to feed the hungry as well as the need to extinguish the unjust causes for hunger.

I shall devote further meditation on this topic - I have already established a system of common needs which shall benefit from being grounded in this morality.

Twilight Pawprints - this is an accounting or a business entity, that I envision and shall establish with kindred hearts - a media publishing limited liability company that supports a charity whose main mission is to combat false economies of any and all kinds - to work to alleviate the plight of our nameless poor by providing them with honest forms of livelihood and therefore, a place in the real economy of our nations and away from false economies that empower naught but evil and the evil in evil things.

I still have to work out a vision and a mission statement for this project, tenders, as well as a proper timeline for its launch. I already know how to start it off - its initial market niche, initial product concept and capital cost.

Arcs in the Sky shall in time also find its publishing genesis in Twilight Pawprints.

So much to do...

But I have to go for now, my love.

I love you.

Always to always,


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