Sunday, April 12, 2009


Dear darlingest Miyang,

Today is Easter Sunday 2009, my love and I kid you not, my darlingest dear, its the best Easter Sunday in my life by far.

I started this Lenten journey intending to make regular posts about the theme of the Lenten season but that did not happen. Instead, I did one posting on Human Suffering with the next related post following today, Easter day.

Because of this, over the past 40 days, I have accumulated a backlog of posts, the gist of which I have written here with you, my love. We still need to look over them and make them ready for posting on our main blog, my Miyang, and we shall be doing plenty of that over the coming days.

There is so much trouble in our world today, my love, which is why I refrain from immersing myself in the turbulent and often times murky waters of worldly events. I do not look, or should I say, I must not at news sources in the media more than what Providence dictates and what the love in my heart commands.

I am aware of the substance of these things and they have their real effects on me.

Because I am a thoughtful soul, my love, and a heart that likes to think, this is how God created me and a particular heart I am, the love in my longing is becoming alive to the suffering of other hearts, whether they suffer knowingly or unknowingly, alone or with others, near or far in places in our souls where neither time nor distance rule. You, my darlingest Annelies Marie, know of my heart for the concerns of your own heart and that of mine, I know, are of one and the same hope.

This world is far too small, the gossamer veil of time far too near, for our souls not to touch, my love, and too many souls are in despair, the everliving light in their being - meant to shine as stars alive to themselves - dimmed by so much of the prevailing darkness.

There is so much common human need in our world at present, my darlingest dear, and among this need exists so much hope, that amidst all of these troubles, I feel a sense of wonder; there is a profound thirst for good things and I know that our LORD has not forsaken us - water shall not destroy this world a second time - it shall cause it to be saved from the conflagration of War.

Some Thoughts, my love:

Arcs in the Sky - we shall encourage each of our precious Starshine, especially those affected by the curse of War, to make a record of their life's progress and this record shall be the province of their kindred grace of the First Magnitude, in the one Solidarity in particular, in all of blessed Christendom in general, and among all of our Abrahamic brethren and sisters as well as all the honorable religions of Mankind at large, whose responsibility it is to discern from their particular experiences, the hope that must remain the responsibility of our peace with each other.

It will be a diary much like your one, my darlingest dear, but one intended by grace of God as well as by deliberate force of our collective free will, to encapsulate for those hearts aware of other hearts, the many needs that go every day and every moment unreported, common needs that paint for our souls a portrait of the lives of those nameless promises whose own yearning for life we ignore at our own peril.

OK, I guess just that one thought in the singular form for today, my darlingest dear.

I love you.

Always to always,


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