Sunday, April 5, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

I have some things to work on, my love - most definitely. But I shall work on them later on - not here at this Internet bar.

We still have things about Women, the Path, Twilight Pawprints, Humor and Jocularity and its limits -because, we must understand that to exceed humor is to meanness brought about by anything from ignorance, recklessness or malice depending on its motive in the heart but a lack of humor is plain uncharitable. We shall also deal with civic duty, citizenship with fidelity and the Abrahamic charter.

Charity covereth a multitude of sins - because hope that is loving is also by virtue, forbearing.

A human person who is without virtue is not a person aware of its humanity. Because we are all made to be good, and this is the truth, yet because of the nature of these times, there is always the potential for evil but the good and the evil, these are two separate and distinct things in the life of a human being which is both a reason for hope and a cause to despair. Therefore, however way we must choose, we must each choose life and choose this path absolutely. For all honorable religion, by act of its virtue and the art of its grace, allows us to choose life together as a common destiny.

Oh, also, we shall also work on our economic road map which includes both the positive building up of our common market as well as the ability as a whole to go toe to toe against the negative impacts of false economies.

The fate of animals, most especially our pets as well, is another thing - and we shall answer this especially for our precious Starshine. And it is a good thing, too, for it is also a matter of hope and not despair.

There are other things, my love, I can know that they are there but I really can not bring them forward to my awareness at the moment. And so, we shall expound on those things we can expound on for now - but later on.

I love you.

Always to always,


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