Sunday, May 3, 2009


Dear darlingest Miyang Marie,

My darlingest, sometime ago, I have sensed a shift in the pattern of temptation in my heart. Sin and the allure of sin that once in the company of each other was to my heart a body of one is not limited to being that anymore.

As it will be part of my repentance to bring this understanding to light, I shall do so, my love.

For there is a great difference between temptation and suggestion and they do not always travel together. The former attempts to assault the line of our will and so therefore, is either repelled or successfully breaches into the threshold of our hearts, while the latter attempts to creeps into our reason to bring into our consideration, the lie that evil can ever become good and good evil and so therefore, only require that our reason be indifferent to its presence or for our understanding to become distracted by its deception - both of these weaken the resolve in our will to repel temptation when it arrives.

Temptation impels us to answer "yes" or "no" but suggestion require us to only say "maybe" and they never always travel together, suggestion may also arrive without the main body which is temptation.

My baptismal vows, my love, to reject Satan and his pomp is precisely to be able to consistently repel sin and to be able to correctly identify, challenge and rebuke the allure of sin, and it saddens me to no end to think how ignorant I am to the wiles of the Adversary, that I have had to offend my LORD to learn to love the things one ought to love most truly.

How profound it is that our LORD loves a sinner such as I and so I will close this avenue of sin in my life for Him. I can no longer be indifferent to the allure of sin in my life, my darlingest - you know that, nor must I tire in being able to forcefully and vigorously state the truth in my heart, that even without the trademark force of temptation, these things do not belong in myself.

For this subtle infiltration of unwanted, uncalled for thoughts, which at times seem tiny, tedious and numerous, that in no-wise belong to me work to gradually deteriorate the resolve in my will so that when the charge of temptation does arrive, there is not sufficient strength in me to be able to grasp the grace of our LORD God which always comes to the aid of those who are in need.

I have much other things to tell you, my love - human need, fundamental human relationships, human dignity and more on the allure of sin. But I have to take to the shelter of Holy Mass first with my Lord Christ and Holy Mother Church and thank God for every good thing He showers to all those who are of good will - and to pray for our nations, my love.

And to pray for the grace of a good confession.

I love you.

Always to always,


I love Holy Mass, my love - and this Sunday's one is a particularly good one. We shall devote more time on this in our hearts still unable to put into words the experience of this particular encounter with our Lord Christ.

On the three sources of temptation; the flesh, the world and the Devil - the allure of sin is always underwritten by the latter, in the language of hell, to make evil of things that never were meant for purposes other than the will of our LORD in all of creation.

Of the flesh, our own brokenness, the cause of temptation is the reality of our own humanity - to make us less and less human by our belief in things other than who we really are, and it does so by its seeking to distort those necessary truths that belong and pertain specifically to our being human, the reality of our own being, distinct from other creatures, being both body and soul and this including the brokenness of our own selves - our particular vulnerabilities, peculiarities and our littleness in the sweep of creation that give rise to our common human needs.

Common human needs that when ignored cause suffering. Common human needs that when left unrecognized inspire conflict and attract the spirit of war. Common human needs that when willfully exploited give rise to those systems of evil (structures of sin) that support those false economies that are a veritable bane to our nations, sapping the marrow from our every labor of Country, making it tasteless and hollow, and seemingly without hope.

There are nine common human needs: Hunger, Thirst, Clothing, Shelter, Security of Life and Property, Basic Literacy, Just Society, Authentic Freedom, and Meaningful Existence.

There is no such thing as a false relationship, my love. A relationship either exists or it does not exist. And verily, all human beings have in existence a fundamental relationship which is more real than the differences that for a time is allowed to rule against the peace of our nations.

We all draw the lineages of our generations from one parental descent and we all share in the heritage of our souls, a dignity that each and every human being is never without in the image and the likeness of our LORD God in ourselves, in the vision that our LORD sees in each of us which is the name that our Creator has drawn in heaven, our own true names which summoned us into being from the nothingness.

In my own Christianity, my love - the sacred humanity of my Lord Jesus Christ is the primary source of the truth of our human relationship in my Holy Mother Church and in each and every human person sanctified by the Incarnation of God, most especially in our Lord's Poor.

Therefore, the recognition of human dignity explicitly must raise into our awareness this rank and significance in each and every human person - as a direct rebuke to the allure of sin that seek to make objects of people.

Now, human dignity is a motion in time that is best apprehended in three parts: Divine Dignity, Common Responsibility and Eternal Destiny.

It is a divine dignity that inclines the heart of Man to seek to the truth and that which grants in our person a life that extends beyond the pale of this world.

It is a common responsibility that in our brokenness creates the necessary foundation of a truly human community.

The reality of our families, companies, societies, and our nations - that give succor, support and shelter to our individual brokenness - all draw their breath from this truth in the heart of Mankind.

The fundamental truth that exist between each and every human person across all our generations from the autumnal dusk of our faded Eden to the Last Day, is that we all are related and this relationship is our shared humanity. It is our belonging to each other as keeper and friend and something more real than the darkness that prevails as an evil for a time, more substantial than the emptiness of the world, and so much greater than all of our brokenness put together.

For the truth exists and evil can not prevail against it - our relationships together are real and where our nations seem far from the truth of its own calling, when the darkness of war seem to cause in our nations so much despair, something that our own sacred remembrances calls all of our Mankind to return into, in God and in Country.

Eternal destiny is the pursuit of happiness and the right of every soul. It is that which give each human hope its native wings so that the dreaming in Mankind may soon awake. It is the nobility that seek to become in each and every person; that which recognizes the need and the suffering and that which desire that all good things be fulfilled. It is that which seeks to make things whole again in all things so that all of life may prevail in peace.

All these three things comprise the common motion of human dignity in each and every human individual, and each and every human person is never without it from conception to death and across into God where it shall be perfected in eternity for those who sought in themselves, the reality of our being human.

Evil can not take the place of the good in things, for the purposes of the good only serves those purposes which advance the cause of good things, where evil exists, there is only evil and evil may only be allowed to prevail for a time.

Repentance is a turning away from the darkness. It is a shedding away of former things. It is a burying of the past. It is a return to the remembrance of good things that God may fill our hearts with light.

It is the first call that our Lord Christ issued forth in the Gospels and the first step back into the path of hope for every human person; that awakening change which fulfills in each ourselves the very promise of our lives. It is the calling of every human individual regardless of our differences for God calls whom God wills and there is no God but God, one, peerless and alone above all.

Of the world, my love, it is naught but emptiness and vanity. Temptations that rise from this source of temptation draw their cause from truths pertaining to human happiness.

The world is emptiness for verily, this place is not the destiny that our LORD promises all of our nations to inhabit and the heart of Mankind knows this implicitly.

Fast forward in exile time and science itself will confirm that ultimate end of all things in the visible universe entire. The happiness that humanity pursues extends beyond this emptiness and where the truth of this is misplaced, worldliness and worldly values that seem to imitate happiness but which are really fickle and false things, give rise to vanities that when they become an occupation in Man, hardens the heart, stops the flow of time in his soul, arrests the wings of his own hope and throws him into a prison of despair - a lie within a lie.

The flesh is brokenness and the world is emptiness, the Devil is darkness; a lurking that waits in those vast wilderness regions away from our belongings to each other, the uncertainty that the walls of our own hearts of faith, that City within our souls, stand guard against - so that if any of us moves away from these, we shall encounter the third and the strongest source of temptation.

Which is why the Good Shepherd who seeks the lost, leaves the ninety-nine to look for the one.

The more we allow for our human habitation to become a wilderness, an unknown earth, divided and conquered by the hordes of hell, the less and less brightly the light of human civilization, in each our nations, will be able to bring forth the building up of our earth - commanded by God - in each our endeavor of Country in exile time - into the inhabited earth which I saw in a vision as a crystal blue sphere, shining with a multitude of living light.

A vision that abruptly came to me while I was awake in the day and stayed with me even as I wondered how wondrous and beautiful beyond imagination it was that I thought I was seeing through the eyes of angels and then a thick darkness that it seemed for an instant that it was not there anymore but it was, only overrun and being so is no longer distinct from the nothingness.

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