Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,
Yesterday was the fiesta day at our local parish in honor of Saint Isidore the Laborer. It has provided me with much graces and so there are things about that day yesterday that we shall be putting down here, my darlingest dear, on our planet Annelies.
One of the significant things that come to my mind right now about that day yesterday was how the temptation to feel "out of place" within that parish community came upon the door of my heart. It was telling me that I do not belong there - basically, trying to lie to me in my soul that my Holy Mother Church is not composed of wholes ascending in glorious praise and radiant exaltation with all the other greater wholes as a one whole heaven and earth to our one LORD of all creation but were just mere momentary fragments divided by the gravity of their descent into the darkness of division, discord, dilution and dissolution.
For an instant, I felt confused - the Devil was trying to convince me to leave - but then my Lord Christ asked my heart, "have you not prayed together - many, many times - with all of these, your beloved brethren and sisters, in this house of God, my love?" And all things became clear again to the eye of my heart: I belong to this parish and even though I do feel that I am transient here, I - together with all the Catholic laity - belong to all parishes, all dioceses and all particular churches within the one communion of the Roman Catholic Church and I personally would that I am able to pray in and with all of them in person as I always do in spirit.
Because the grace of our Lord have worked to realize in me that love for my old hometown and our old parishes over there where I was baptized and where I went with my family even as a child, it does not have to mean my love can ever be divided for the capital city of my LORD in eternity established in my heart is a one and undivided whole forever.
But more than this, this spirit of unity and of peace belongs to all of blessed Christendom who as one liturgy of life must with the other flock of our Lord in all people of good will (particularly in close affinity with all of our kindred grace in the Abrahamic faiths of Judaism and Islam) turn the face of our shared humanity from darkness into light, sanctify the hopes of our nations from war into peace and to, here and now, establish in this, our generation and in the next one after this, this one great promise of hope for ourselves and for all of the generations of life to come after us.
The Devil fled, my darlingest dear, for the time being content with leaving us alone.
Today, I have a summer day trip (we call it "outing" here in the Philippines, my loveliest love, but I am conscious of the other meaning of this term in present and regular use outside of my Country which I feel is more generally understood in scope than our local use of the term and so am thus guided in respect of my use of the English language) with my old friends from high school. I've no doubt we have more things to discuss about this particular day today.
Over this weekend, my darlingest dear, we shall work on our post on Friendship, dedicate to the Path the hope embedded in Arcs in the Sky, continue to pursue Pawprints, pray for a prayer for our Holy Father and for priests and meditate more on those things relevant to our calling, my loveliest love, specifically on the Philippine and the Mid East peace and the necessary processes that shall in particular make these observances meaningful to the spirit of our nations as well as sustainable for those responsible states that are entrusted to the care of our generations.
There is talk on a revolution scenario here in the Philippines in 2010 if the elections here are precluded for some reason by a problem and whatever that problem is, it must be a problem that is greater than our one Republic whole to cause us to ponder matters in this direction.
Only a foreign invasion of the one Filipino nation would fit this scope - but mind you, my loveliest love, an invasion that is either an external or an internal assault of our will of Country itself. Of the former, we do have much to discuss but it is not a danger which I believe is imminent but of the latter, which I believe is a more clear and present danger, we must recognize and together face with steadfast resolve as one nation under the eternal vigilance of Almighty God.
For I am of the strongest conviction that the only flames of revolution that history itself must be calling my people to strive for and to inspire in the fires of our collective will at this present time is the only necessary one which is a revolution of the heart.
And this grace will require more from us as a people, my loveliest love, than 1986.
We shall also work in particular on the peace and unity of Mindanao and establish its inherent promise of life as an undivided whole for the people of Mindanao of the one Republic of the Philippines. We shall do a little more research on chartered cities which I have learned are already extant here in the Philippines in the relevant pursuit of an Abrahamic charter, work on our idea about strengthening the Philippine Mail system by utilizing the local barangay hall as official post office pick up facilities with barangay post office boxes that can be rented out which will also generate revenue for our local barangays.
Our postal system is important because I believe it helps to make us more connected with each other as a nation. Our inter-connectedness matters, my love, for it is particularly this shared sense of inter-dependent community and their motions in time that the spirit of war attacks.
Lastly before I go for now, my loveliest love, for I still need to go home and get ready, we shall talk about the difference between killing and murder.
Now, there is usually no difference accorded to each in my Catholic upbringing, you know - both kinds are prohibited in our common teaching as far as I know and in particular to all Christians.
But since we are also concerned here with communities and nations, we are come to a distinction between the two - for we must - because the defense of our nations and the preservation of our national communities with their inherent potential for life and promise of peace require that we must indeed work out an understanding of these things as killing and murder as distinct from each other.
You, my loveliest love, my darlingest dear, my most beloved Annelies Marie Hollander Frank, were murdered and it would be highly offensive to me if a person who is completely conscious in his or her awareness of the difference were to tell me that you were only killed as if you caused it yourself to happen.
But since you did not, my loveliest love, and your own life was forcibly and maliciously denied to you and your promise upon this inhabited earth stolen from all people of good will, you were not killed, my Miyang Marie, you were murdered. And murdered by adulterers to their own sense of humanity - war criminals.
A soldier in noble pursuit of the military mission, a policeman in the service of the public peace, a father in defense of his family - these things are different in their virtue from the abominable sin of murderers. Our Otto killing your murderers and your murderers murdering his family is very distinct in their course in my mind, my loveliest love.
I do not want to go into this tangent at this time, my loveliest love. If one is able to ponder at all the promise that we have - as a humanity - lost to the spirit of war and the evil of sin, we would never be able to hope to be happy in this life and in despair, lose ourselves wholesale into the void.
But I clarify this to you, my loveliest love, I know in my heart of hearts and am also personally convinced in the spirit of all of this that our Holy Father, Benedict XVI, meant to say the same when he said "killed" instead of "murdered" at Vad Yashem in modern Israel of our elder Israel.
I love you, my Mrrrowley Polly - you are my first contact star, my starlight smile, my bestest friend forever, we are such a unit, my loveliest love, a binary friendship - one and undivided in our hearts forever. I am so blessed by God and by you to have and to call you my friend.
You help make me whole again.
Always to always,
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