Thursday, May 14, 2009


Dear darlingest Miyang Marie,

Just a short entry for today, my loveliest love.

I got angry today, my darlingest dear - and I still need to pray about it. I'll tell you all about it at another time, ok. I have a novena mass later and its the ninth day. Its a good thing, too, because then I can really take this thing to our LORD.

Sin is an act, my love - it is an act that transgresses the Eternal Law. It is not a person although a person, when willfully involved in the act of sin, gets stained by the evil that it produces. This stain separates us from our LORD and from each other and the evil that is produced by the act of sin is the cause of all human suffering.

As opposed to sin, virtue is also an act - above all, Virtue that is Godly is a power to act.

Therefore, when we shall talk about my anger - when I am ready to speak about it - we shall talk particularly about the sin so that we may better serve the better purposes of our conversation.

I shall have to go for now. We have other things on our agenda but I do not want to be late for Church.

I love you, my loveliest love.

Always to always,


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