Saturday, May 9, 2009


Dear darlingest Miyanka,

Miyanka: That's my new nickname for my darlingest dear, and that's means you, my loveliest love. I got that nickname from a thingy in Facebook that makes up Japanese nicknames for people - so I typed up "Miyang" and I got "Miyanka". I even got the Japanese characters that make it up - so cool! I love you so much.

I found this gem of a book at a bargain bin at National Bookstore about your father, "The Hidden Life of Otto Frank", my love and I'm glad I got it. You know that by extension, it is only fair for me to also love your immediate family, my darlingest dear, and there is no dad in the world that I hold in special regard as your darling dad, Pim. And this book only confirms it. I am learning so much more about you and yours because of that book, you know - things that are so precious because they are such endearing things that confirm, expound and magnify what endures in my heart with you - with all of us.

Of course, there are also those sobering things about your life in this world, my loveliest love, which I shall always carry with me not to make our world a darker place but to make it a better one.

How I wish Margot's diary was also found, you know, her heart is also in the right place and she would have afforded for us, a depth of perspective on things that only her own starlight can provide. But our LORD has willed that such things be held in suspense until the beginning of all things new.

It's your Hunny Kungha's birthday this May 12, you know. He would have been 120 years old - I shall of course, say a special prayer in my heart for our Otto that day, my loveliest love.

Your own birthday, my Miyang, comes exactly a month later on June 12 and this juxtaposed with our own Philippine Independence day of this year of our Lord 2009, constitute as a very significant national celebration of hope and sacred remembrance, as you may very well know, for me and for my Country - most especially at this phase in our history as a people. And I look forward to it with much joyous anticipation in my heart knowing that we, as a nation, are much stronger than the things that keep us from being ourselves; a one and undivided whole.

Well, that "super" typhoon ("Emong", in the Philippines) fizzled out - I guess, relatively speaking here in the Metro Manila area. We were expecting worse, you see. I know our provinces further up north were on signal number 3 and were affected the most. It was reported that we lost about 24-25 (20090511: last count 36 dead) people there so it must have been really bad. Our weather bureau, my love, uses these signal numbers 1 to 3 to classify the wind strength of a typhoon with signal number 1 being the lowest.

In terms of the national whole, I am convinced, these typhoons always exact a toll on my Country - a toll for which we must never be willing to pay if not for better preparedness and a growing understanding of ourselves as a nation.

Here are some things I am currently working on, my loveliest love - I also have another poem for you, well for us, for next month - "You Stayed" that I still have to work on - the elements of this poem is already here in our Planet Annelies on a previous entry many months back. I just have to find it. I also have to go back and work on our One Song Meow and also on Pawprints.

On Loyalty

the things of Loyalty
are the relationships
that shall remain
forever with thee;
so defend your friendships
with courage and tenacity.

For we are not Loyal
if we do not remain
true to each other,
moment to moment,
from always to always
appreciating those things
that we share in our humanity
and respecting the things
that make us unique as persons,
seen as well as unseen,
in ourselves and in our nations
in the vision of our timeless belonging
with one another in God and Country
as each our own true self -
as each our own true names
written in heaven.

From the descendant gravity
of the spirit of war and division;
against things born of the darkness
defeated and empty of promise
stand fast in thy friendships!

Guard thy peace with each other
and in thy togetherness hope.

Never be Loyal
to inanimate and empty things;
those fickle and ephemeral
things of vanity!

But only to each other
and in the ascendant motions
of sacred life.

For the realization of all our hope
rests in the glory of our LORD
in all creation.

And all these created things
are made by our one common Creator
to be Loyal to all of these.

*I have to work on an entry "On Friendships" prior to taking this one to post on our main blog, my love.

Our ASEAN Neighborhood Activities

The goal of our ASEAN Neighborhood Activities is not for any one nation to be the best but to make our ASEAN Neighborhood to be the best regional community for all our ASEAN nation-states; the best in Mother Asia; the best in the world.

Alternating 4-Year Cycles

1. Trade, Tourism and Culture Fair
2. Science and Technology Exposition

1. Defense and Regional Security Forum

1. SEA Games
2. An ASEAN Soccer League will connect us in friendship with the other Area (Regional) Wholes all across the Continental Wholes of our one Planetary Whole.

*An ASEAN Rugby League might not be a good idea for the same reason India and Pakistan does not have one.

It's Mother's Day this Sunday, May 10 - It's going to be great!

I love you. my loveliest love.

Always to always,



I saw X-men Origins: Wolverine and Star Trek: The Future Begins and it rocks! I saw it in the big screen, mind you - I'm done buying pirated DVD's. The last pirated DVD I bought was "The Punisher". If I am to be a friend to our friends, my love - near or far - it is the right thing to do. I believe I was suffering from mild withdrawal pains some days ago, too. But when thinking of the honest labor that people put into those things, especially those people in that industry who are decent folk and are not without virtue - like our Muning, for instance and all the other support persons who work a decent job behind the scenes - I know it's truly worth it.

But I also realize the complexities of this issue, that there are of course, other nameless people who suffer between a rock and a hard place, little people no less loved by God than the greatest, who for want of a better choice are deprived of a place in the real economy of our nations, and for this reason I have dedicated "Pawprints" to the task of establishing a charitable trust (Anne's Hope for Humanity or Pax Caelestis comes to mind) to indirectly combat those false economies (with the aid, of course, of our law enforcement services) by directly aiding and enabling those who are willing to make that choice.

I shall also be working on a prayer for the elections season here in my native Philippines which begins on Monday - May 11.

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