Monday, May 4, 2009


Dear darlingest Miyang,

On the Swine Flu Outbreak

The swine flu outbreak, my loveliest love, is a pandemic.

Now, these kinds of evil which have a global scope, affecting our one planetary whole, is like the apocalyptic horseman - though it may not yet be The Horseman, Pestilence - they approach the line of our nations in much the same way, my love.

They charge at our final lines of defense, right to the very line of our will in order to break our resolve to stand together for better things and nobler ambitions above those things that divide and distract us.

And how does a line of infantry break the horseman's charge, my love - they must stand firm, we must stand firm together, shoulder to shoulder, as individual human beings and also as individual human nations of the one family of the nations of Mankind.

Because if we falter, we shall fail as the greatest whole that is available to our common human responsibility which is our one planetary whole can not obtain from us, the necessary regental presence of our shared humanity, unless the lesser wholes are aligned in their will and united in their understanding of the common good of all; a quite complex thing at times which unless we return to first principle truths seem impossible for naked reason unaided by the guiding light of faith to comprehend. Prayer indeed, must be our constant exercise and a ready shelter in times of confusion.

Having said that, let us pray for our nations - most especially for Mexico whose fault it is not that this evil should arise within their midst and in the sense of the higher wholes a burden that must be a burden shared by all our nations.

My Filipino compatriots, let us never forget our timeless links with the Americas, both North as well as South and the nations of that continental whole, who are each kindred to us in God and in Country.

And so let us say who have recourse to our Lady:

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.

It's getting to that time, my love - the election season here in my native Philippines shall soon begin in earnest. More than the leaders we shall elect in May next year, my darlingest dear, each person must know the value of the vote and the democratic processes that give foundation to our Republic society.

This will be the thrust of our formation this season. Because the transformation of our society lies not in our leadership, though our elected leadership have in their office a very significant responsibility to obtain for our people, but fundamentally in each of us and in ourselves as a free and enabled electorate - from we, the common citizenry from where all our leaders, past, present and future, draw both their sovereign and divine electoral mandate to govern their peers as well as their own true belongings in Country, all under the eternal vigilance of our Almighty God.

Let us not forget that we are a democratic society framed by a Republic state, change must come from the people and the rest shall follow.

We should implement a barangay library program to quench the knowledge needs of our youth as well as those who are youthful in heart.

Continuity must be a principle implemented in all our lines of executive leadership because an elected office is an Office - it is a meant to be a duty and not particular to just any one person but to a lineage of persons in exile time that serve to guide the motions of the will of each our own particular endeavors of Country unto the Last Day and the fulfillment of all human hope.

I love you, my loveliest love.

Always to always,


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