Monday, November 24, 2008


Dear darlingest Miyang,

You know, my love, another thing that I don't really talk about much with you is the ever present threat of financial ruin that vice presents. In my case, the drug addiction, if I think about it has cost me a lot of financial pain. You know, my darlingest, that my focus on the things of the heart takes greater significance over these things precisely because it is here where the root of the problem is found. To be able to stand up to the temptation here means that everywhere else in my life - including my financial health - will become better for it. But I do gripe right now, the financial impact, of the things I have done and these are real damages that I must face, my love. But you know, our good LORD has been good enough to hold me back from sin enough so that I don't fall headlong into an abyss from which I can no longer recover. The hope is always real with me that things ARE amenable to change for the better. This by itself is a blessing.

I love you, my darlingest.

Always to always,


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