Good morningest, my sweet darlingest Miyang.

I'm writing two letters today, my love. One for PNoy and one for the people of Hong Kong. Much of what I've written here with you as regards to the Quirino Grandstand Hostage Crisis were directed to my nation hitherto.
I'm putting these two letters down here, my Miyang, and then I am posting them on to my facebook account as well as to PNoy's and also to the We Pray For The Victims Of Quirino Grandstand Hostage Taking facebook account.
Letter to PNoy
Dear President Noy,
Peace be with you.
2009 ushered in a new season under heaven. It is a season of peace and the preservation of our nations. In particular, Mr. President, I am writing to you about our nation: This is our time.
I believe that the best Country in the world is one that works. And we are trying to make our Country better as best we can - together this time: Nation, State, and Common Market.
All good and worthwhile endeavors of Country is a labor of the generations. It is a work of peace and this peace is evidenced in the life and the prosperity of her people - her nation.
It takes time and sacrifice. You yourself know this, sir. And we've only just begun.
The recent hostage-taking incident at the Quirino Grandstand is very unfortunate. But if we are vigilant about the things we need to do to obtain from God what He is presenting to the eyes of our faith, in terms of bettering ourselves as a Country, I am quite convinced that this crisis may only serve to temper our hopes and deepen our commitment to both God and Country.
I am with you, sir - all the way.
I shall be in communication with you from now on. And I shall try to write us something about this on a weekly basis, Mr. President - for your own personal consideration as well as our encouragement (@ Citizenship with Fidelity).
Letter to the People of Hong Kong
To the people of Hong Kong,
Peace be upon you.
My people - the Filipino people - grieve with you. Know that I grieve with you. As a citizen of my nation, I hoped with your hopes, and prayed with your prayers during last Monday's hostage-taking incident. I trusted with my one Filipino nation and held our collective breath hoping for a favorable resolution to the crisis.
Of paramount personal concern to me and to most of my Filipino compatriots during the entire incident were the lives of your own compatriots.
As tourists, I appreciate what contribution they represent to our struggling economy; as guests, I appreciate what interest they have shown for my Country; as human beings, I appreciate what their presence have through their personal interactions with my own people contributed towards stimulating our culture by enriching our sense of diversity and shared civilization.
And I still appreciate all of this even now. They are to me as the Biblical strangers written in the Bible - those who God especially requires as being deserving of the special care and protection of my nation.
Thus, it was in this spirit that I held my breath with my nation and hoped with your hopes and prayed with your prayers and trusted - one to another - that the lives of those innocents would be spared.
And as things went awry, I was left with a loss for words. For I can neither stop believing out of sheer frustration in my own endeavor of Country nor condone the manifest criminality of what had just transpired before my eyes on live television.
I had to really struggle to obtain for myself intelligent answers to the questions that this incident had left for many of us to answer - in your nation, in mine and in many other nations. These are questions still that is yet to be satisfied with answers in the coming weeks and months - answers that both justice and humanity requires.
And so I appeal to each and every one of you. I humbly ask for your patience and understanding knowing that we - the Filipino people - are one with you in your grief and your quest for justice.
Let us allow our governments to conduct their investigations into the matter. But my appeal is to you, the people of Hong Kong.
There is a lot of blind anger out there. Justice is blind but not in this way. For justice must also require that we undertake to consciously preserve the good will that exists between our peoples. Let us not give evil another victory on this account and let patience be the rule over anger.
Let us think it through as I have thought (and am still thinking) it through. And then let us pray about our hopes together as I do.
I especially appeal for the safety and well-being of our long-suffering Filipino overseas workers in your own territory. Please understand that they too want a better Philippines for ourselves and our generations and are a vital part of our collective efforts toward national recovery. They are just as much victims of this tragedy as you and I.
Again, my deepest condolences go out to all of the families and friends of those innocents whose lives and promise were so abruptly taken from their midst and to those victims who have now been scarred for life, my peace and to all the people of Hong Kong, the peace of my own people - the Filipino people.
God be with us all.
There you go, my love.
Good Journalism

What is good journalism?
This is another topic that bears important relevance in the wake of this tragic incident, my love. I've tackled this with you before, my Miyang. I just need to take another look at our old writings and re-think them through before I re-write them here, my darlingest, with you.
It would indeed be good to put them down here so we could at least add our two cents worth to the necessary conversation about the matter.
But that's for later, my Anne.
For now, I just need to proofread and post these letters and then after lunch, I'm going to take a walk at the local mall with an old friend from work and perhaps go to the arcade, relax a little.
I love you so much.
"Pathwalker, there is no path. You must make the path as you walk."
- Antonio Machado (1875-1939)
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