Monday, August 9, 2010


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

Good morning, my darling purrrincess.

A Report on the Banality of Evil

I've just about finished A Report on the Banality of Evil by Hannah Arendt. And bless the LORD, my Miyang, for helping me to rediscover my love of reading.

It is, for me, a very good book to read. But my interest in the matter lies not in the disturbing nature of its particular discussion which is the attempted destruction of a people, my love, your Jewish people. My interest in the matter lies not in unveiling for myself the evil of those times alone.

The enormous evil that stood against you and millions like yourself, my Miyang, contains within itself a strength and a quality of temptation that sought those who are particularly vulnerable to its allure. And is a thing that still seeks.

But as I said before, my Anne, I took the time to read that book because of my interest in you and in innocents like yourself (Eva Beem, Rutka Laskier, etc.). For I am no longer fascinated by the evil in all evil things and the deceptive sense of hurt which binds those of us who are not aware of its cunning into those great and incessant cycles of pain and loss; I am no longer a child of the void.

Too, have I, by the grace of God, become aware of what is truly worth living, loving and fighting for in my little life. And I know I have become alive to these things, my love, not because I am - for what am I, my Anne? This is so because God is the LORD, my love, our God.

Because I am your friend, my darling, I have cause to be hurt by all of these. But because I am by Christ compelled to forgive, I am by God enabled to move forward - to let the past regret itself without me. But never without understanding, must one forget, my Anne, because they say that to forgive is to forget but the forgetting in our forgiving applies only to our hurt, it is by no means an excuse to remain comfortable in our ignorance. When I remember and I no longer remember the hurt, I have forgiven. But the lessons shall always remain.

And so I too, my darling, desire to render in my own heart, by the grace of God, the justice that is required. Because I love you. With the love of Christ, I will love you.

Indeed, there is evil in the world, my love. And so that this evil may be bound, the law exists. It exists because life is imperiled and serves no other cause than the cause of sacred life.

The first part of the law must deal with our human obligations to the LORD; that which binds us unto an eternal remembrance of our singular lineage; that which is first spiritual - sacred life. And that which proceeds from our eternal remembrance of the one Divine Truth is that which compels us unto a present remembrance of our common patrimony as nations; that which is peace - the peace that prospers (as opposed to the false peace offered by war).

Time exists for Man and this is so because Man exists for God. Hence, our returning to an Eden rebuilt as nations together this time (at a time, times and half-a-time) does not consist chiefly in any time spent in their years alone. If the intervening millennia have taught any of our nations anything at all it is that time itself is not a distance. For time is an account of the human heart. It is distant only to those of us with distant hearts. Time is neither a reason nor a season to forget.

However much evil there is that the LORD wills to confront us in any generation and at any age, as the one family of the nations of Mankind, it is in our timeless learning to reach out in freedom to the only other freedom that is continually reaching out to us in the midst of the darkness, the freedom of God, that shall avail for any of our nations the strength of each its sheltering peace.

Hence, individuals matter, my love. For the darkness exists but only as a contrast. If we forget this, we shall die to our remembrance of each other, past, present and future. If we allow this to happen, we shall consequently die to the eternal remembrance of the LORD.

For it is in the substance of our faith in God, that He is and that He is the LORD, one, peerless and eternal, that we are each continually led into the light and the realization of all human hopes in time - the very reason we exist as nations.

To bring further emphasis on the reality and the purpose of our nations which is to bless and to foster our human communities with each its sheltering peace, my love, we are now confronted by our collective sense of human history. The world is at a crisis - in more ways than one. Because the singular direction of the last 2000 years have only brought us deeper into a neglect of this basic fact and no more has this been more so in retrospect than in your own time, my love, my darlingest Annelies Marie.

And the human heart knows that if we continue on this course, into the deepening darkness, we shall only be met with greater catastrophe.

A crime against peace is a crime against this fundamental spirit of the order of our nations. It is therefore, only right to establish first an expression of what this order both accommodates and requires (as I have attempted to do so above) that one may then proceed to work to understand what the Nazi ideology labored to undo in order to subvert the very principle upon which rested the hopes of an entire nation; of how it worked to exploit the truth of the reality of those times to wage war against the peace of the nations of the earth, your nation, my Anne, included.

But let us move on to other things for now, my darling. It will not serve anyone well to dwell on these things and forget to live in the present. I am sure we shall revisit this in the coming weeks, but for now, I think I shall try to reconnect with some of my good friends in facebook and listen to some music while I'm at it.

I love you.

Always to always,


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