Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

Good morningest, my darlingest purrrincess!

Our Time

The best way to do justice to the past is to make peace with the present.

Now is the time to stop living on our problems and begin working together toward solutions. To be able to do this, we must be able to build on agreements.

So let us make the way of our hearts clear. Let us cast off the spirit of division and break the rule of war from within ourselves. For peace has to start somewhere. Let us make that choice while it is still a choice. (Refer to Salutation #4)

These are indeed, exciting times. The new horizons of hope that is being presented to the eyes of our hearts are real. And each of us can feel it in our being and perceive it in our souls. For we are of those generations called to peace. This is our time.

These times are unprecedented, my darling. And this is something worth being aware about: We must not fail in our vigilance. Because the gravity of the last 2000 years will try to pull us back into itself. We must not falter in our remembrance. Lest war again overtake us. To the regret of all.

There is no time when the stars in the sky become all the more clearer than the night. But let us not fail to also remember that we are not the light. We are the darkness called to the light. We must work together the works of peace. That the light may become our portion. So let us work together the works of peace. That God may bring our generations forth into the new morning; ever as those kindred nations walking in humility before the LORD.

I love you.

Always to always,


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