Monday, June 29, 2009


Dear darlingest Mrrrowley,

I have written below a letter to President Obama (I don't know why it double posted) cc to other world leaders about the gist of the message of this season and its promise of peace. I was going to post it directly on their contact sites but the letter is too large to be accommodated so I posted a note directed to the post on this blog of the entire message.

Sorry I haven't written for so long but I have been a little busy lately. I also missed out on posting last June 12 which is always a day of special importance to me. But I haven't been lying idle, too. I have posted only some of the things we - you and I - have been working on two days ago. Our Abrahamic City Charter is going along pretty well, my darlingest dear, and shall also soon be done. And there are other things as well, my love. I have heaps of past posts for our Planet Annelies which I have not been able to post over here on our blog for I have also been busy writing them but had no access to an Internet connection at the time. I shall be posting the highlights of those unpublished posts over the days.

Here's one of them dated 20090618 - its highlights are Faith and Optimism, Australia and Fairness, and about Preserving the National Good Will which I shall also publish in our one Majority blog


Dear darlingest Miyang,


On Faith and Optimism

I was speaking with some friends last night, my love, and we spoke about many things, indeed. Some of the main things we spoke about are some of those topics that are pertinent to my writing about the Philippines and our prospects for a better future - you know, my darlingest, call me an optimist but if one who claims to hold a firm conviction in the beneficent will of Divine Providence is ever an incurable pessimist or turns out to be a believer in every luck of the draw - then, that person, in my mind, is either a liar or a fool. Both ways I can never believe in a person who is like that, my love. The Founding Fathers of the American Republic also held a firm conviction in the will of Divine Providence and where were any of them nothing less than optimistic - even in the midst of that bitter winter at Valley Forge, never have I read or learned that the spirits of those men under General Washington broke nor did the General himself give in to any form of despair - it was there actually that the Baron von Steuben drilled into that army the foundations of military discipline that took them all the way to Yorktown. Neither were the actions of those American Fathers, in the midst of all things real, in any way or form, constitute as any kind of surrender to random things - they were deliberate as well as trusting upon the faith they have established shall forge for them a new Republic.

Therefore, I am an optimist and I believe in my own Republic undertaking and in my Filipino nation not because of any kind of whimsy or fickleness of mind, but because I choose to do so and have built this belief upon realities that are eternal and unyielding.

On Australia and Fairness

We also spoke about racism, my love, about the struggles of the African American community in America. And also about my own personal experiences of racism from my days abroad. Well, I do have one in Australia and none in the US and that one in Australia have been covered up a thousand times over by the mateship spirit of a thousand other fair dinkum Aussie blokes so much so that I do not even care to recall that one time when the .01% of the bad lot got a hold of my number. And it was not so bad because at the same time that that bloke was bad mouthing me in my car, there were other good folks who went out of their own cars to help me get that joker back into his car and away from my life.

Racism, in my own view, is any deviation of the reality that all men, women and children are common peers and beheld by a common Creator, upon Whose justice we derive our equality - of divine dignity and potential for good, by which at the rising of every moment, we are to each other absolutely equal in every way - the opposite sexes though complimentary by their particular functions and role responsibility in the family also derive their sense of equality in the same way.

Therefore, a racist can be any person who knowledgeably and willfully choose not to conform to justice of God upon Whose eternal reality is derived the equality of all human beings. This is not an action that is particular to any peoples of Mankind but is a tension that is universal to all nations. This universal tension between peoples and even between human beings is a tension of justice, and a reminder between all peoples and individuals to act accordingly and reach out to one another with a heart of understanding instead of striking against each other in fear and mistrust, judging without hope both our own ability to accept as well as the others capacity to receive with virtue and humanity, each other's truths.

While I do not tolerate racist acts, as regards to Australia, I personally know that that nation doesn't tolerate racist acts either - Fairness is something I have learned from there Down Under, it is the fair dikum common sense justice of the regular Aussie bloke - and upon this sense of fairness is built the substance of the Aussie slang for friend, "mate". And all the while I was there, I became personally aware of the significant substance of the word, "mate" as not just any kind of slang that you throw around the pub - it stands for something, fair dinkum.

As regards to our nations and their relationships with each other, the actions of just one rotten apple should never be a cause to spoil the good will between two perfectly good apple trees.

On Preserving the National Good Will

We should hold to an eternal sense of remembrance, the good that is done to us by the people of other nations and accord this and every good to the nation itself.

For the good as an absolute truth is truth that is applicable to our nations - each of which also have natures that are also as absolute as the absolute good.

And seek justice for the evils inflicted to our citizenry by the criminal will of individuals or individual groups, or by the belligerent will of rouge states but avoid attributing any of those same evils to any nation in particular.

For any evil being a particular deviation from greater and pre-existent forms of the good can never be attributed to the reality of our nations but may only be applied to the reality of those who willfully perpetrate harm upon common creation.

For in doing so, we preserve our own sense of national good will, as one nation distinct from among the one family of the nations of Mankind.

The good will that is exercised by nations are significant realities that are evidence of the fundamental relations that also exist between our nations. These fundamental relations are established both by those common needs that build into common interests and also by the Noahide Covenant.

Knowing now that the exercise of good will is an act that is proper to our nations, we may now build upon this truth.

And seek to preserve and advance our national good will as a step forward towards greater and greater realizations of the labor of building up of those fundamental relations between our nations into those kindred bonds that unify our nations into the one family of the nations of mankind.



That's it for now, my love.

I love you.

Always to always,


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