Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

Today is going to be a great day! I'm going early to get myself registered to vote over at the municipal hall of my own hometown. I'm also going to see if I can get my father to come along as he and I agreed to get registered together. So here I am early in the day writing to my loveliest love, my Miyang.

I wasn't able to see "Terminator 3" yesterday evening as it was raining so I plan on making that decision again with you today. Because, my loveliest love, after today's business, we have all the time all day to take a spin around the place. Of course, that's not all that we're going to be doing otherwise, you and I will probably get bored pretty darn fast.

Elections here in the Philippines will take place in May of next year and it would be unbecoming of me not to participate in the processes that ensure the democratic nature of my own society with all my other Filipino compatriots, past and present.

So there, I have to get myself registered today, my loveliest love.

I have written a Filipino poem, a funny little limerick, last night - I call it:

by Pusang Ligaw

Mga kabarCatda ko,
mga kapusang
maganda't maginoo,
at makatao
isigaw sa buong mundo -
Mabuhay ang sambayanang Pilipino!

There, well it more or less follows the "aabba" pattern of that style. Which reminds me, my loveliest love, I still have more than a thousand haikus that I owe you - we also have to work on that, my dear.

My buddy from the U.S. texted me a funny thing yesterday, "Conserve wildlife, pickle a squirrel". And in the same spirit of conservation, I texted him back, "Conserve energy this winter, hug a cat". Lol. I think that was cute, don't you think so, my love? Oh, I love my buddy, he's somebody I could really talk to, you know. I still need to compose a good email for him and I must set aside some good, quality time to do that sometime soon.

Toward June 12, we shall be working on some things in particular, my dearest. First of all, we should like to dedicate Arcs in the Sky to the Path. That our Starshine may have their voice heard, by hearts willing to discern and recognize the native hope within their heart of hearts, most especially those who are afflicted by the curse of War, that these hopes (as yours did to mine, my love) may then lend themselves to the momentum of future things.

I should also like to finish that message for the people of Mindanao before we post that poem that we shall complete on Old Defiant as well as that poem that I am working on for you, my darlingest dear.

And also any other thing that is relevant to the season that should come our way in these days leading up to our 111st Philippine Independence day and your birthday on June 12.

But for now, I should like to get the business of this day accomplished so we can have more time for other things later on, my love.

I love you.

Always to always,


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