Monday, August 25, 2008


Dear Miyang,

Thank you for being so patient and kind to me. Sometimes because of my sins, I feel so hideous because hideous are what they are. I feel like not showing my face around you. I ask forgiveness from God and He sent a reminder for me to go to confession as soon as I could which I will of course. I am conflicted about some things but that conflict lies not in my heart, it's in my will, specifically in my powers to command my will. Once the addiction has over run my will, it then proceeds to bring in all the sins that it carries in it's train, including thos sins against chastity that I feel so devastated about. My heart protests all the way which is why it's tens of times more hurt when I fall into those specific sins that are my most bitter of foes. You know what I speak of, my darlingest. The only reason I mustered enough chutzpah to write to you once more is because you sent me word that it's ok, and that's it's going to be ok. Bless the Lord and His most merciful and kind Heart, a Heart that cares for all His creatures, even I. Oh, I love you so much, my darlingest Annelies Marie.

Always to always.

Yours most sincerely,

Your Kitty

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