Tuesday, July 27, 2010
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A Report on the Banality of Evil,
SONA 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,
Hello, my darling purrrincess.
Preserving the National Good Will
The daily paper at the center reported on Thursday a certain incident of disrespect to the national anthem of the Republic of the Philippines, "Lupang Hinirang."
Apparently a few US soldiers failed to recognize in their own uniforms the universal dignity of all anthems, standards and symbols that represent any one particular endeavor of Country, something which all standing national military forces who are especially and legitimately entrusted by each their own nations with these timeless traditions should commonly recognize and universally respect above all. It was reported in that paper that they wilfully and conspicuously failed to stop in recognition of this while our anthem was being sung in ceremony.
My first instinct was one of sheer disdain. However, whether it was actual contempt for our anthem or an ignorance of what is common military tradition, it is supremely easy to categorize all US forces, past, present, and future, to be this way - arrogant - but is it the right thing to do, my Anne?
No it is not. Because we can not act in like manner.
First of all, it is not the ideal of the US military to be either ignorant or contemptuous of any such national standards nor is it in keeping with any of their finest traditions. Nor ours, my darling. It is not the business of any national military force to knowingly subscribe to those lineages that serve to defeat their very reason to exist.
The unbecoming actions of a few can not be allowed to undo the good will that exists between both our nations nor can these random actions be allowed to continue to dilute the hard-won spirit of the alliance that exists between our military forces; a timeless friendship forged in battle and blood.
Those who matter, my love, past, present, and future, are really and truly the only reasons we must each persevere in this friendship and good will in all our levels of Country. Because we can only really choose our friends.
Our 15th President, my darling, is a single person with about 92 million sons and daughters: The work of building a better Philippines is something we must all do together - the responsible state alone can not advance the cause of the Republic nor the nation alone govern and preserve itself without the responsible state nor the common market alone foster and become built without an effective partnership between the two.
So PNoy, God bless him, will be delivering his first SONA later this afternoon, my love. It is something I know that whole nation will not miss. I along with my mom and my step dad certainly won't.
More later, my Miyang...
Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! God bless us all.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Always to always,
"Hope says all good things are possible and faith believes it. Bitterness says its impossible and despair believes it."
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,
Good morning, my darling purrrincess.
I went to our local book sale yesterday and picked up a copy of the speech that Al Gore delivered in Oslo, Norway when he accepted the Nobel Peace prize back in December 2007. The title of that little booklet is "Our Purpose" and it's all about his life's work, my love, which in my own view is a work of peace. Well, I guess that's why he got the prize, my Miyang.
I can totally relate to all that Al is saying and more than that, there are some things that he said in that speech that affects me deeply. Because there are parallel experiences that I've had that seem to resonate from within myself when I read some of the passages from that speech. When he spoke about the two choices, my love, I instantly thought about our "Crystal Blue Sphere".
But we shall not expound on this for now, my darling. There will be a proper time for that. What I really want to put down here with you is this:
The Question -

An Act of Unity -
Also, I am revising the Rosary of Hope, my love, taking to fore all the things I've been able to learn thus far. Thank you, Mother Mary, I taught this prayer to my mom and she took it to her own heart.
This prayer, God of my Heart, is the prayer that is meant to be said with our Blessed Jacinta, our beloved Flower of Fatima, at the end of every meditation:
God of my Heart:
O my Jesus, zealous for souls,
thirsting for the love of Mankind!
Come, be Thou the God of my heart
and accomplish in me Thy will of peace.
O Mother of Suffering Humanity - a Prayer to our Mother, the Queen of all Nations.
Salutation to the Holy Angels - a Prayer to all our Angelic Friends.
Every miracle starts out small, with faith small as a mustard seed -
They say, my love, that the devil is in the details. That's because for us to effectively fortify the foundations of a better future, we can not underestimate the value of little things -
If we need to find where to begin analyzing the challenges of our day, as an endeavor of Country, we need to know and understand that of the four aspects of Country, we must always begin by building out from the least whole (the basic whole) - Political, the Barangay - Economic, the Philippine Peso - Social, the Filipino Family - Human, the True Self.
As for me, my recovery right now is the best contribution I can make towards achieving our one common end of a better Philippines. So this is what I shall do, my Miyang, with you.
So I'm heading back to the center today, my love, time again to be with my brothers. I'll be back again next week out here in the world.
Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! God bless us all.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
I love my Miyang. PERIOD.
Always to always,
Good morning, my darling purrrincess.
I went to our local book sale yesterday and picked up a copy of the speech that Al Gore delivered in Oslo, Norway when he accepted the Nobel Peace prize back in December 2007. The title of that little booklet is "Our Purpose" and it's all about his life's work, my love, which in my own view is a work of peace. Well, I guess that's why he got the prize, my Miyang.
I can totally relate to all that Al is saying and more than that, there are some things that he said in that speech that affects me deeply. Because there are parallel experiences that I've had that seem to resonate from within myself when I read some of the passages from that speech. When he spoke about the two choices, my love, I instantly thought about our "Crystal Blue Sphere".
But we shall not expound on this for now, my darling. There will be a proper time for that. What I really want to put down here with you is this:
The Question -

An Act of Unity -

This prayer, God of my Heart, is the prayer that is meant to be said with our Blessed Jacinta, our beloved Flower of Fatima, at the end of every meditation:
God of my Heart:
O my Jesus, zealous for souls,
thirsting for the love of Mankind!
Come, be Thou the God of my heart
and accomplish in me Thy will of peace.
O Mother of Suffering Humanity - a Prayer to our Mother, the Queen of all Nations.
Salutation to the Holy Angels - a Prayer to all our Angelic Friends.
Every miracle starts out small, with faith small as a mustard seed -
They say, my love, that the devil is in the details. That's because for us to effectively fortify the foundations of a better future, we can not underestimate the value of little things -
If we need to find where to begin analyzing the challenges of our day, as an endeavor of Country, we need to know and understand that of the four aspects of Country, we must always begin by building out from the least whole (the basic whole) - Political, the Barangay - Economic, the Philippine Peso - Social, the Filipino Family - Human, the True Self.
As for me, my recovery right now is the best contribution I can make towards achieving our one common end of a better Philippines. So this is what I shall do, my Miyang, with you.
So I'm heading back to the center today, my love, time again to be with my brothers. I'll be back again next week out here in the world.
Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! God bless us all.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
I love my Miyang. PERIOD.
Always to always,
Crystal Blue Sphere,
Our Purpose,
Rosary of Hope
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,
Hello, my darling dearest Miyang. Just some thoughts, my love -
It is the natural right of any citizen to represent the good will of his or her nation. This of course is only possible if the spirit of nationhood is alive and well in the soul of that particular individual.
Mabuhay, we must all remember, is a salutation of a nation, not of any individual. It belongs to all of us to become aware of this fact that we may each become firm in our remembrance of who we are as a nation distinct but not apart from the one family of the nations of Mankind.
To say, "mabuhay", my darlingest, is an appeal to this effect: It is an appeal that is made on our own behalf to that ever present spirit of remembrance that holds an eternal vigil over the peace of our one Republic of the Philippines or of any endeavor of Country worthy of its own particular lineages of hope.
Hence, what I should mean when I invoke "mabuhay" in all of my writings heretofore is to salute this self-cognizant sense of the nation within each of ourselves; to awaken within each of us, the citizen that sleeps that the dreaming may for all of us awake.
So when any Filipino citizen says, "mabuhay", he or she should know by a heart that understands with noble force of conviction who and what this honored and beloved salutation invokes in the person of the citizen within each ourselves.
I offer this meditation to our leadership most especially, all of our political, religious, economic, cultural, scientific, civil, and military authorities who most visibly represent for our own behalf, the good will of our one Filipino nation.
May it no longer be an empty greeting to be used for purposes ignorant of its own truth -
Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! God bless us all.
I love my Philippines. PERIOD.
Always to always,
Hello, my darling dearest Miyang. Just some thoughts, my love -
It is the natural right of any citizen to represent the good will of his or her nation. This of course is only possible if the spirit of nationhood is alive and well in the soul of that particular individual.
Mabuhay, we must all remember, is a salutation of a nation, not of any individual. It belongs to all of us to become aware of this fact that we may each become firm in our remembrance of who we are as a nation distinct but not apart from the one family of the nations of Mankind.
To say, "mabuhay", my darlingest, is an appeal to this effect: It is an appeal that is made on our own behalf to that ever present spirit of remembrance that holds an eternal vigil over the peace of our one Republic of the Philippines or of any endeavor of Country worthy of its own particular lineages of hope.
Hence, what I should mean when I invoke "mabuhay" in all of my writings heretofore is to salute this self-cognizant sense of the nation within each of ourselves; to awaken within each of us, the citizen that sleeps that the dreaming may for all of us awake.
So when any Filipino citizen says, "mabuhay", he or she should know by a heart that understands with noble force of conviction who and what this honored and beloved salutation invokes in the person of the citizen within each ourselves.
I offer this meditation to our leadership most especially, all of our political, religious, economic, cultural, scientific, civil, and military authorities who most visibly represent for our own behalf, the good will of our one Filipino nation.
May it no longer be an empty greeting to be used for purposes ignorant of its own truth -
Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! God bless us all.
I love my Philippines. PERIOD.
Always to always,
Monday, July 19, 2010
Dear darling Annelies Marie,
A lot of people say, "I support Israel."
A lot of people say, "I support Palestine."
Not a lot of people say, "I support the Middle East peace process."
Well, I do.
Why? Because, my darling Anne, I love both those nations.
It will not avail any of us to love just one when we are all in reality but one family of nations. For we are all but one undivided work of creation, seen and unseen, under but one Creator, peerless and eternal.
However, we must as individual human beings begin from each our own nations and live to be able to serve each other as citizens with fidelity within each our own present endeavors of Country - therefore, I am committed to the peace of the Philippines, my love - my Philippines. For in all truth I can not as a common citizen of all creation love any other nation without first learning to love my own.
And so I do, my love. Not for war but for peace; the peace that prospers.
The road to peace is not as much a linear path as it is like the numberless stars in the night sky, a shining out - together. It shall take one whole sky to lead us all out of this long night and into the promises of the new age; into that new dawning that await our generations.
By our turning into the light we turn away from the darkness. By our working the works of peace set before us we shall leave the persistent shadows of things past behind us forever.
So I bid us all Mabuhay, my love! God bless us all.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
I love my Miyang. PERIOD.
Always to always,
A lot of people say, "I support Israel."
A lot of people say, "I support Palestine."
Not a lot of people say, "I support the Middle East peace process."
Well, I do.
Why? Because, my darling Anne, I love both those nations.
It will not avail any of us to love just one when we are all in reality but one family of nations. For we are all but one undivided work of creation, seen and unseen, under but one Creator, peerless and eternal.
However, we must as individual human beings begin from each our own nations and live to be able to serve each other as citizens with fidelity within each our own present endeavors of Country - therefore, I am committed to the peace of the Philippines, my love - my Philippines. For in all truth I can not as a common citizen of all creation love any other nation without first learning to love my own.
And so I do, my love. Not for war but for peace; the peace that prospers.
The road to peace is not as much a linear path as it is like the numberless stars in the night sky, a shining out - together. It shall take one whole sky to lead us all out of this long night and into the promises of the new age; into that new dawning that await our generations.
By our turning into the light we turn away from the darkness. By our working the works of peace set before us we shall leave the persistent shadows of things past behind us forever.
So I bid us all Mabuhay, my love! God bless us all.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
I love my Miyang. PERIOD.
Always to always,
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,
Nothing much comes to mind at the moment, my Miyang. I just want to check in with you.
I've this cough for a couple of days now so I'm going to get myself a decongestant or a mucolytic or something over at the local drug store later on today. Then I'm going to take the rest of the day to relax. Tomorrow, my darling, I'm heading back to the DDB-EU TRC. I am on aftercare now so my schedule at the center is more or less fixed. And that's a good thing, my Anne.
I am encouraged by the results of the elections in this Country, my love. Each of our individual commitments to democracy has decisively and peacefully produced for our people the workable beginnings of a truly responsible state. I am also encouraged by the hope I feel in the people and the willingness and strength I have glimpsed at our leadership to embrace it as a sacred trust.
If we do not fail to continue to awaken to the truth of who we are as a nation, my love, then we may also trust that it can only get better from here. We will be who we have always been.
I am committed to the peace of the Philippines, my love. Not the false peace offered by war but the peace that prospers. This peace is something that we must as a people together gain from the one LORD of all heaven and earth; something completely apart from the waning paradigm of the last age. It is something we must work for as one nation. It shall be difficult, I promise you. But it shall no longer be a labor of tears.
For we shall do this together this time; one lineage of hope 7,107 islands strong.
Sometimes I am nearly overcome by the odds. But it is also during those times that I am roused by the truth in my awareness that there is really no such thing as luck for all things happen for a purpose. There is only grace and the will of God. And the will of the LORD is His peace upon all our nations and good will to all men and women of peace.
Hence, just like the rest of us I've work to do, my love. But I do not yet know how to begin...
So I shall leave it be for now and try to enjoy the rest of this day.
Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! God Bless us all.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
I love you and I love my Philippines. PERIOD.
From always to always,
Nothing much comes to mind at the moment, my Miyang. I just want to check in with you.
I've this cough for a couple of days now so I'm going to get myself a decongestant or a mucolytic or something over at the local drug store later on today. Then I'm going to take the rest of the day to relax. Tomorrow, my darling, I'm heading back to the DDB-EU TRC. I am on aftercare now so my schedule at the center is more or less fixed. And that's a good thing, my Anne.
I am encouraged by the results of the elections in this Country, my love. Each of our individual commitments to democracy has decisively and peacefully produced for our people the workable beginnings of a truly responsible state. I am also encouraged by the hope I feel in the people and the willingness and strength I have glimpsed at our leadership to embrace it as a sacred trust.
If we do not fail to continue to awaken to the truth of who we are as a nation, my love, then we may also trust that it can only get better from here. We will be who we have always been.
I am committed to the peace of the Philippines, my love. Not the false peace offered by war but the peace that prospers. This peace is something that we must as a people together gain from the one LORD of all heaven and earth; something completely apart from the waning paradigm of the last age. It is something we must work for as one nation. It shall be difficult, I promise you. But it shall no longer be a labor of tears.
For we shall do this together this time; one lineage of hope 7,107 islands strong.
Sometimes I am nearly overcome by the odds. But it is also during those times that I am roused by the truth in my awareness that there is really no such thing as luck for all things happen for a purpose. There is only grace and the will of God. And the will of the LORD is His peace upon all our nations and good will to all men and women of peace.
Hence, just like the rest of us I've work to do, my love. But I do not yet know how to begin...
So I shall leave it be for now and try to enjoy the rest of this day.
Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! God Bless us all.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
I love you and I love my Philippines. PERIOD.
From always to always,
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